The Oklahoma Leader. (Guthrie, Okla.), Vol. 12, No. 111, Ed. 1 Thursday, January 12, 1899 Page: 1 of 8

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The Eimtlve Hhoivi the Condition of the
Territory. — Warrant Indebtedness
Amount* to 9S48.S01.04, or One
Dollar Per Capita—Legislation
The message of Gov. C. M. Barnes to
the Fifth legislative assembly was
placed in the hands of both Rouses to*
day, and being read by him, was re-
ferred to appropriate committees. The
meaaage is quite lengthy, occupying
over fifty sheets of closely typewritten
The firat section calls the attention
of the legislature briefly to the accom-
panying reports of the several territo-
rial officers. He then refers to the
prosperous condition of the territory
and the whole country, which he at-
tributes to the national policy of pro
tection and a Republican national
administration; says the live stock
interests and crop prospects for the
coming year were never in as fine a
condition before at the present season
of the year.
The governor then proceeds to con
gratulate the legislators that they
have assembled under such bright and
happy auspices, and that they have no
conditions of calamity incident to hard
times to deal with, and may turn their
attention with pleasure and satisfac-
tion to a careful revision and modifica-
tion of the laws upon the. statute
books, and the enactment of new laws
such as the expanding interests of the
territory may seem to require.
The governor calls the attention of
the legislature to the financial condi-
tion and requirements of the territory
by referring it to the reports of the
auditor and treasurer lie says the
expenses of the territory have been
uniformly greater than the revenues
provided to mee', them, and that the
casual deficit occurring year after year
has resulted in an outstanding general
fund warrant indebtedness of 8253;-
752 74; that to ascertain the aggregate
of the outstanding wan ant indebted-
ness of the territory it is neces^ry to
add to the above amount th« deficit on
account of the library fund, the nor-
mal school fund and the deaf and
dumb school fund, and to estimate the
accrued interest upon al. outetandi g
warrants, whieh makes it quite likely
that it amounts to nearly $348.501.04.
to which he says should be added the
985,000 due the contractors for build-
ing the Northwt-atern no mal school
at Alva, making a grand total of the
debt of the territory $433,501.04.
He briefly calls attention to that
part of the auditor's report containing
the proceedings of the board of equal-
ization for the years 1897 and 1893, and
tells the legislature that a careful ref-
erence to the tables therein will enable
it to estimate and arrive at a definite
judgment as to the necessary appro-
priations for the ensuing two years.
He calls attention to the fact that
many of the counties have never paid
into the territorial treasury the fall
amount due from them, and the fact is
dlaclosed in the collection of these
moneys that there is no law by which
these county collectors can be com-
pelled to mnke final settlement with
the treasurer and auditor, and that
many counties are shown to be delin-
quent In large sums, and there is no
means of discovering whether the
collectors are retaining in their own
hands these moneys or whether they
have failed to collect them He de-
clares that the requirements of the
law in respect to a proper accounting
of these olticers are manifestly weak
and should be remedied; and they
should be compelled to make a final
settlement once a year. Lie d vote*,
considerable space to the revenue,
assessment and levy, and the equaliz
atlon of taxes, and asserts that taxes
In Oklahoma have been "no greater
than in any of the progressive states
about us," and broadly insists that the
territorial tax has been les* than any
western state or territory, and claims
that the tax rate has been materially
reduced in almost every county and
district in the past year,
He justifies the action of the territo
rial board ot equalization and says its
action has beenfmaliciously and wil-
fully ihirepresented for political
campaign purposes;" he com-
pletely justifies the tax raise of
86 per cent in Woods county, but says
that if the raise bad been promptly
extended on the tax books of that
county when the board made the raise
it would not have exceeded 37
cent. Declares that he is not wedded
to th • present system of levying and
collecting the revenues, and that if
the legislature can devise a better
system it sha 1 have his cordial appro
vai; but while he says this he proceeds
to argue against any change and cites
the fact that it has not only been on
our statute books for some years but
been te ted in the courts and sustain-
ed, and that a new system, whatever
it may be, would likely meet with the
same objection and be a source of
trouble. Recommends better compen-
sation for the assessors so that intelll
geut and competent men can be se-
cured to do the work.
He recommends that a more just law
be passed with reference to the taxa-
tion of property in the Indian reserva-
tions and that such property be taxed
only for the territorial tax and for
judicial purposes.
Compliments very highly Charles H.
Wilson for his able management of the
school land depertment, and dwells at
length upoa the necessity of a law de-
fining how and in what proportion the
money arising from tectlons 13 shall
be apportioned between certain educa-
tional institutions, recommends that
some action be tak> n with regard to
sections 13 and 33 in Greer county so
that the revenue derived from them
can be used and not be compelled to
lay Idle in the treasury.
Recommends that congress be asked
to reimburse the territory for lost
landB by donating to the territory
the 40,000 acres of land em
braced in camp Supply on the west for
eleemosynary purposes.
Recommends the creation of the of-
fice of commissioner of public lands
who shall be charged with the super-*
vision and leasing of all school and
public lands.
Calls attention to the requirements
of public institutions of learning and
makes recommendations
Merely calls attention to the fine
no mal school building at Alva, but
offers no suggestion as to its cost or
other circumstances connected with
the erection of the building.
Thinks the apportionment of the
public school money should be based
npon the daily average attendance and
uot upon district or county school cen-
Recommends a liberal provision
should be made for Langston Agricul-
tural and N >rmal university.
Suggests the creation of a board of
charities and corre tions
Asks the legislature to give its at-
tention to the silbj ct of a wider pro-
vision for the deaf, dumb and blind
ins itutions be created under the act
of 1897.
Manes a lengthy review of the Okla-
homa division of the world's exposition
at Omaha, the total cost of which was
$7,000, and recommends that ap-
prop iation be made to reimburse the
counti's and individuals who advanced
the means to the te'ritory to pay the
expenses of the territorial exhibit.
Refers to the cattle growing inter-
ests of the territory and make« rec-
ommendations and suggests the ap-
point ment of a territorial bo rd with
suituble compensation whose whole
time shall be given to their duties.
Refers encouragingly to the man-
agement and condition of the sanitar-
ium at Norman, where there are now
260 inmates at a cost of $200 each per
year to the territory.
Asks the legislature to make s^me
provision for youthful criminals and
incorrigibles, and urges its importance
at once.
The cost for the territory of trans-
portation and the keeping of the pris-
oners convicted and sent to the peni-
tentiary at La sing, Kansas, for the
the two \etrs ending June 30,1898,
amounted to $34,724 53, the bill for the
last six months not having yet been
sent to the g vernor.
Thinks the national guard ought to
be kept up but leaves the subject to
the wisdom of the legislature, with a
recommendation that if the organiza-
tion is continued provision should be
made for salary for the adjutant gen-
eral and to enable the guard to have
one encampment annually Thinks
that an app opriatlon of $2,000 should
be made for the, Roy Cashion monu
ment at Hennessey, a'so for the mak-
ing of a territorial banner with the
coat of art.As inscribed upon it.
Asks for an appropriation, not to
exceed $1,200, to pay the expenses in-
curred organizing and subsisting the
volunteers of troop D, Rough Riders,
and the Oklahoma battalion, for the
war with Spain.
He waxes sarcastic when he comes
to the election laws, and indulges in a
few expletives, and forgetting the fact
that the Republican legislature of
1895, of which he was the speaker of
the lower house, pass d a bill intended
by it to be discriminating and ostra-
cising in its operation, dips his pen
into his $15 Inkstand and declares that
the present election law should be
"repealed from start to finish:" that
it was the work of men who had not
the manhood to act openly and'^tamps
the makers as political cowards.
Thinks that, in view of the irreat in
crease of population, the question of a
reapportionment act might be a wise
and just me-sure; advises the repeal
of the public weighers' act, as there is
no eartnly use fdr such an officer, and
closes with the suggestion that the
criminal code needs amendment and
modification, but does not suggest in
what particular,
Both llongf* Listen to
Uovernor'8 Message.
st. paul
May be Lost as *he is Three
Days Overdue
Scripps-McRae League
New York, January 11—Up to 10;30
this morning the steamer St Paul,
wh<ch is already three days overdue,
had not yet been sighted. The delay
is unprecedented and it is feared she
may be lost.
Elected Speaker of tlie Third Houae Over
Orner'i Machine.
The members of the Third Bouse
met at the parlor-* of the Hotel Royal
this morning and elected officers.
The Daniels faction bitterly con
tested the Orner machine for the
speakership, and finally won out by a
soaking prayer from Rev. Chees-
borough. The officers are:
Speakei—A. N. Daniels. Canadian
Chief Clerk—Cal Orner, Logan
Sergeant-at-Arms—Ole Hansen, Lo
gan county.
Chaplain—Rev. Cheesborough, Noble
Chairman Committee of the Whole—
Col. McCoid, Logan county.
Chairman Committee on Finance—
Bill McCartney, Kingfisher county.
Chairman Committee on Railroads—
H. Overholzer, Oklahoma county.
Chairman Committee on Ways and
Means—Judge Scott, Kay county.
Chairman Committee < n Revenue—
W. H. French, Lincoln connty.
Chairman Committee on Public In
stitutions—John R. Clark, Payne
Chairman Committee on Peniten-
tiary— E. E. Howendobler, Noble
Chairman Committee on Free Silver
—Charlie Hunter, Garfield county.
Committee appointed on Bail and
Banquet—Will Little, Cleveland coun-
ty; Capta'n Taylor, Logan county.
After enjoying a sumptuous repast
the house adjourned until tomorrow
at 10 o'clock.
A Pretty
of shoes gives a pretty appearance
to the pretty feet of a pretty wo-
man. In designing our shoes the
comforts of the feet have cot been
lost sign t of, neither has the com
fort of the pocket book been ig-
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer In
McAlester, lannon City and Anthracite
• • •
Phone 6.
Office and lard 4?' Oklahoma Avenue.
The Best Seed* Absolutely Necessary.
We cannot too strongly and too of-
ten urge the supreme importance of
planting seeds that a^e perfectly pure
and fresh. Seeds that are ofle-ed at
cheap prices are almost invariably of
doubtful origin and uncer ain age,
sure to cause the planter disappoint"
ment and loss. The thoughtful plan-
ter's only suret lies in buying seeds
sent out by a trustworthy and con-
scientious house A vast number of
American gardners have (and nave had
for years) the utmost confidence in
seeds that b^ar the namo, D. M Ferry
& Co,, Detroit, Mich The present
genera ion of planters can hardiy re-
member the time when Ferry's Seed*
were not on sale everywhere each
year and as r gularly planted bj
thousands—with the greatest faith in
the integ ity of the firm that grew
them. Every pla ter, whether al-
ready a buyer of Ferry's seeds or not,
should send for Ferry's seed annual
far 1899. It is mailed free to anyone
who writes for it.
Member* of the Legislature Rapidly Get
ting In Nhape to Transact Hualne**
Drawing for Seata—Coniinentt on
the Message.
The Fifth assembly is rapidly get-
ting in shape foi the transaction of
This morning a joint session of the
conncil and house was held to hear the
reading of the governor's message.
Following the dissolution of the
session at noon, but lit'le work was
done by the seperate houses and early
adjournments were taken to digest
what the governor had set forth.
New Cassation Judge.
Scripps-McRae League.
Pails, January 11—Vicompte
Bauprey has been appointed president
of the civil section of the court of cas-
sation, vice Beaureport. An inter-
pellation on the subje it of the proc
ing in court will be introduced in the
chamber of d- putles Friday.
Beyinniny the Year.
With pure, rich and healthy blood,
which may be had by taking Ho d'a
Sarsapariila, jou will not need to 'ear
attacks of pneumonia, bronchitis, fev
er-, colds, or the grip. A few bottles
ol this great tonic and blood purifier,
taken now, witl be > our best" protec-
tion against spring humors, boils,
erupt ons, that tired feeling aud ser
ious illness, to which a we k and de-
bilitated system is especially liable in
the early spr ng Hood's Sarsapariiln
eradicates from the blood all scrofula
taints, tones and strengthens the
stamach. cures dyspepsia, rheumatism
catarrh and eyer> ailment caused or
promoted by impure or depleted blood.
Prepare for accidents and diseases
of'he new year. Buy a bottle of Dr.
Tichenor'e Antiseptic. Heals cuts
and burns quicker and with less suf-
ferinwthan anything. Turea colic, too,
In man or beast. SO cents by F. li
Lillie A ijo.
President McCredie rapped the coun-
cil to order at 10 o'clock this morning.
Prayer by Chaolain Nicholas.
The minuteB were being read by the
reading clerk when he was Interrupted
by a niot on to suspend the reading to
receive a message from the houae,
which informed the council that reso
lutions Nos. 1, 2 and 3 of that body,
which related to rules snd joint com
mittees, had been accepted. A recess
was then taken
When the council was called to order
Sergeant-at-Arms Smith announced
that i he supreme court was approach-
ing, and as they entered the members
aro e and received them standing as a
mark of respect.
Next the sergeant-at-arms announced
the approach of the house of repre-
sentatives to hold the joint session
previously agre. d upon to receive the
governor's message, who were likewise
received by the councillors standing.
President McCredie presided over the
joint session, and Chief Clerk Palmer
acted as secretary.
At 10:40 o'clock the sonorous voice
of Sergeant-at Arn;s Smith sound d
through the hall,'■ Mr. Prcsid. nt, the
overnor approaches."
A moment afterwards the governor,
bearing in his hand his message and
accompanied by several of the territo-
rial officers, entered the hall, who
were received as the others had been,
by the councilors st nding
President McCredie introduced the
governui, who at onee began the read
ing of hi message, wlii h was listened
t' with respectful attention. It occu
pied exactly one hour aud forty-two
minutes in delivery.
At' its conclusion, on motion, the
message was referred to the two houses
for disp Hal by their respective bodies
On motion the joint Bession was de*
clared dissolved, and an adjournment
was taken to the afternoon session.
It was not until 2:20 o'clock that the
president's gavel fell and the council
was called to order.
The reading clerk finished reading
the minutes of yesterday's p'oceed-
ings, which were interrupted in the
morning session by the joint session to
r ceive the governor's message Ardery
Should throw a little more volume into
his voice when r. adi. g for the edifica-
tion of the senators.
Alter a few corrections suggested by
senator Clarke were agreed to the
minutes were approved.
Senator Clarke then 'offered a reso
luti n, wnich was adopted, to draw for
scats by placing thirteen slips of paper
in a hat, with the names of the thir-
teen councillors, to be drawn out bv
one of the puges, and the firBt name
drawn out to nave fir t choice and so
on to the last.
A memorial from nersons residing in
the Indian reservations w ,s received,
complaining of the inju ticeof levying
and collecting municipa taxes in those
reservations and denying them repre-
A resolution in regard to sections 13
and 3J was read a o referred t- tne
committee on public la da.
Senator Hiddisou offered a resolu-
tion, which waN adopted, to appoint a
day and night watchnia to look after
the council chamber and be made re-
sponsible fo. the safet, of the hall aud
ts property,
morning session
After the usual form litieB of the
roll call audpriyer by chaplain Ran-
kin, of Edmond, a committee of three
was appointed to act with a like com-
mittee from the cou cil to inform the
govorno that the assembly was or-
ganized and ready for business.
Jones, of Oklahoma, wanted the
minutes of the Louse inscribed in a
journal and not kept in the ordinary
slipshod manner on (lips of paper
witb a rubber band atouud the pack-
age. s the wind or some other agency
might cause th. m to be loBtor altered
1 he spe ker informed the Oklahoma that the matter had been
discu-sed in caucus, that the clerk un-
derstood his business, and the mat-
ter would in all probab.lity be at-
tended to in a satisfactory u.aimer.
The co ncil notified the house of
the passage of ihe resolution call-
ing for a joint session'o listen to the
governor s message and further pro-
ceedings were suspended waiting for
tne council to finish the important
work of roll call and readii g of the
Some ten mmutrs later, on motion,
the hoiu-e proceeded In a body to the
council chamber, and it was after 12
o'clock before the reading of the mes-
sage was concluded.
Notice was given that the commit-
tees on mileage and rules would bo In
session at 2 o'clock and the house
adjourned until S o'clock tomorrow
Wm. R'ibbins and 0. C. flussclton,
of Perry, wers pleasant callers at tbia
office today.
To cora a cold In hour, take Valuable
rr MTl|>tlon No. *. Guaranteed OI nit !«*>.
Tlie K.,1. Drug Store,
Yells McCoy.Who Claims Re
feree Gave Him the
Worst of It.
Scripps-McRae League.
New York, January 11- Kid McCey
claims he got the worst of the decision
from referee Hurst, and that Sharkey
fouled him several times. He says he
can whip Sharkey and is willing to
fight again. He promises some impor-
tant developments before tomorrow.
Is Appointed Ambassador
England by the
Scripps-McRae League.
Washington, January 11—Choate's
name was sent to the senate this af-
ternoon as ambassador to England.
A silver half dollar will pay for
bottle of Dr. Tichenor's Antiseptic. If
after fair trial you are not satisfied
with vour investment, the proprietors
will refund your "half do lar. A clean
liquid, pleasant odor, snd as a dress-
ing for wounds, burns, nail punctures,
barbed wire cuts, etc.. it simply has
no equal. For sale by F, B Lillie 6
> Devise Meaua to Secure Favorable
A number of liquor dealers of the
territory met the local men yesterday
and elected the following officers :
President, Lee Herman, Ponca City.
Vice-President, Henry Wolfe, Okla-
homa City.
Secretary, Herman Luck, Lexing-
Five trustees were appointed, one
for each of the following towns, Per-
ry, Chandler, Ponca, Oklahoma Jity
aod Pawnee. After a general dis-
cussion a committee was selected to
wait upon the legislature for the pur-
pose of modifying the present law
which is detrimental to the dealers as
well as the public.
Among those present were, Charlie
Lissaur, Nathan Tuck, Press Stovall,
Judge Cease, attorney for the associa
tion, Lexington; John Richardson, Lee
Herman, Ponca; W Alexander, Fred
Sutton, Oklahoma City ; James Bryan,
Happy Hearts.
Probote Judge Foster today isssued
marriage licenses to the following
parties: Lee W. Todd and Nettie
Rhine, both of Welston; Walter 8. Ba-
ker and Oertie Griffith, of Standard;
Cltiud H. Dietrick, Jacksonville, Tex.,
and Eme Boggess, Wagoner, I. T.;
Charles D. Stout, Stillwater and Pearl
Veech, Orlando.
The judge said the words for Has-
kell Marshall and Laura E. Lowery,
of Gu hrie, which made them one hap-
PJ pair.
That Agglo Says Was Made Is
Mot Hood.
S ripps-McRae League.
Washington, January 11.-—Agoncilo,
emissry of Agulnaldo, is credited
with saying that each Americen con-
sul, Wildman, Wil iams and Pratt,,
promised the Filipinos absolute Inde-
pendence; that nearly 8,000 Filipinos
are in arms at Iloilo a'ld will not yield
without Aguinaldo's orders.
Death of the Hitter of J. 8. Route.
J S, Soule returned today from El-
dorado, Kansas, where he attended
the funeral yesterday of his sister,
Mrs. Mattie I. Shyerer, who died In
that place Saturday night at 8:30 p. m.
Deceased was a member of the Rath
bone Sisters an auxilllary of the K.
P's., who had charge of the funeral
services. The Leader extends its con-
dolence and sympathy to Mr. Soule.
Vifquain Decorated
by the Emperor of
Scripps-McRae League.
Washington, January 11.—The sen
ate committee on foreign relations this
morning unanimously decided to re-
commend the adoption of the treaty
of peace with Spain in its entirety,
Senators Clark, Daniels, Mills and
Turpie were absent.
Vice-President Hobart, having re>
covered from his attack of grip, pre
sided over the senate today
A bill was pas-ed to permit Colonel
Vifquain, of the 3rd Nebraska, (Bry
an's regiment) to receive from the
emperor of China the decoration of
the order of the "double dragon."
Bacon presented a resolution to the
effect that the United States has no
intention of annexing the Philippines,
and that the islands ought to be free
and independent.
Allen introduced a resolution to the
effect that any action of the army or
navy against the Filipinos would be
in violation of the power of the pre^i
dent. The resolution went over under
objection- Foraker then commenced
his speech on expansion, takinsr the
position that the United States has
the right to annex the Philippines
Begin the New Year right, buy
bottle of Dr. Tichenor's Antiseptic, to
use In case of an accident. Most won
derful healing compound known to
medical science. Only 6U cents by F.
B. Lillie & Co.
On Wheel Rons Down a Little Girl.
A young mao, supposed to be Bert
Chu ch, 22 years old, ran over little
Hazel Willis, e at of the Hotel Royal,
last evening with a bicycle, knocking
her down and leaving her bleeding.
Mrs Pugh saw the act and rushed out
to the assistance of the little girl. She
remarked to the fellow rushing away;
"You villain, you ought to be arrest-
ed." Hazel has a very sore head. The
boy went home, told his parente that
he had ran over a little girl and then
skippod to the country.
Dr. Tichenor's Antiseptic is guaran-
teed not to cure anything and every-
thing As a dress ng for wounds and
as a cure for colic, for man or beast,
it is O. K. und "don't yon forget it."
W. H. Merten is speaker pro tern,
A. H. Huston is president pro tem.
The house lobby we« well filled to-
The Guthrie Club will come out
even on the ball and banquet.
A score or more law makers were
entertained at Elk Rest last evening
Char ie White has placed a larg-*
clock in both houses, it is quite bn
F. S. Barde, of the Kansas City 8tar,
is deserving of thanks for seeing that
the press boys secured good locations.
Little George Billings, psge of the
house, is a hustler, and is the son of
illustrious sire. Some day he will
occupy the speaker's chair.
Little Dick Castle, of Enid, page of
the council, is a Republican this year.
He was elected at the last session to
the same position, but politically he
was a fti ion fellow.
Allen Norris, the Logan county
farmer who was selected as one of the
assistant sergeants of the council, is a
great debater and is well up on the
tax laws passed by our last legislature
He says it will take the entire time of
this session to unravel the wrongs of
the last session.
Harry Gilstrap, editor of the Chand
ler News, came in this morning. He
is having th" good things • ome to him
on a silver platter. He received the
county printing th's week and was
surprised to hear of his having been
selected as assistant chief clerk of the
council, as he was not an an applicant
for the position.
The passage way aod doors leading
to the Republican counci and house
caucu- rooms all day up to noon were
literally jammed by as motley a crowd
as one ever witnessed, about equally
divided between white and black, all
waiting to see wether there was sny
pie left for them, and all perfectly
willing to take any old thing that
would come their way.
Bill Allison, editor of the Chandler
Democrat but a full blooded Republi-
can, came over for th6 purpose of be-
ing a candidate for chief clerk of the
council, but stepped down in order to
streng hen the candidacy of Hugh
McCredie for pres dent. T his sur-
prise he was selected as assistant en-
rolling clerk and the boys are pressing
him to accept it.
The Republicans of the council and
house seem to hav a hard time satis-
fying the ambitions f th*ir friends,
and the chai men of the various com-
mittees and various members of the
same have not yet been selected and
will not before sometime next week
It is pretty safe to say, however, that
the fol'owing gentlemen of the coun-
cil will be the chairmen of the four
committee* ranging in importance as
their names appear: Hon. H. E Ha-
vens, wavs and means; Hon A. J. Bid
diS'n, judiciary; A. H. Huston and
Hon Frank A Hutto, chairmen of
the two next in c nsideration. Hon.
F, A. Winkler is also down for one of
of the important committees.
- Senator Makes
Flash ot Soiled Long
Scripps McRae League.
n*1"""' Mon., January 11—Senator
Whiteildes today exhibited to the leg-
islature 83U,000 which he claimed had
been (jiven him by John A. Welcome
to purchase votes for Wm. A. Clark
for United States senator. The lcgis-
lature directed the money to be turned
into the state treasury and passed a
resolution asking the district judge to
call a session of the grand iury to in-
vestigate. Clark's friends charge con-
spiracy and that the money was put
up by Daly In the Interest of the lat-
ter s candidacy.
red tape
To be Utilized Before Govern-
ors Can be Reimbursed
Scrippa-McKas League
Washington, January 11—The comp-
troller hae decided that he has no au-
thority io pay governors of states the
amount of indebtedness incurred by
them In equipping and recruiting vol-
unteer regiments It la neceSBary for
the governors to first pay the bills and
then present the receipts.
Memphis Train Robber
rives at Hanolleld.
Scripps-McRae League.
Mansfield, Mo., Jan. 11.—A special
from Kansos City arrived this morning
with .lack Kennedy, arresied for the
Memphis t'ain robbpry. Kennedy is
positively identified as one Wright,
one of the men named In the confes-
sion of Byron, one of t^e robbers.
Jennings, under arr«st, is Bill Ryan, a
former member of the James gang.
Christmas has come and gon« but
Dr. Tichenor's Antiseptic has < ome to
stay. It la the people's favorite med
icine. A clean, pleasant iquid that
heals wounds and burns like inaglj.
Entice Two Little Ulrlt From Their llomea
In tlila City.
Two little girls of thirteen years,
Misses McLain and Hays, were influ-
enced to leave home by some young
fellows and were gone two nighta.
The police and sheriff Jwere out all
night looking for the runaways and a
careful watch was made on West
Guthrie. The little girls came home
this morning and warrants are out for
the young fellows and if captured
they should be made to suffer.
We want all strangers to take home
something for the little folks from our
immense stock of toys, novelties, books,
etc. Prices cut one fourth for the
oocasionj Lillie & Co.
Hoard of Pharmacy Meets.
The territorial board of pharmacy is
in session with the following offi-
cers present: President, Charles Dow,
Pond Creek; secretary, F. B. Lillie;
treasurer, E E. Howendobler, Perry.
They have already examined twelve
can lda'es. The next board meeting
will be held in Oklahoma City in
Sewerage for OuthrU.
Albert Aber c mble, of Kansas City,
will make his report on the sewerage
proposition to the council tomorrow
night All citizens are invited to at-
The treatment for worms must be
prompt and safe WHITE'S CREAM
VERMIFUGE can be trusted tore*
store your child to health. It is a ton-
i as well as a worm de-troyer. Every
bottle guaranteed to bring worms. 25c.
F. B. Lillie & Co.
Berlin Denies It.
Scripps McRae League.
London. January 11—A Berlin dis*
patch denies the statement that Ger-
raony threatens to annex one of the
Tonga islands.
The Ottumwas male quartette com*
panv will appear in Guthrie under the
auspices of the Elks.
Of Pennsylvania, Appointed
Ambassador to Austria
Scripps McRae League.
Washington, January 11.—The pres-
ident sent the name of Charlemagne
Tower, of Pennsylvania, to the senate
today for confirmation as ambassador
to Austria Hungary, vice Hitchcock,
who is appointed secrets 'y of the inte-
rior. This is the first at lointment of
that rank to Austria. Addison C.
Harris, of Indiana, to be minister to
Austria Hungary, Tower promoted
Our little danghter hail Eczema from birth, i
The parts afflicted would become terribly in- I
llumcil.and water would ooze out like great
beads of perspiration, Anally this would dry
up and the skin would crack and peel off. She
suffered terribly. Had to put soft mittens on
ber hands to keep her f roin scratching. Two
ot our leading physiciaus did not help her.
After bathing her with Cuticura Soap, I
applied Cuticura (ointment)freely,and gare
her Cuticura Rksolvext regularly. 8L® «i -
proved at once and is now never troubled. The
eratementj I have made are absolutely true
aud not exaggerated in any way.
111% Weat Si ^j Squire, Sprlngfleld, 111.
SfKinTCi'tiTRiATiianTroB Evbit Blood AXDSbut
Hcmok, with Lom or liti>. — Wum bath* with t urr-
et'Soaf. gentle anointtnn with O tutha. pureeiof
•mnlUtnt■kin enrea,andtrI <1 doiaaaf CCTiCUaiHMO**
Y a JT, £teaieei of btood puriSera and humor mm.

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Niblack, Leslie G. The Oklahoma Leader. (Guthrie, Okla.), Vol. 12, No. 111, Ed. 1 Thursday, January 12, 1899, newspaper, January 12, 1899; Guthrie, Oklahoma. ( accessed April 24, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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