The Daily Gazette. (Stillwater, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 72, Ed. 1 Tuesday, April 30, 1901 Page: 1 of 4

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Ediwte jour cl.ildrcn £
if *' ",c ti
2 A. * M, C0LUT03 ®
•5) «8Iillwntrr fr
the daily gazette.
Kansas Barber Had All His Wed-
ding Expenses Paid.
a[*ii ito ife rfg. «>. •«
J.' The I.argc t. l.jvelitst
and lltullliicKl city in >*
y4 I'.*sfrrn ( k lahoma.
><>{? >J<i v, " V * V} * ',jv y
Sauna Kas.. April aT. y
• harbor here. wns married iM ,, «'
night to Mi.. Florence 'Vardell The
marriage was the result ,,r .
made between Young illd
barbers employed in the M1|w „
1 he barber, pnnni-e.l that if Youngi
would Ret married they would pay
Suicide is Due to Mistreatment of
'■nglish Speaking Soldiers.
A recent
[No. -
riie Cost of Crime ami War and
ment 'elU a'ZndZZ.rtZ thole'1 tl e^ " Wri'<" ' «' «'
s l<- .uicide of women in (ihina When1* Urre" "we .pent on
a Chinese matron U abuso.l 1,-, i! «. unt of war about *.'<00.00(1,000. To
i—a v,,he «>
«.f her hurt, id at tL "e eX,,t,l,J,-d than
mn.uaml. at the same time Our drink
,.y all • ,h"1 on a certain date she I months
expenses aIK| t|.fat (|)a bridH and Wl11 ««i*l*art rhia lif^. y0 re,non.t,i
wsmsmmm* mim,
| ...Stillwater Meat Market... *
$000,000,0m. I
bill during the twelve ■
I amounted to the monstrous i
'* moifstrmice sum of $ 17'> non cnn ,, ,
. i t,i ...tjuo.OOO (.ait up together
invariably the woman
bridegroom to a baminet. Young took !"'"l "'"'''amy the woman ] we have her* .... i
hem a, their word and telephoned ^rr"": "l" - " <iid .... 1 of mo , tl.„V"x O^iT?
the proactive bride of hit wager and """" ,h« « be ostra- I i< •„ wh, ' ' of which
told the girl prepare for t^e cere- T" ''' h" > <>ple «Ild compelled to pournl,",ot he s "
■so"/, which was to take i.l... ohaiig* her mode of life enlirelv . ' llr"'k hi"
fr -•"■■■< -" ^<**- ISLi-trj; -
future, as planned. The girl win t«d " lniSi reat H ho ti. • !. , . more t.ian the to-
week', timti to pre()„r(. ^
but the young man to'd her Ihat it wa,
All kinds of Fresh and Salt
Moats. Fish, Oysters, Pics
kles, Catsup, Horse Radish
Etc. Hides and Furs.
now or never. she gave in. i he plan.' r,-la"1VM ",8"Jai1<>'"ommitting.uicid.
were and the wedding took place lale I " C"ly " form of "''IM^triK
that evening, followed by a big b it I tlon- "s "|py rt' entirely
«|uet and .upper, attended bv ..uite' "'8 lm"ds "f t,1Bil friei"11'
few relatives and friends of th
trading partic. who had been
, .. - W,IS nearly n* much
I trio unmarried
t -a „
i« i.« k u'> -i ..«u,
n„ ,,
% GEO. STEES, Prop
that our countrv and
,ur countrymen
ll exist at all in the face of .ueh
passive in j gin tic losses as these."
And here we finda curious confound-
ing of moral and economic que.tions.
oon'1' S'Ve/IAVfi 1,0611 ^'ecrinlng of the wliit**
t • | | "oldiers^ that in mary villages and I v f • •
•ummonrd to witness the^mmiy' " ,™aI1 t0Wn,e ''«v« I-acically ai'J'tZ ZueAlnr^ f''<Jn' t''Ut1'
disappeared. j """ Ul" neiief that money expended
It is reported in I hi. state d l>'''"" a<'('°""t of crime or in the
mcnt document that villages I ^rink
Aro • T" it U difficult ,o tind a female person 1 C°U"try-
1 0(1 Senes of Events are Now , over 1,19 age of ten and under the age
jOfBO. When the matron, do not an- 10r ., , . . .
Nkhkiih o T a...m .id „ , """nee that they will "depart this! I r>- f,)l" ir 19 obvious that no
nouiu-d the program for the .eason, rare|v
AH of the town. ar getting in line fori
goud .trong circuit this summer and Vrn n i/r I r,ZT~Z
offering purse, that will encourage BIG DAMAGES ASKED,
horsemen to come out. The a.socia-1
lion announce, the following arrange-1 Some South McAlester People are
nients and procram for racej: ! ler 1 copic are
After Railroads.
suggestion to do so comt
. Irom the husband, and it is said to hi
I'erry, week of August 12.
Newkirk, week of August 19.
(riithri#, week of August M.
Oklahoma City, wp^k of Kept i'.
Stillwater, week of September H.
Mulhall, week of September IP.
Shawnee, week of September 23.
As arrangf-d in convention at okla-
homa City there will be open a .take
of 1400 each for ?:.S6 cl.s.: :;t0 and
2:15 for pacers
South M'ai.k.tki, I. T., ,\pril 28.—
Two damage .nits, each for $25,00(1
were liled in the district court. Tl.e
first was a suit by Matilda (roldstine,
for f?5.000 actual damages, against the
M. K. T. railroad company, for kill-
ing her husband, Louise Goldstine, who
was .truck by the north bound Katy
flyer on the 18th of last March. The
clwi 2-28 and J 20r f**°n -:4° I I'' 'ntiff will allege that the death of
Co!t".,ake ,; 'n?t 0r UUUlUf , lhK defrn,!l"" « b, running
|3Wr 86 T,'r' °'d ' ' Ter hi«h r le in'ide «l,e
I city limit, in violation of the city
'dinauce limiting the .peed of train, to
Leg Broken.
Sunday I'ort lloggett who now rr-
.ides on a farm five mile, northwest
of this city had >|uitt a misfortune
while engaged in a game of base ball.
I'ort wa. acting as catcher and when
oae of the nine who was al the bat wa.
making a run to home basa was with-
in a few feat of safly I'ort jumped to
tha bat. to catch the ball which bad
baea thrown by the pitcher to home-
btac when ha collided with the man on
tha run. The re.ult was that I'ort'.
left leg ju.t aho\e the ankle was
broken lie wa. at ouce tared for and
ii getting along reaiooahly well.
Order Of Business
The following i. tha order of busi-
neat for the first week of tha Di.trict
Court which convene, here nen Mon-
mohdav, mai t).
Ktapaneling of Grand Jury.
Call of criminal docket for arraign
Pleai. motion, and deaiurrert.
six miles an hour.
The other suit was by Mrs. Kate
Levcrman, who seeks to recover a like
sum from the Osaye Coal and Mining
company, for the death of her husband
Robert Leverman, an employe in the
company mines On the 20th day of
la.l September th« decea.ed was in
jured by a fall of slate in one of the
Methodist Church At Glencoe
Hold Services.
Tttcaoav, may 7.
liemurreri, motion., divorce and
eourt eases from 52# to I020and I S.
criminal cam.
Demurrer., motion., divorce and
court caie., from 1020 to 1082 and I*. B.
civil eaiet.
Aiaignmeet of civil cau.e. for trial.
vtineanAY, may 0.
Trial of criminal causes No.'. ln.'< to
Trial of criminal came. No 1 to
■ATURI.AY, May ll.
Trial of criminal cause. No.'. 25!) tn
Jvo. H. Braroan, Judge.
1 lie new Methodist iOpi.copal church
at (ileneoe will be dedicated next Sun-
day. May 5 at 10:30 o'clock by special
.err ice.,
ttev. Dr. Granville Lowther, editor
of the South We.tern Chri.tian Advo-
cate of Kan... will be and
with the help of Presiding Elder Stock-
well of thi. di.trict will conduct tbeie
The officials of thi. church have done
well to pu.h such an enterprise for
Charie. Moore, brother ef Mrs. Car-
rie Nation who i. confined in the coun-
ty jail at Wichita waiting trial, died at
hia home in l.ewisburg, Kan. , laat
Saturday. Her former bondimttn and
attoraey went to her cell with the in-
tention of making arrangement, for
her relaaae, but owing to the <|uar-
relaome manner in which they were
raceived It we. derided by the county
attorney that her release wa. net beet.
She hat been put into aeell by herself
in order to keep her from <iuarrella(
with the ether imaihert.
is a material loss to
The mere statement of
the total is proof enough that these
sums are not taken from the resources
- —• v,isun« he
j lost each year in the economy or our
j existence without bringing exerjbody
to ruin.
The expenditures of money on war.
crime or drink is, i„
[".'nse. no more thin taking something
rom one divisou of th* population and
giving it to another. The money paid
for drink, for example. Miters through
thousands or hands, many „f th m en-
d-serving, no doubt, but it does not
leave the country and is not lost from
the (total of our assets. From the
economic standpoint the production
and sale of liquor is no more to be
demonstrated into a dead loss than is
the production of sugar.
We are not saying, however, that
there is no economic phase to ihe
drinking of liquor. Anything which
reduce, the .Length of any individual
in his productive capacity is bound to
have a bad effect on the material wel-
fare or tha whole. The vast quantities
of earning, which daily are swallowed
up in the vortex of drink have been di-
verted largely from the .upport of
families. It j. notorious that most of
the money .pent for drink comes from
those leaBt abfe to p„Si iIul t,iat hy
drinking they are rendered even more
inefficient. And in this tense the ques-
tion of intemperance i. • profoundly
economic one.
\\ hile we may not agree with our
writer in hit foolish view that money
spent for war, on crime or for liquor i.
• as wholly lost at though it were pour-
ed into the sea.'' we may at lea.t ap-
preciate lome of hit statistic.. For ex-
ample, hi. .bowing that crime co.ta
the I nited States a round $HOO.OOO,OU)
every year i. of deepest interest. He
tells ut iliat no less than 250,000 peo-
ple in the United Statea are making
their living by criminal practices
Kach takei. 0:1 the average, $1,800
worth of property, making an aggre-
gate of $400,000,000, of which honest
people are detailed. To tbit he addt
♦200,000,000 expended in maintaining
prisont, operating court! and maintain-
ing the police and other guardian.
But, strangely enough, he overlookt
another element of cost which would
twell the total expente on acoount of
crime by perhaps hundred! of million..
Thi. is the vast expenditure which ii
■et by the private citizen in buying
tale., .trongboxe., lock, and ether
paraphernalia for the protection of
property. If we could reaeh an ab.o-
lutely ideal exi.tence and aboli.h every
tpeeies of crime, the total laving would
be nearer •I.OOO.OUI.OOO par annum
than $600,000,000.
A young fellow itated yesterday
tkatiia iutended to invest all inoaey
la tax lince he could buy more of them
for a nickle than anything else be knew
1 Corner Saloon |
| 1< if|o Yv iijcs, Liquors
qi]d Gigai's i
ill "0RR,s * sons-
I'll 'III.',
H( L l\ 11.>(•!«, of p
FR€;SH ANO GiiReo 1
^'$£2 cvi^cl 0\ r
Bakery ^ 6oi)feG|ior)€ry!
Makes the Finest Bread, Cakes,
Pies, Etc. in the City.
f ?l^ovd SaltMeats,Oysters,?
yfc South Main Street ^
5S3 i
Doctors prescriptions carefully
compounded by experienced
A complete line of Paints, Oils
and Brushes, Stationery Perfumes
and Toilet Articles. Also a com-
tory8Remedies?tent a"d Pr°Pri^
w. H. HAND.

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Griffin, Lester I. The Daily Gazette. (Stillwater, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 72, Ed. 1 Tuesday, April 30, 1901, newspaper, April 30, 1901; Stillwater, Oklahoma. ( accessed April 19, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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