Norman Democrat--Topic. (Norman, Okla.), Vol. 16, No. 30, Ed. 1 Friday, February 16, 1906 Page: 6 of 8
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How a Chicago Woman Found Help Georgetown Man's Verdict Showed
When Hope Was Fact Fading
Mrs. E. T. Gould, 914 W. Lake
Street, Chiengo, 111.. Fays: "Doan's
Kidney Pills are all that saved ino
from death of Bright';- Di • isc. that
know. I had
eye trouble, hack-
ache, catches
wnen lying abed
or when bending
over, was languid
'and often dizzy
and had sick
^ headaches and
bearing down
pains. The kid-
in • y secrotlonE
were to eoplo'is
and frequent, and very bad in appear-
ance. It was iu 1903 that Doan's Kid-
ney Pills helped me so quickly and puffing along as I;
cured me of those troubles and I've
been well ever since."
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N Y.
No matter Mow she arts, you never
huit a girl's 1*'< ling.; by ;ii -Mng out
for It thit you couldn't help kissing
Great Penetration.
A party of well-known <! : •< own
nen for many years made annual
rips to the "Devil's Den," a wild and
rugged locality In Boxford, for the
uirpe: e of picking red 's
which grew In great profusion in that
loneaime loea'Ity.
On one of these visits t!:e party
consisted <>f ShrrifT Ne'son, "Squire"
Tenncy, Ed Jewel t and Tr'stam
Drown, the ht'< r being obliged by
lameno s to wall; with a crutch an'
cane. During the aft rnooa "Siuire"
Tenncy discovered among the bushes
the remi
y been dead
ice raised an
• as fast as r>
they stood s
man wl.o had cvi
s \e:al mont'.'H. He
(bum. and all hands
wing their
D. Drown came
s his crutch and
would permit I'pon his first
view of the remains he exclaimed:
"Well, it ain't no use to try to bring
him to." Boston Herald.
Then Custom Quickly Spread to
Women of Fashion.
The custom of powdering the hair
dates back as far as the sixteenth
century and was first introduced by
the nuns in French convents. Those
who had occasion to leave the clois-
ters for any reason were wont to
powder their hair so as to make it ap-
pear gray and give them a venerable
look. The fashionable dames were
ho struck with the novel effect of
white powder on dark hair that they
soon appropriated the device as one
of the arts of the worldly toilet. Out
of this grew the use of tints in the
hair. The Roman women often used
blue powder, and later, in 18C0, Em-
press Eugenie set the fashion of using
gold powder. Home under the empire
and Greece during the time of Per-
icles were seized with a mania for
golden hair. The belles and fops of
the day devised several methods
whereby black locks might be
changed to golden yellow, but bleach-
ing did not always succeed. C'onse-
an™ can be cured
Dr. Williams* Pink Pills Make Now
Blood and Strike Straight at tho
Root of Disease.
Struggle of the Race to Get Away lames McCarthy Located in Little
from Poverty. Rock After Sixteen Years
The struggle to get away from pov- OKLAHOMA CITY: Oklahoma au-
Annemia is just the doctor's name for crty has been a great man-developer. ' horlties have arrested James Mc-
bloodlessnoss. Dr. Williams' Pink Fills Had every human being been born
actually make new blood. They euro with a silver spoon In his mouth—had
aniemia just ns food cures hunger. They there been no necessity put upon him
cured Mrs. Thos. J. MrGatin, of 17 to work—the race would still be In
Lincoln Place, Plainfleld, Is'J , and tiiey | jts infancy. Civilization owes more
en 11 do : s mueli for any otlu r pale, weak, to the perpetual struggle of man to
ailing, bloodless person. get away from poverty than to any-
•• In the spring of 190-1 T did my tisnnl thing else. It is not poverty itself,
liouso cleaning," says Mis. MeUami, but t]lG effort l0 get away from lt#
that makes the man. We are so con-
'and soon nfterwnrd I begun t" have tin
most terrible headaches. My heart .
w.mlrl 1 at M> inv-ula. lv II,at it was stjtute<1 ,,iat m:"<e greatest
painful and there ciime a morning when efforts and do our best \v< while
I could not get. up. My doctor said I had struggling to attain that winch the
aiia'iniaand be was surprised thai I had heart longs for. Power is the result
continued to live ill theeoiidit n ii I wiif tf force overcome. The giant is made
in. I was con fined to niy bed for nearly slrong jn wrestling with difficulties.
iwn imMithx, ; me I'Vci'V lt ia |mi,osslbIo ,or one who does not
day for the first few weeks, but I did . . *\ . , ,
Lot improve to anvi hinff. Ilavt' to and to fight obstacles
"Alt'.Wlli.T 1 wns m.-Ii f .1- nearly two «<• develop fiber or stamina. "To live
years. 1 was as wejik ns a rag, bad without trial is to die but half a man.
headaches, irregular heart beats, loss of —Success.
appetite, cramps in the 1 inil
unable to get u good liigh
nl wns
2arty, better known to early settlers
laro H8 1 ltcd," for the murder ot
Samuel McPh rson in August, 1890.
McCarty was arrested and later in-
licted by a gram! jury. lie wis re-
eased f'oni custody by furnishing a
■jond in the sum of 15,000. When the
cinio came for trial McCarty ha i lett
the country. When the Sax anfl Fox
country was opened to settlement
some of the boomers found a dead
oody In a canyon near the line of the
Kickaboo reservation in the Sac and
Fox country. Two men 1-entitled
this as Mccarty's body, and as a re-
sult the men who had signed his
bond were released from further re-
To all Intents and purposes Mc-
Cartv remained dead (to Oklahoma) Originator of the Tin Foil Smoker Pack-
mtir a few weeks ago, when Sam — who lias made Lewis
FRANK P. LEWIS, Peoria, 111.
quently quite a trade was established h^s and feet were so swollen that J
with the fair-haired tribes beyond tho feared they would burst.
1 One day, while I was wondering how
age. The man who has made i
Single Binder Straight 5c Cigar famous
"t smokers throughout the West.
Eruption Broke Cut in Spots AH Over
Dody—Cured at Expense of Only
$1.25—Thanks Cuticura.
The Cuticura Remedies cured me of
my skin disease, und I am very thank-
ful to you. My trouble was eruption
of the skin, which broke out in spots
all over my body, and caused a con-
tinual itching which nearly drove me
wild at times. 1 got medicine of a
doctor, but It did not cure nie, and
when I saw in a paper your ad, I sent
to you for the Cuticura book and 1
studied my case in it 1 then went
to the drug store and bought one cake
of Cuticura Foap, one box of Cuticura
Ointment and one vial of Cuticura
PiHs. From the first application I re-
ceived relief. 1 used the first set and
two extra cakes of Cuticura Soap, and
was completely cured. I had suffered
for two years, and I again thank Cuti-
cura for my cure. Claude N. John-
son. Maple Grove Farm, It F. D. 2,
Walnut, Kan., June 15, 1903."
Many a fellow has made bis mark
Alps, who sold their locks to Latin
merchants to be worn on the heads
of Roman dandles.
Women Carried Care cf the Person to
Ex trerrc3.
Women < f ancient, luxurious Romr
used to eat parsley as a mouth
cleanser. Homy boiled in wine and
aniseed was also a sweetener of the
breath and i nstils of myrtle were em-
ployed for the same purpose. Silver
tongs and knives were employed In
earing for the nails. No woman of
social eminence cut her own finger
nails; those who had not skilled slaves
employed barbers. Perfection In . ..
I lies ■ respects win one of the thirty ease was to be tried where lits sonln-
localities attributed to Helen of Trov. law was counsel for the plaintiff. 41o
Great pains were bestowed on the wrote to the lawyer for the defendant,
feet, for It was that the supposing that he knew of the rela
breeding was betrayed by them ns tlonshlp, and suggested a pos P°"e
easily as by the hands. They were nient on account of Judge Aldrich be-
always much in evidence, the sandals the presiding judge.
worn not hiding them. Long, taper
long 1 could live, feeling as I did, I re
ceived a booklet telling about Dr. Wil
liaius' Pink l'ills for Pule People. 1
read it and told my husband to get mo
some of the pills. Before the first box
was gone 1 felt a change for the better.
Latter at Last Found Out How Rela-
tive Was Loved.
Judge Aldrich was a confirmed dys-
peptic, and noted for his asperity on
the bench. He had a daughter Mar-
rled to a prominent lawyer in Dos- h^bcenVniv^ employed barbers. Perfection Tn! tory
ton. On one occasion, when tho veeoniiiieiide.l Dr. Williams1 l'luk I'ills these respects was one of the thirty |
judge was on the bench hi Boston, a to lots of mv friends." beauties attributed to Helen of Troy.
For further information address the Creat pains were bestowed on the j
Dr. ^Villiams Medicine Co., Seheuec*
tadv, N. Y.
Official Pn sentations
Emperor William has presented to
Count Witte tho chain and grand
Bartell, wno nnd been in Arkansas
! looking for stolen mul 's, remarked to
Women Carried Care cf the Person to sheriff Garrison that he had seen
Extremes. .J{ed McCarty.
Women of ancient, luxurious Rome "That man is wanted for murder,
used to eat parsley as a mouth ln„ we mml gPt him," was the sher- | ^ the ne(, Eagle_
cleanser. Honey boiled in wine and iirs response. A warrant was se- -ros presented to tho
aniseed was also a sweetener of the ,llred, and thcn a requisition from tho w ltta P MmBelf imd
breath and pastils of myrtle were em- governor. At the time of the mur- Mayflower in behalf of himself a-
have taken about twelve boxes and nl- ployed for tho same purpose. Silver j (jer McCarty was employed as a bar- the other delegates to tho Ports-
thougli I wns as near the grave as I could tongs and knives were employed 1° tender in a saloon in this city, and mouth peace conference, a Russian
lit;.1 i' lmve'ieuiieio hen!l!!<'i'7the hear! '""I ,he nElla' No wo,m'n of the murder is said to nave been one silver punch bowl, In recognition of
heats regularly, my cheeks nr.* pink ami !°u if"? im",! of the most heartless and cold-blooded the hospitality extended oil that ves-
I feel ten ycnrayomiger. I foil that I H*0. h>d nol "j"1!1.?*"1™! I Crimea ever committed in the terrl- ,el>
ing fingers were highly prized. Va-
rious kinds of herb decoctions were
employed to beautify tho fingers
Pliny gives recipes for removing any
undesired substances from the nails
Roman System of Figuring.
Counting on the fingers was a reg
ular system for the young Romans.
by making a mark of some other f> I They would make eighteen move-
To the houartwlfe who has not yet
become acquainted with the new things
of everyday use in the market and
who is reasonably satisfied with the
old. we would suggest that a trial oi
Defiance fold Water Starch be made
at once. Not alone because it is guar-
anteed by the manufacturers to be su-
perior to any other brand, but because
each JOe package contains lfi ozs..
while all the other kinds contain but
12 ozs. It Is safe to say that ti •• lady
who once uses Defiance Starch will use
no other. Quality and quantity must
ments with the left hand for the num-
j liers below 100, and eighteen with
j the right hand for those above. Two
kinds of counting machines, called
an abacus, were also used. One was
a board strewn with sand, on which
geometrical figures were drawn. The
other was a frame, with balls moved
in grooves to represent figures, with
a special contrivance for doing frac-
tions. As teachers were not very pa-
tient In those days, arithmetic might
be said to have been learned less by
rule than by ferrule.
Some men expect t* unload tin iv
own Fins by conf. sslng those or ,
Hustler, Here is Your Chance
We want an energetic man In every
town In Oklahoma and Indian Terri-
tory to place before the public the
finest proposition on earth Hustlers
can make 100 per day. Write today
or some one will get the exclusive
right in your town. John Thread;lll
Company, caro Threadgill Hotel. Ok-
lahoma City.
Whistling for Exercise.
\Vhistling is the newest fad put
•ortli by tflo health seekers, and the
He was somewhat surprised, to say
the least, to get in reply the follow-
ing: "I hate the old cuss as bad as
you do, but will try the case just the
Canned Paintings.
Painting undor glass may now be
preserved indefinitely. Had the men
of old known this the pictures of
Apelles might still live in the first
freshness of their colors, and the
work of Raphael and Michael Angelo
would look to-day as It looked when
It left the painter's hands
The method of preservation Is sim-
ple. The canvas is placed in a va-
cuum. It Is preserved, like fruit. It
Is sealed up from all the destructive
influences of the atmosphere. Since
metal figures in the operation the can-
vas might Indeed be said to be can-
There Is no reason why paintings,
kept in this manner in a vacuum,
should not endure indefinitely.
Bereaved Mother's Grief.
The automobile rushed down the
Georgetown Man's Verdict Showed
Great Penetration.
feet, for It was considered that the
breeding was betrayed by them as
easily as by the hands. They were
always much in evidence, the sandals , , _ .
worn not hiding them. Long, taper- <>'• Tom Dancer, city marshal, was fat-
tng fingers were highly prized. Va shot and vlc Chambers, a Wack-
rlous kinds of herb decoctions were was killed. Dancer, who is un-
A Tragedy Occurs in uQiet Town of
SHAWNEE: At Maud, in this coun-
Smoking on Trains
AccommodatiooHs for smokers '.n
railway trains, which is now being
discussed, says the l/mdon Chronicle,
dates back only to 18G8, and on Oc-
tober 1 it will be thirty-seven years
«ince travelers were first entitled to
smoke by rail. Tho question was
raised as an amendment to a board of
, ... , nous Kinds or nert) decoctions were — , -a niotin«r the railway sys-
W!l^0W!5:!0rS„l°,W: .-ployed to beautify the fingers der bond for stabbing a white man an , ra*, bill g theraU ^
men for many years made annual
trips to tho "Devil's Den." a wild and
rugged locality In Boxford, for the
purpose of picking red raspberries,
which grew in great profusion in that
lonesome locality.
Brown, the latter being obliged by
lameness to walk with a crutch and
cane. During the afternoon "Squire"
Tenney discovered among the bushes
the remains of a man who had evi-
dently been dead severa1 months. He
at once raised an alarm, and all hands
came as fast as possible to the spot.
As they stood silently viewing their
appalling discovery, Mr. Brown came
puffing along as fast as his crutcb and
cane would permit. Upon his first
view of the remains ho exclaimed:
"Well, lt ain't no use to try to bring
him to."—Boston Herald.
Pliny gives recipes for removing any ] who later killed a negro there, had , tem ^ndf0Pr^inn!f'ot communication
undesired substances from tho nails been across tho Seminole line sur • niasenKers and tho
pressing some gambling and as he re- between l< •
turned ^ C 'SKV
Starch for laundry use they will sav. ^^^ Dancer had ca,led principals, ^seconds or^pee^to
tut uiuui meant it, wnen v namoeis mvu , . ,(. _ftpr a
up In %-pound packages, and the price marshal in vital spots, carried by a majority of i >, atter<
.V„ m n.nia Then nirflln i striking i debate ,n which John stuart Mills
On one of these visits tho party to th<J , ,,;it boc.ause each package one of his (Chambers) relatives a a prize fight. A clause enj *
insisted of Sheriff Nelson, "Squire" contillns 16 oz.—one full pound—while n.iroe Dancer replied that he had and smoking carriages was proposed j
•nney, Ed Jewett and Tristam fill other fold Water Starches are pat ' [t wh,,n rllam|jers fl:x-d Iwlee, Mr. Sheridan, M. I'. tor lluaiey, an
>. !,,,r nl,'lirn/1 Kv . ,.^.,,>.1 nor.l/atrnQ ntlil iVlP nripft ' ' ... ... liV* n TTlSliOritV OI 1 , Mier <1
is the same. 10 cents. Then again .hit* one en
because Defiance Starch is free from Dancer replied with two ,
all injurious chemicals. If your grocer tering Chambers head and causing
tries to sell you a 12-oz. package it Etant death.
is because he has a stock on hand parties who saw the terrible duel ox
which he wishes to dispose of before ont.rate Dancer from blame. He has
he puts in Defiance. Ho knows that ^ terror to the criminals who ln-
Defiance Starch lias printed on every border town and has of
package in large letters and figures l< ' m« i mo >
"16 ozs." Demand Defiance and save ten been in danger of death.
nrich time and money and the annoy-
mado his last speech in the house,
earnestly supporting the reform and
recommending with remorseless logic
that the last carriage In the train
should be reserved for smokers.
ance of the iron sticking,
never sticks.
Patrons of Ti lephone at Wilburton
Make Demand Upon the Company
ral offices of the Bell Yelephone com-
coming Into universal practice fills
| one with dire thoughts for the future.
Unfortunately, all who whistle ar..
not experts, and tho idea of all the
members of a household indulging in
the mournful sounds which some
times Issue from some gifted throat is
anything but pleasing.
It certainly does away with the old
adago which most women have had
It may bo all right for a woman to thrown at them in their tomboy days:
possible result of such an exercise roa^ huge, gigantic, sublime. Over
the fence hung the woman who works
hard and long—her husband is at the
powder h r f ice, but she should never
paint out tho smiles.
Take I. V\ATI VK ir.coMo tin . I . . i-. I rn;r-
v If It iulIn to cure. K W.
"Whistling girls r.nd crowing hens al
ways come to some bad ends."
In man the understanding and mem
ory correspond with idea and form.
Nature is a shadow, for Nature is a
type and mark of tho divine, a living
mirror, in which we behold pictures
of natural things, and the shadow of
Divinity, Nature, contains tho Idea
(form) as Its cause and principle. In
tho same manner the representation
of tho object is tho basis of under-
grauso, 20,500 hares and as many ran i standing in the artist, and determines
bits. In Yorkshire he once shot T>o 1 his work. But in Nature tho Idea is in
Although 511 years old Earl do Cray
still ranks as the greatest game
butcher In England, perhaps In the
world. He has killed more game than
any other living sportsman- amount
Ing, when computed to 316.699 head.
Comprised in this list were 11,0'iU
pheasants, 84,000 partridges. 4" ." "0
cafe and she has thirteen little ones
(an unlucky number.) Suddenly upon
the thirteenth came the auto, unsee-
ing, slew him, and hummed on, un-
known. The woman who works hard
and long rushed forward with hands,
hinds mado rough with toil, upraised.
She paused and stood Inarticulate—a
goddess, a giantess. Then she hurled
forth these words of derision, of de-
spair: "Mon Dleu! And I'd just
washed him!" Lo Sport, Porte.
Quaint Agriculture.
There are In the suburbs of Rome
two farms where antique medals aro
made in large quantities. The people
who devote themselves to this odd in-
dustry cause to be swallowed by tur-
keys coins or medals roughly struck
Children Before the Church.
F. L. Haubrich of Claremont, N. H.,
who is wo'.l known in the clothing
trade, was house-hunting last fall. As ultimatum
he has a family of hearty children, P*ny lu re roeeh'ed an "'"malum
tho business became quite a task. He from tb" U ep onei usi rs tel(>
'ried to hire a parsonage, and the in shape of a . •
17, nt said he would like first rate j phones would be discarded unless the
•o let him in, but the church had company improves the service at \VU-
voted not to rent the house to anyone burton and reinstates two young la< ios
■vith children. who were discharged from positions
"Well, Mr. Agent," retorted Mr. at tho central office. 'I ho Wilburton
Haubrich, "I wouldn't kill one of my exchange is operated in connection
It Will Stay There.
"In my family medicine chest no ^
remedy is permitted to remain unless J£e business"became quite a task. He | from the telephone users
it proves beyond doubt the best to be
obtained for its particular purpose.
"For treating all manner of skin
troubles, such as Eczema, Tetter,
Ringworm, etc., Hunt s Cure has held
its place for many years. I have
failed to find a surer remedy. It cures
itching instantly."
R. M. Swann,
Franklin, La.
If a married woman is fairly good
looking, loves h^r husband and Is sen
5ible, that io about all that one coulc1
reasonably expect.
hildren for the whole church."
Garfield Tea. Mild Laxative.
Regulates the Liver, Kidneys, Stom-
ach and Bowels, cures Constipation
and Bit k Headache. Send this notice
with your name and address to the
Garfield Tea Co., Brooklyn, N. V., lor
free sample package. Sold at all drug
stores. Send us the name of your
We don't know whether c r not It in
dicates lots of guilty consciences, but i
with the system at this place, and offi-
cials In charge intimate that they will
close down the plant rather than sur-
render the management of the busi-
ness to the citizens. The ultimatum
was drafti d at a mass meeting of citi-
zens and telephone users. The town
There aro times when you are out
in a crowd and the conversation takes
such a turn that you feel like starting
tho song: "Speak kindly of tho ab-
Cures Blood. Skin Troubles, Canccr,
Blood Poison. Greatest Bleed
Purifier Free.
If your blood is impure, thin, dls- JP
eased, hot <>r full of humors, if you an average of forty people
have I
und lumps,
ezeina, itching,
„ ,, . -abby, pimply
with the effigy of Tiberius or (align- gkiM l)on,. , atarrh. rheumatism,
la. The mechanical action of tho tiny <>r any blood or skin^ disease, take Bo-
stones contained in the gizzard Is ad- tanic
ded to the purely chemical action of
the gastric juice partially *ftaclng the made pure and rich, 'leaving the skin keep you
complain that other people are talking
about them.
Hich, Juicy Hadisiies Free.
,r any niu<"i "i .sum uiM-a.- . ■ ■■ - . , , wu«' wnu a u-
milo HI I Itnlm HI. II. K.) nornrd- Everybody h>ve* jmvy. tendrr
„k 11• 111 > s.,on all lH-al, Jal/AT knows this, hence he offers to send nos anu '
„.|„.8 an.) I stop, th- liloo'l i' you absolutely free safhcient radish «eed ,.,ven a sentenre of
bits. Ill Yorkshire ho once shot &u his work. But In Nature the idea Is in me j " ; e- I'""' '"111, r'L'V,', l"fn.lh«lvinl! ,U ^Tn/.m/'his^cat" °
grouse In a sin^lo ilay and on another truth the substance; for the Idea is in figures and toning down the hardness ^ee ^ .f pi.;|' r| lth lh7, "" 1 JgvlzER.s BAB0AIs seed hook.
occasion brought down 7-" 0 pheasants, matter, producing countless forms In of tho features It is o >e < are ,.ktn At the same tim-> I'.. R H lm- ' won,|f,rfui HurpriHcs and gi
is considerably stirred up over the sent ones.'
B--t His Wife With a Neckyoke
LAWTON: An Indian named Co-
mnnche .John, who lives near India-
liuiii'i, was arrested on the charge ot
beating bis wife. The evidence to
his trial showed that he had struck his
wife with a neckyoke, breaking her
omanche John was
thirty days and a
line of *25 and costs.
In Wales between sunrise and sunset
be once disposed of 1)50 rabbits.
denial vicissitude.—Giordano Bruno
II. E. Huntington is preparing ti
establish a permanent Indian exhibi
tion in Southern California. It wi
have a group of every tribe of Indian
tn North America p imanently quar
tered there, besides an art gallon
containing Indian photographs. rti
Indians wMI live in their priminv
habitations, clothed in their intlv-
dress, and will engago in variou
Surprise Is expressed In Sw
newspapers tJiat the committi
charge of tho Nobel prizes for
spent 088,493 crowns, or nearly oiu -
half of tho income for that yi ar, on
"general expenses.''
Individuality in Signatures.
The signature of an individual has
long been recognized ns tho best and
most reliable proof of identification,
and in consequence tho seal has long
since gone out e)f favor. Although the
modern system of penmanship tends
toward teaching the same style, yet,
notwithstanding, no two individuals
m' write alike. After a person has at-
9 tained majority the handwriting be-
comes uniform and fixed, the signa-
dis!i lure always being tho same,
In hence any unconscious change in the
1901 writing points to a physical or men
:al deterioration.
that some of the specimens is our pr,IVCB ti„
public collections have been obtained strength*
by this curious process.—Cosmos, Par-
< ■ ..1, n cures dvspensia with its wonderful surprises
" Ilk kidney ". Just' .he bargains in seeds at bargain prices,
as it giv
The Wife to Choose.
In choosing a wife, M. Paul Doumer
( a distinguished Frenchman) exhorts
young men to "eschew mere good
medicine for old j
them new, vigorous blood. Druggists,
$1 per large bottle, with directions f«>r
bom,- .ure. Sample free and prepaid
by writing Blood Halm Co.. Atlanta,
(ja. D. seribe trouble and special free
medical advice a Is* sent in sealed let-
ter R R R is especially advise.1 for
chronic, deep-seated cases of impun
kin disease, and
The word "horse-power," as applied
"She's really not cultured. Hh. ;o automobiles, means just the same
says she can't understand Browning as when app'ied to any other engine,
at all." "Hut one may be culture 1
and yet not understand Browning.'
"Of course, one may not under• t ind
of whom, fortunately, there are
still many; demeanor simple and dig-
nified, clear eyes that look straight
and at you modestly but frankly—which
p.rn:it you to read the very soul; loy-
al, good and true. Little matter
whether she is pretty or no, she ia
beautiful physically because she is
morally so."
Did It ever occur to you that nearly
looks if not accompanied by a healthy a"4 "j1
mind. This is the Ideal young worn- j a" ° 88 a
Did it evt.
all tho boohs on the art of acquiring te«i.tiful llj«wr. ^ I>rilwol
wealth were written by poor men? VV La Croe'ne, W is.
Wifey Ties up Hubby's Money
GUTHRIE: Because he still Picks
a few months of beinR of age, Morgan
Griffin had all of his property tied up
by a divorce suit filed by bis v.if*-. Jo
ir 1 sic Griffin to whom h • w iH m'trr.- 'I I"
thThpa!Ts™"n December, 19„3. If she h,i
special catalogue. .til his majority, h^ might hare 1>< 80
BENn this notice to-day. a|||0 to R(,t away with his money, but
after and receive the radishes and the wonder- ^ sU)) )n control nl his, Runrdlan,
: tul.«SS°w-efwW a package of Om-, ji,dKP Burford has ordered the pay
,|,e inu t fashionable, serviceable, mon, ()f money into court for her sup-
port and attorney's fees. Gritfin Is
not to be allowed to receive mor
Try It Once.
Thero Is more actual misery and
less real danger in a case of itching,
skin disease than any other ailment.
Hunt's Cure is manufactured especi-
ally for these cases. It relieves in-
stantly and cures promptly. Absolute-
ly euaranteed.
The race is not always to the swift,
as many a fast youth has discovered.
Mr*. Wlnnlow'n Soothing Syrnp.
n teething, Mftaita tba gunit, r< Ineoa
lainniMiiuu.allitya puln . uren wind. .ill ■ i>r:b 'tuttle.
There's something radically wrong
with the woman who is unablo to find
.11 excuse for a good old fashioned cry
at least onco a week.
Woman's Trials.
in terms
it, but one should u
idmit If
er Is the name of the unit
>f which engineers measure
the power of ^ eam-engines, water-
wheels and other prime movers, it
is defined to be the rate at which an
engine works when it does 33,000 foot-
pounds of work per minute, a foot-
pound being the amount of work nec-
essary to raise a pound weight a foot
Imagine Benefit in Iron Ring.
Doctors bump up against all soi
superstitions when making t
unds of their patients, l'oi
ance, there are men who believe
ey believe In Gospels, the w< arl
common iron ring on the seco
iki r of either hand will make tin
1111 une to certain Ills. Every th
iy they carefully wipe from the
this ring a rusty deposit, wh
lagine the ring has drawn fr
♦ heir
There's a Natural Food That Make*
Its Own Way.
There's a boy up in Hoosick Fa'.Is,
N. Y., who is growing into sturdy
manhood on Grape Nuts breakfasts.
It might have been different with him.
as his mother explains
"My 11-year-old boy Is larg
developed and activ . and has been
mado so by bis fondm ss for Grape
Nuts food. At five ye irs he was a
very nervous ehi'd and w;i ubject
to frequent at'acks of indigestion
which used to rob him of his strength
and were very troub'. >u.e to al
with. He never seemed to care for
anything for bis breakfast until I
tried Grape-Nuts, and 1 have never
had to change from that He makes
his entire breakfast of Grape Nuts first coinage of copper and t
food. It Is always relished by him i money to Pheldon, king of Arp-
and be says that it satisfies him bet ; Aeglna, 895 B (V, which Adlan
ter than the ordinary kind of a niea. borates; and tho
"Better than all he is no longer
troubled with indigestion or nervous-
ness, and has got to be a splendidly
developed fellow since he began to
use Grape-Nuts food." Name given by
Post urn Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
There's a reason. Read the little
book, "The Road to Wullville," 1#
Moat Ancient Coins.
Parian Chronicle a cri
Londoners Take Snuff.
Snuff-taking is a common habit
among certain classes of the London
poor. It shows its e-ffects in rambling
speech, pallid aspect and dejected de-
meanor, resembling the symptoms of
the morphia taker. The practice Is
especially common among women and
an observer says that women in the
prisoner's dock In the police court
will have their hair decorated with
curl papers which contain each tho
pinch of snuff needed for consolation.
•t9 Not Consoling.
lie A young man had enlisted in an
in English regiment for India for four-
as teen years. ven years after he bad
ng been in India bis old mother In Eng-
nd land wrote to him saying that if he
•m did rot send home some money at
: i once she and the old man would have
In- to go to the workhouse. The son wrote
, \ [ a i saying that If she could hang -n
om for seven years he would come home
and they would nil go together.—
Judge's Magazine of Fun.
the Foe of the Octupus.
Conger eels hunt for tho octopus
In and, when found, proceed to browse
on its limbs. The octupus tries to
hug the slippery conger tight, but In
vain, and, finding its limbs growing
less, discharges its ink in the face of
the foe and, under cover of tho tur-
bid water beats a hasty retreat. It is
The hitter trail in a woman's life Is to
be childless. Who can tell bow hard the
struggle may have been ere she learn-t to
resign herself to her lonely lot? 1 be ab-
sence of this link to iiiixl marital lifn
together, the ftbsenco of this one pledge
to mutual alTeetioii is a common disap-
pointment. Manv unfortunate roubles
iM'come e-tranged thereby. Kven if they
do not drift apart, one may read the whole
extent of their disappointments the eyes
of Mich a childless ruii|.le when they rest
on the children of others. 1 o them the
largest family does not seem too numerous.
In many cav of barrenness or child-
lessness the ohst;U I,, to child-bearing is
easily removed by the cure >>f weakness on
the part o( the woman. Dr. Pierce's Fa-
vi rite Prescription been i Im
restoring health and frultfu!n< -
a barren woman, to the great
eliold. Ill other, but rar
A benedict regards the matrimonial ;
knot as the mo8t serious tangle of all.
Catarrh and Headache.
Mrs. Z. E. Goforth, 2119 Holly St.,
Kansas City, writes: "After using a
sample bottle and two 25c bottles of
Hunt's Lightning Oil I am almost well
of Catarrh, lt stops my headaches.
It is tho best medicine I ever saw
and I just can't keep house without
it." Sho Is right.
Boston "School City"
sr,00 until c-isi. Is ended. Mrs. Griffin
ort,. itv, including an attempt
to Kill her with n knife.
Laid Cornerstone at Cordell
COHIii:r.r. The cornerstone ot
lie new academy building to
f.,1 here und r the auspices
rnitc'i Reformed church, was laid last
wcoU. The ceremonies were under
II.o direction «f 'he congregation. Th
stone was laid by William Harder, son
nf Ihe woman who his given the $'n
linn to build the academy, and
be erect-
of the
Cheap Rates to
and Mexico
From February 15th to April
7th, inclusive,Colonists' tickets
will beoti sale toCnlifornia and
Mexico points at exceptionally
low rates:
The Hancock School for (iirls, at j uMliration address was delivered by
Boston, has been successfully organ- I ,hP Rev. Walter C. Roe.
n"s <>f nS a school city, under the1 guld
of tho
anco of Miss Ellen Sawtelle sis prln- Dynamiters Sent to Jail
, .... Cipal. It Is the first school in Boston | HoBART: C. Stanflll and Jim
iMiru'i'lUm toll., i .'.'.ring of "as tll |Uj0pt tills method of training the rn,|,,nvood, chained with attempting
San Francisco
Mexico City
Los Angeles
St. Louis
Kansas City
i'ii found to do a .surgical .•liiira. t. r.
but easily removable bv painless operativo
tr. atnu'ht at tb.• 1 • 1 \ :il.«iHotel und sur-
gieal Institute, ltulfalo. N. V.. over u bit h
T>r. l'lcrce of ti:< " l-'avorlte l'n M-ription"
fame presides. In nil cases where .-hil-
dren are desired and are absent, un effort
should he made to ti ml out the real cause,
i asily removed by-
proper tie
dl tlx
coses of nervoiisn
l'ierce's I avor t.- I
etlieient remedy i n
it has to Its credit
of cured more I
remedy put up for
especl&l I s I ir
ents nf \n bieli t b
1 it (la in ni a t ion and tle-
il drain- and til all
--- and del jjitv. Dr.
rescript I on is t he most
it .-un poHnibly bo used,
liu nd reds of thousands
i f, , t than any other
tale through druggists,
in"s u-e. The ln«redl-
l-';i\orite Prescription"
young for self-Rovcrnment.
In man tho understanding nnd mem-
ory correspond with idea and form.
Nature is a shadow, for Nature Is n
type and mark of the divine, a living
mirror, in which wo behold pictures
of natural things, and the shadow of
Divinity, Nature, contains the Idea
(form) as its cause and principle. In
the same manner the representation
of tho object is tho basis of under-
standing in tho artist, and determines
his work. But in Naturo the Idea Is In
truth the substance; for tho idea is in
tho home of George Ck
geshall, near Gotebo, s venl weeks
ngo, were h< M to the grand jury under
Pond of $2,000 each as the result of
their preliminary examination here.
Keith* r was able to give bond, nnd
both w. e recommitted to jail.
It t i
ml I • t
i conceal
You Are No Exception.
Through touristsleepers from
St. Louis on Tuesday of each
week. You step into the ear at
St. Louis and do not leave it
until you reach San Francisco.
Ask your nearest railroad agent
for rates or address
G. S. STCIN.D. P. A.,
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Tickets on sale everywhere, via
Missouri, Kansas & Texas iv y.
Rest is
very one.
ternal vicissitude
numismatic an-
tiquaries agree In considering the
coins of Aeglna, from their archaic
form and appearance, as the most an-
dent known. The coins of Lydla prob* .
ably come next in antiquity, nnd then to escapo the too pressing attention can afford to do as the formula after
the early Dorics of the Persian kings, of Its foes that tho octupus possesses , whichw||J«to"/r vorlt^XTuJiam.
which occur both In gold and silver, tho power of changing its color to |natlon.
and bear a stronp resemblance to tho correspond with that of its surround- I)r. Plerco'n Pleasant Pellets aro ths
coins of Aegiua. in ft.
composed have received the most
,. Itivo endorsement from the leading
medical writers on ViitcrUi Mullen of all
the several schools of practice. All tho
Ingredients are printed in K'M/IUH I , t j go much as sym
on tho wrapper enclosing the bottle, so "uul uu
that any woman making use of this
famous medicine mav know exactly what
she is taking. Dr. i'lcrco takes his pa-
tients Into his full confidence, which ho
best and safest laxative for women.
nbi' iutely n< e. iry to
There must be periods of
nnd soul
continued activity. Tho thing one
Thero Is nothing that wastes itself j ilol,u guard against Is taking rest at
the wrong moment. Herein lies most
utt''r"prndiicliis countloss forms In; reUixntlOn— momonta when the
... . i ..«,i a/Mil and body gather forco for
Why do some people who preach
eternal happiness
wear such long
Well—But a rotting stone is seldom
called a mossback.
tho success of life—resting at tho
right time.
Great accomplishments have been
given up because one wanted to tako
rest at the wrong minute. After a
largo duty is done largo relaxation
should follow. - - —
ir i. w caiti.'fiM- I'UKI
J. I. II (.regorjA *«>■,
W.N.U—Oklahoma City—No. 7, 1900.
CUItS *MlHi llSt FAILS .
. Cuuiih Syrup. Tuiea (i.MKl. C
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Norman Democrat--Topic. (Norman, Okla.), Vol. 16, No. 30, Ed. 1 Friday, February 16, 1906, newspaper, February 16, 1906; Norman, Oklahoma. ( accessed September 18, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.