The Perry Daily Times. (Perry, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 62, Ed. 1 Wednesday, November 29, 1893 Page: 4 of 4

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I -
Swwping Change, Proposed in Cus-
Consumer* Supposed to Be Benefited by
Many MUlloui—KiplauaUon of the
Working of the McKlnley Tariff
and the l'roposed New
Law—Items of the
Free List.
Washington, Nov. 28.—The newdein
ocratic tariff bill was given to the pul>-
lic to-day. Its provisions fulfill every
expectation of those who had predict-
ed that it would Is- a radical measure
of reform. In many respects it is a sur-
prise eveu to th * democratic me ill Iters
« f congress, as it is unprecedented in
many of its provisions.
The free list is of liberal scope suffi-
cient to satisfy the most radical advo-
cates of reform and the repudiation of
the principle of reciprocity, which lias
been the pride of the republicans and
the l ete noir of the democrats for a
number of years, is decisive and em-
phatic. In addition to the reforms it
makes in the customs laws, it will ne-
cessitate readjustment of treaties with
those South American countries which
enjoy practical or theoretical reciproc-
ity with the great American republic
of the northern hemisphere. The
bounty on sugar is to 1k repealed by
easy gradations and will not reach its
conclusive effect until after the end of
the present century.
It has heretofore U*en agreed that
ten days should 1m* allowed the repub-
lican members for undisturbed consid-
eration and at the expiration of that
period, when the bill is formally pre-
sented to the house, it is likely that the
minority will content itself with such
caustic comment as it may evolve for the
occasion and a proposal to continue the
McKfoley bill in operation.
The bill relates to the customs sched-
ules only. It has been the hope and
the purpose of the democratic members
to concurrently submit a comprehen-
sive scheme of internal taxation, the
necessary supplement of revision, but
while consideration of this branch of
the subject of taxation has progressed
sufficiently far to enable its presenta-
tion in general terms, the details are
yet to be arranged and will probably
be embodied in a separate bill or of-
fered as an amendment to the present
one at the appropriate time.
The general effect of the new bill is
apparent in the statement that it re-
duces the tariff tax of about *17! ,000,-
000 to about #115,000,000, being a net
reduction of about $58,000,000 or 88 per
cent. That represents the direct sav-
ings. Indirectly, the saving to con-
sumers will be an additional $350,000,*
000 calculation being effected on a
basis of six to one.
Most important additions have been
made to the free list. Wool, coal, iron,
lumber, salt and tin are among the
articles which make up the largest free
list consumers have ever known. Sil-
ver lead-bearing ores, in the free ad-
mission of Which Kansas City has a
large interest, are added to the sched-
ule of non-dutiable imports.
The following is the proposed free
list in detail:
On unil after March 1, I8J4, the following ar-
ticles will be added to the free list: Articles
for the use United Slates, bacon and hams,
beef, mutton and pork, utul meats of all kinds
|>rdpared or preserved, not specially provided
for. all binding twine manufactured in whole
or in part from istle or tnpioca tlber, man ilia,
sisal yrasj, or sunn, of single ply and measur-
ing not exceeding rtuO feet to the pouud birds,
stuffed, not suitable for millinery ornaments,
and birdskins prepared for preservation, but
not further advanced in manufacture: blue
vitriol, or sulphate of copper bone char, suita-
ble for use in deodorizing sugar* coal, bitumin-
ous and shale, and eoal slack or out: coke
crude coal tar and all preparations and
products of coal tar, nut colors or dyes, not
sp.'ciallv provided fur oxide of cobalt, copper
imported in the form of ores old copper, Ut
only for manufacture clippings from new cop-
per and a 1 composition metal of which copper
is a component material of chief value not
specially provided for. regulus of copper and
black or coarse copper and copper cement i up-
per in plates, bars, ingots or pigs and other
forms not manufactured, uot specially pro-
vided for copperas, or sulphate of iron; . oitou
ties of iron or steel cut to lengths punched or
not punched, with or without buckles for belt
ing cotton diamond dust or burt, and jewels to
be used in the manufacture of watches or
clocks yolks of eggs of birds, fish and insects:
crude downs of all kinds, not especially pro-
vided for: fresh fish: furs, undressed, iodine re
sublimated iron ore, including mangaulferous
iron ore and the dross or residuum from burnt
pyrites, and sulphur ore and pyrites: sulphur
of Iron in its natural state: lard, lemon Juice,
lime Juice and sour orange Juice, mica and
metallic mineral su stances In a crude state
and metals unwrought, not specially provided
for; ochre and ochery earth, sienna and sienna
earths, umber and umber earths, not specially
provided for in this act, cotton seed oil, paint-
ings, in oil or water colors, and statuary, not
otherwise provided for. plows, tools and disc
harrows, harvesters, reapers, drills, mowers,
1 orse rakes, cultivators, threshing machines
and cotton gius plush, black for making men's
hats, quicksilver: salt; silk, partially manu-
factured from cocoons or waste silk, and not
farther advanced or manufactured than carded
or combed silk: all soap uot otherwise
specially provided; sulphate of soda, or salt
cake or nitre cake, sulphuric acid, tallow and
wool grease, including that known commercial-
ly as degras or brown wool grease straw: burr
stone rounded up into mi l.stoues, free stone,
granite, sandstone, limestone and other build
ing or monumental, except mar bio. unmanu-
factured or undressed, not specially provided
for all wearing apparel and other personal ef.
feets, without regard to their value upon their
identity being established under such rules and
regulations as the secretary of the treasury
may prescribe timber, hewn and sawed, and
timber used for spars and in building wharves,
squared or sided timber, sawed boards, plauks.
deals, and other lumber, laths, pickets and
palings, shingles, slaves of wood *of all
kinds and unmanufactured wood, pro-
vided, that if any export duty is
laid from abroad upon the above men-
tioned articles, or either of them, all such ar-
ticles shall be subject to duty as now provided
by law; chair cane, or reeds: woods including
cedar, lignum vltu\ lancewood, ebony, box,
grjndilla, mahogany, rosewood, satin wood and
all forms of cabinet woods in log, rough or
hewn; bamboo und rattan unmanufactured;
briar root or briar wood, and similar wood un-
manufactured reeds and stiyks of partridge,
hair wood, pimento, orange, myrtle and other
woods in the rough or not further manufact-
ured than cut iuto lengths suitable for um-
brellas, parasols sunshades, whips or walking
canes all wool of the sheep, batr of the camel,
goat, alpaca and other like animals, and all
wool and hair on the skin, noils, yarn waste,
eard waste, burr waste, rags and flogs, lnclud
log all naste or rags composed wholly or iu
part of wool
the treasury, on June 30, place it at
11.390,or about fri.uOO.OOO less
than it was a year before. During the
four months ending with October there
was an increase of 1198,000,000, a record
altogether without parallel in the his-
tory of the country. The aggregate of
money in the hnn js of th people ami [ MORGAN ON THE TREASURY.
the average per capita were thus |
Secretary Morton on th* Agricultural
brought to a higher figure than had
ever before been reached.
Washington, Nov. —The annual
report of Mr. Joseph S. Miller, of West
Virginia, commissioner of internal rev-
enue, makes no recommendations.
The bulky volume of over i00 pages
(not including tables) is made up en-
tirely of statistical information. No
mention is made of income tax or in-
crease in the rate of taxation on dis-
tilled spirits, malt liquors, tobac-
co, or any other products coming
uudcr the scope of the internal
revenue laws. Assuming that the
rates of taxation will remain the
same, the commissioner estimates the
probable revenue from internal rev-
enue for next year ;it 9150,000,000 Tills
is $15,000,000 less than last year's esti
mate and 111,000,000 less than the
actual yield last year, which w as tlttl,*
000,000. There has been a decrease of
95,519,000 in the tlr^t three months of
this fiscal year.
For a number of years past the re
eeipts from internal revenue have run
along on the continuous upward slid-
ing scale, notwithstanding that during
the period noted several reductions in
rates and remissions of taxation have
been enacted. The receipts were $110,-
000,000 in 1880, ti 18,000,000 In 1887, 9134.-
000,000 in 1mss, * 1:10,000,000 in I88U, *14'!,-
000,000 in 1800. $140,000,000 ill 1891, 915.V
000,000 iu 1802 and 9101,000,000 ill 1803.
UMH 1(1 \ll> IVOlt KM KN.
i y
I .oral ruddier* ami Holler* Kxelted
Arrivals at Ashland. My.
Ashland, Ky..Nov. 28. — General Man-
ager H. Greene, of the Norton iron
works, has arrived from Pittsburgh
with seventy-live puddlers and rollers
to take the places of the local strikers,
who are asking for the Amalgamated
association scale of $4.75 per ton. he
new comers were hired at a rate of 94.50
per ton with guarantee of six months
work. This rate was refused by local
men. Public feeling is greatly against
the company for this action, and a
mass meeting was hold at the council
chamber, in which both the home men
and the visitors participated. No
agreement was reached, but the strang-
ers were given to understand that
none of them would be allowed to
enter the ljiills at the rate
offered. Serious difficulty will cer-
tainly ensue if they attempt it.
There is considerable excitement and
some drinking. It is feared if a cut is
permitted here, 1 ronton, Portsmouth
and Covington mills will later suffer as
well; hence the vigorous kick.
Carl Sell ury. Deelines.
Nkw Yokk, Nov. 28.—"If Carl Scliurz
ever seriously contemplated accepting
the offers made to hitu to accept civil
office under the German government,
he has now decided not to do so," said
one of his warmest friends in New
York recently. The rumors of Mr.
Schurz's permanent return to Germany
probably grew out of the announce-
ment that he was to be given a titular
dignity by one of the states of the em-
pire, owing to his activity in behalf of
German-Americans here. The honor
was declined by Mr. Sehurz in a grace-
ful note, as he pointed out that his
American citizenship was not compati-
ble with its acceptance.
Decimated by I.a <>rlppe.
Port Towxsknd, 11. ('., Nov. 28.—
Mail advices from Alaska per steamer I . n
Miller on Internal Revenue—Morton Oilers
Some Suggestions - Morgan Descants
on Money —Miller lias Nothing
to say About Ills Figures,
Which Mpeak for
Washington, Nov. 28.—The secre-
tary of agriculture, iu his report just
submitted to the president, regrets the
vague character of the department or-
gauization, which he says "offers opu-
lent opportunities for the exercise of
the most pronouneed paternalism," but
he adds that there are many proper
j ways in which the federal government
may legitimately serve the cause of
I agriculture.
j Referring to the sum appropriated
for the use of state experiment sta-
I lions, he says: "This appropriation is
, unlike any other public moneys legis-
lated out of the treasury of the United
States liecause there is no officer of the
! I'nited States authorized to direct,
limit, control or audit its itemized ex
1 penditures."
He suggests that the stations should
l e entirely divorced from the depart
( mcnt, and the sum appropriated
! charged directly to them, or that th
' secretary should have some power to
1 di'-eet and restrain their disburse-
| i tents so as to insure a legitimate ex
i penditure of ths same.
In reference to expenditures, the sec
| re tar v states that his strenuous en
deavor, in view of the depleted public
treasury and of the imperative de-
mands of tax-payers for economy in
the adminisoratiou of the government,
has been to "rationally reduce expen-
ditures by the elimination from the
pay rolls of all persons not needed for
an efficient conduct of the affairs of the
lie gives the number of employee
when he took charge as 2,407, and
states that there are now on the nay
rolls only 1,004, a reduction of 508; and
of the l.004 he says that eleven are on
duty in the office of the civil service
commission,- to which they were as-
signed by request of the commission.
He has, during the first quarter of
the fiscal year, reduced expenditures in
comparison with the corresponding
quarter of last year by over 950,000.
The classified service is defective,
largely owing to the inadequate com-
pensation with reference to the services
rendered. These inequalities he at-
tributes largely to the appropriation
acts making statutory provisions for
the clerical force. He argues the ap-
propriations should be made in gross
for the clerical force, and that full dis-
cretion should be given to the head of
the department in the matter of re-
muneration, affirming that "there can
be no good reason urged against the
government of the I'nited States secur-
ing efficient services in the same manner
that they are secured by the successful
business interests of the country."
The distribution of seeds at the pub-
lic expense is reviewed at length, and
its growth traced from the year 1889,
when Commissioner of Patents Ells-
worth obtained an appropriation of
$1,000 for the purpose of collecting and
distributing r re varieties of seeds and
for other purposes. He shows consider-
able saving to have been effected in the
purchase and distribution of the seed
this year.
Concluding his report, Secretary Mor-
Disabling UurUagton fcnglaes at It Jo-
seph. Mo.
St. Joseph. Mo., Nov. 28.—Just as the
fast express on the Burlington road
was pulling out for Chicago last night
a crash was heard and the engine same
to a standstill. A coupling pin had been
placed on the drawbar of the driving
wheels, bending that part of the ma-
chinery and rendering the engine use-
An hour later another coupling pin
was placed in the same place on an en-
gine about to pull a passenger train to
Atchison This was discovered in time,
however, to prevent accident
A number of bolts were loosened iu a
Burlington & Missouri eugine iu a iuau*
uer which would have caused a disas
tn>us wreck had the engine bceu under
full speed. The engine broke doArn,
however, before it got out of the depot.
Workiug on Ills Message.
Washington, Nov. 28.—The presi-
dent's message is not half finished and
he is denying himself to all callers to
work upon it. lie does not come into
his office except on cabinet days Tues-
days ami Fridays- and works late into
the night.
i. L. Calvert
Ii located near northeast corner ol
0. 8. Land office and iu having all be
can do in his profesaian.
He makes a specialty of olaim and
lot contest and his attention to busi-
ness is the secret of his succesa.
tie is the author of a new work on
the homestead law, termed the "Set-
tlers Uuide" that is acknowledged the
best authority ever published on thd
subject. This work is complete on all
questions pertaining townsite and
school lauds.
AOE.vr* ron
Pittsburg and Huntington.
C st., opposite squat e.
S. L.
$2 Per Day Board $6 Per Week Sample Boom*.
Leading Hotelofthe City.
Our Diniug Uooui is the Finest in I'erry. Special liauquets and Dinner
on Short Notice.
Perry, Oklahoma.
Located ou B St., Bet.
8th aud 9th
A full line of English. French aud Domestic piece goods.
Dunlap Hats for sale.
GKrtlirie, olcla.hoi*ia
\V. H. SMART. !'• "• WEBB.
Will Practice at all Courts.-
Law and Land Attorney
County K-
Newlcirlc., O. T
One Block South of Perry Land Office.
City of Topeka are to the effect that la
grippe is taking off a large number of
the natives residing upon Douglas (
island and about Juneau. There have
been over thirty deaths from this cause
"That there are in the United
States more than 0,000.000 farms, ou
which dwell more than 80,000,000 peo-
ple, furnish more than 14 per cent, of
the value of exports of this country.
The department is, therefore, he argues,
within the past month ami the epidemic , intended to be charged with response
i... , i .i...i 'n.n . ... ... . . . ' .
lias not yet subsided. The bodies of
bility and duties touching interests in-
all the victims are cremated by women j tiuiately affecting the life, property
members of the tribe, who sit in the | aQ^ happiness of the whole people."
Promises of improved service by the
department in the future and recom*
snow about ten feet from the funeral
pyre, with their backs against the re-
mains, the males attending to burning.
Human ashes are preserved as heir-
<Srent Fire ill llitnnihul.
II ANN IB A I., Mo.. Nov. :iS. Fire origi-
nating in the millinery department of
the Williams-Voorhees Dry Goods Co.
Saturday night destroyed eleven build-
ings. Loss, $300,000.
Stockholders of the world's fair will
get back nearly $2,000,000.
(Jen. Schotield talks enthusiastically
of the fortifications at Sandy Hook und
other coast defenses.
A county order which was issued in
1804 was puid last week by J,he treas-
urer of Fayette county, III.
There is great excitement iu Color-
ado over gold discoveries at Hartsel, on
the Colorado Midland railroad.
Rev. Dr. Hrown, of Macomb, 111.,
formerly editor of the Observer in St
Louis, died suddenly at his home.
Some of the London bankers think
Conrad N. Jordan is in that city on be-
half of a loan for the I'nited States.
The submarine vessel Destroyer is
being rapidly made ready to join the
fleet of President Peixoto, of Brazil.
The operation of Keokuk's street
railway has been stopped by order of
the American Loan Si Trust Co. It did
not pay operating expenses.
At the preliminary trial of the al-
leged Peoria, Decatur S: Kvansvillc
train robbers Howe and Van Meter
were discharged. Woodward was held.
It is reported that a light has taken
place between Mexican soldiers and
revolutionists at Boca Grande pass and
that the federal troops were beaten.
John Simmons, a young pilferer, was
publicly whipped with a rawhide by
his mother at Clarksville, Tenn., the
punishment being in lieu of a prosecu-
A dispatch from Teheran says that
12,000 persons were killed in Kushau,
Persia. Ten thousand bodies have
been recovered from the ruins. Fifty
thousand cattle were killed. Shocks
were still being felV
mendutions of useful innovations re-
lating to the work indicated, withheld
in view of the indefinite character of
the duties, forces and responsibilities
of the department, are made.
Washington, Nov. *.2H. — The treas-
urer of the Cnited States, Hon. D. N.
Morgan, has submitted to Secretary
Carlisle the annual report on the oper-
ations and condition of the treasury.
The net ordinary revenues for the
fiscal year were $885,819,628.78, an in-
crease of $30,881,844.54 over those of the
year before. The net ordinary expend-
itures were $383,477,554.49, an increase
of $38,454,623.91. There was, therefore,
a decrease of $7,572,779.87 in the surplus
revenues, reducing them to$2,341,674.29.
Including the public debt, the total re-
ceipts were $732,871,214.78, and the to-
tal expenditures $773,007,998.99.
At the end of September, 1888, the
treasury held $332,551,300 (rf gold, the
largest amount ever reported. The
largest amount of free gold ever held
was $218,818,253, in March of the same
year The lowest points touched since
then were $160,768,584 of total holdings
and $81,551,385 of free gold on October
19. In April, for the first time since
the gold reserve reached the sum of
$100,000,000, it fell below that figure,
and on the 14th of that month the issue
of gold certificates was suspended, as
required by law. The loss of gold was
caused partly by deficiencies in the
revenues, but chiefly by the presenta-
tion of legal tender notes for redemp-
tion in coin.
The amount of gold exported during
the fiscal year was the largest ever
taken out of the country or brought
iuto it in any like period, being up-
wards of $108,600,000, and it is noted
that $102,000,0(10 of it was drawn
out of the treasury by the presentation
of legal tender notes. Most of the gold
exported in former years was supplied
by the treasury in exchange for gold
certificates, and it is the first time that
any considerable stuns of notes have
been presented for the metul.
The revised figures for the amount of
uiouey in circulation, that Is outside of
and Builder.
Plans, Specifications, and Estimates Furnished
Free. Ali work guaranteed to give satis-
t art ion. Shop Jit northeast corner of
Darilogton-Miller's Lumber Yard.
The Blue Bell Saloon,
C Street, Perry, O T-
Chicago Barber Shop.
liKO. V. BOUD, I'kdp.
First ClassWork Only
Seventh St. between 11 ami C.
clabk & mcknight,
Lot 1, Block H). South Side of 11 Strt>et. Bpwlul
attention given to 1*. S. Land Office practice.
We make out tiling paper- correctly. We have
had ten years' experience in all I'. S. Land
Office practice. Consultation free. We con-
test cases made special.
Lawyers and Land Attorneys
Office center of block on I) street between Otli and 7th. north side square-
Mr. Stone has had five years practice before the Interior
Department at Washington, I). C.
Mrs. Mi A. Chapman,
I) Street, between Gth aud 7th,
Stenographer and Typewriter.
Leave your Order fot a call at
On C Street, Between 5th and 6th.
J«e Heart Cab Line. Best Rigs in City. Calls Made all Hours Day or Night.
REFERENCES: The Governor and llecretary
of the Territory of Oklahoma Offices.
Bank x Wade Building, Room I.
Attorney - at - Law,
Practice in all Courts of the Territory j
and (J. S. i^aud Ottice.
Richardson Building, cor. C aud Gtb
St., Rooms 8 and 9.
Attorneys at Law,
We have won the Probate Judge
filing cases at Washington, Call or
write us at Perry, O. T. Associated
with Copp & Luckett, the well known
Land Attorneys at Washington, D. C.
Will practice in all courts before the 1'. S. I.ami ottice and townsite board.
Office over Palace Drug Store, near Justice of the Peace oflice, west side square
Corner C and Eighth Street,
All buggy and wagon repairs made iu a first-class manner and
at reasonable prices.
R. D. LOVE, M. Dm
Special attention Jj[iven to
Diseases of women, and Surgery.
Sonth Side of "B" Between Seventh and Eighth.
President. Vice-President. Cashier.
Parish & Mentz,
Lawyers and Land Attorneys,
John Blauffer,
Land Attorney and Surveyor,
Has alt the original Field Notes and
l'lats for counties K, P. and Q east
of the Indian Meridian.
Attorney at Law.
II. U. Ut;THR«r.
Notary Public.
Law, Rial Lstate and Insurance
Cherokee Strip
All Business guaranteed by our
•OipiVIDUflli -> REfSPBjXSIlWtlTY <-
National Bunk of Commerce, K. Mo.; Miil'anU Nat l Bank. K. r\, Mo.. South Teia* .Oil V
Bank. Houston, Texan; T. W House, hanker, Houston. Texas First Nut'l Bunk. Houston.'^1U.;
commercial Bank. Houston, Te*as: First Nut'l Bank, Albany, Te*a* : Nut'l Exchange XftOK.
Dullas, Texas; First Nat'l Bank. CJulneavllle. Texu> ; < Jamesville Nut'l Hunk. (Jamesville. He*..
Southern Nat'l Bauk, New York , Hill. Fountulue «k Co., St. IahiIh, Mo.. uii«I all Hanks iu '^la-
homa and Indian Territory.
CAPITAL, $50,000.00.
f. k. robinson, Hres. f. w. farrar, c .hier
Corr esDoi iderits •
Mechanics National Rank.
New York City, N. Y.
Wichita National Hank,
Wichita, Kansas.
Home National Hank,
Arkansas City, Kansas.
Midland National liank,
Kansas City, Mo.
First National Hank,
Win Held, Kansas.
Capitol National Hank,
Guthrie, Oklahoma.
State Natioual Hank, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Ferry olclaiioma.

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Greer, Bert R. The Perry Daily Times. (Perry, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 62, Ed. 1 Wednesday, November 29, 1893, newspaper, November 29, 1893; Perry, Oklahoma. ( accessed April 25, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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