Norman Democrat--Topic. (Norman, Okla.), Vol. 16, No. 17, Ed. 1 Friday, November 23, 1906 Page: 4 of 4
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We are sole agents
tor GeleOrated Donate
Shoe lor Men aim Boys
:l N =
We are tlie exclusive
aijents m Norman tor
Renowned SelDy Shoe
tor Ladies. None better
The absolute success of our Free Gift Sale in Fine Clothing has proven to be one of the most agreeable supprises the inhabitants of Cleveland county have
experienced, for many years. Twas a surprise to many merchants when they realised what an enormus amount of up-to-date merchandise was sold by us
at such reasonably low prices and the Free Gift of every tenth suit. 'Twas an equal surprise to us indeed, when we realized what a great volume of business
had been transacted in this store since the great sale; to know that each and every customer received dollar for dollar for their purchase, and to know that
many, many homes were made glad by our free gifts of clothing. We thank you!
Odd lots in suits, overcoats and pants. Broken sizes men's and ladies' underwear. Odds and ends of ladies' and misses' cloaks. Remnants in piece g > >ds
in fact every short lot of merchandise will go in this sale, for less money than you have paid for them in years. In addition to these great clean-up prices, we
are going to Give Away Free, every tenth pair of shoes purchased from us during this sale. Winan's shoe stock is one of the best in southern Oklahoma. It
represents some of the best manufacturers in this country.
Be not Deceived. Come to our store. We will save you money and
give you free every tenth pair of shoes we sell.
Grey Cotton Blankets, 10 4 Size.
Good weight. Comes in three different
colored borders, with crochet edges.
About 14 Pairs Left. Our Clean Up
Sale Price 70c.
11-4 Grey Cotton Blankets Heavy
and closely woven. These are Kxtra
Size Blankets. Borders are assorted
colors. The edges are well Taped. Clean
Up Sale Price $1.20
114 Mixed Wool Blankets. Kxtra
Heavy weight. Clean fresh woven goods
in Sunlit Rooms. We have only 11 pairs
left, Clean up Sale Price $1
We have a few odd pairs of Fine
Lambs Wool Blankets. Colors are white
Red and Grey. Some are 114 others
12 4 size. Clean Up Sale Price, AT
Men's and Ladies
6 Dozen Mens Heavy ribbed under
shirt* comes in Delicate Pink Stripes.
Sizes are 36 and 40. They are 25c sell
rs Our Clean up Sale Price 16c
8 Dozen Infants, misses, and Boys,
Heavy Ribbed and fleeced undershirts.
They come in assorted sizes. Their
former Price was 25, .SO, and 35c. Clean
up Sale Price 15c.
10 Dozen Men's Extra Heavy, and
Full cut. Sanitary fleeced lined Under
shirts and Drawers. The best and Most
comfortable Garment offered for 50c.
Ladies Heavy ribbed Vest. Reg
ular Stock. Clean cut and full make.
We Give you all sizes in this Garment.
Glean up Sale Price 23.
Mens extra heavy ribbed, fleece
lined shirts and drawers, colors of cream
and tan, general run of sizes, regular 60t
sellers, clean-up sale price 50c
Men's Sweaters.
About 50 very heary Union sweaters
left over from our great slaughter sale,
will be included in this Great Clean Up
Sale at each 50c.
\ ery heavy all wool sweaters for
men, colors of red. navy and grey. Also
fancy stripes. They have always sold
for 51.50, This Sale >1 23.
About three dozen boy* Union
sweaters in solid and fancy colors. Sizes
from 12 to 18, full stocking in neck,
will go in this Sale at 47c.
Men's Heavy Jersey
In rounding up for tligreat -ale
we find about 27 very heavy Jersey
Jackets for men. Fleece-lined, closely
fitting, the vuy tiling for cold weather.
Price 60i
Bleached and Brown
One our of leaders during this -.lie,
will be a good quality, yard wide brown
domestic at per yard, 5c.
\ ard wide bleached domestic, wov-
en from clean yarn, round thread, a ten
cent value for 7'.c.
An extra heavy unbleached domes-
tic, full 36 inches wide, of the best wire
twist, in this grand clearing sale, T'. c.
36-inch bleached domestic, one of
the best hnown brands, which never
sells for less than 10c, in this sale ai
8 l-3c.
Ladies' and Misses' Cloaks
Ladies' Long Cravenette Coats $12.00 values, now $10.40.
Long Cravenette Coats $1.00 values, now $7.48.
Ladies' Short Jackets worth $12.00, cost price $4 98
Ladies' Short Jackets $3 00 values, now $1.48
Misses' Coats 10 to 14 years, $1.47.
Misses' Stylish Coats $5 00 vol tics, now >3.39
Misses' Coats, best values, cut from >2 50 to 51 98
Infants' Long Ktnbroideried Bedford Cloak- $1 87.
Infants' Long Bedford Cord Cloaks $1,50 values, now $1.19
Infants' Short Coats Angora trimmings 90c valncs, now 73c.
Very heavy fancy covered comforts,
well tacked, full size, assorted colors,
goes in this clean up sale at 85c.
About 30 beautiful silkoline cover-
ed comforts, tilled with good quality
clean cotton, well tacked, piped edges,
this sale at 1.23.
Very large and extra he aw cotton
comforts, lias fancy >:lkoline covers, till-
ed with odorless cotton. The value of
this domfort is 3.00, will go at 2.40.
Heavy cotton comforts, full 114
size' thoroughly stitched and finished
with best of cotton covering, their value
is 1 25. this sale 1.00
3G Furs For ladies, of good quality
46 inches long, Doublt Tipped I\nds
Well finished. The\ are well worth and
Sells for $1.25. Clean up Sale Price 98c.
Actual Necessities that
Make Life Happy
2 papers of pins
Talcum Powder
Large Pencil Tablets
Very large Pen Tablets
Box of Assorted Hair
10c Curling Irons
Package of A air Pins
Ornamental back
and side Combs
Ladies hemstitch*
Ladies hemstitch*.
d kerchiefs, 2 for
1 himhies. 2 foi
Stick Pins
Shirtwaist Sets
Fine t oth Comb*-
Men's and Boys' Clothing
After the unparalleled success of our Great Slaugh-
ter Sale in Clothing last week we find we fcave on hand
many lots with only two and three suits of a kind; odd
pants in special sizes; overcorts in broken numbers. We
will offer them during this Great Clean-up Sale at great
sacrificing prices.
Remember Every Tenth Pair of Shoes we Sell
will be Given Absolutely Free
Special No. i.
* Silks
About 200J yards of best qualitv
silks. These come in short lengths of
3 to 12 yards. The material is of peatt
de soie taffeta, lurrah and fancy shirt
waist silks, these have been placed on
our counters in one grand lot and will
1* closed out at actual manufacturer's
Special No. 2.
6c Calicoes at 5c.
3000 yards of best standard calicoes
including such brands as Win. Simpson,
American Greys, American Blues and
Garners, Full length pieces. Buy what
you want at j>er yard 5c.
Special No. 3.
Piece Goods Remnants
We have gone through the entire
piece goods sto< k and have culled out
every short length in calicoes, domestics
These will go in the grand clean up sale
at just half price.
Special No. 4.
Ladies' Hats
In our Millinery Department we
have about 40 ladies and misses' hats; to
reduce the stock in this department we
haue divieed them into three special lots
Their former prices was from 1.25 to
3.75, clean-up sale price, 1.00, 49c, 25c.
Special No. 5.
Linen Towels
Fancy bordered linen towels with
fringe, 15c values, now 10.
Hamfsome all linen towel--, 40x20.
selling price 25c, now 14c.
10 doz extra large lutck towels,
45x21, excellent Ii5c value-, now cut to
l c.
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Norman Democrat--Topic. (Norman, Okla.), Vol. 16, No. 17, Ed. 1 Friday, November 23, 1906, newspaper, November 23, 1906; Norman, Oklahoma. ( accessed September 16, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.