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The Daily Transcript (Norman, Okla.), Vol. 6, No. 266, Ed. 1 Wednesday, February 5, 1919 Page: 4 of 4

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The Daily Transcript, Norman, Oklahoma,
Hico Notes
New Castle Notes I^oeal and Personal
Clyde Picarkd made an overland
I trip to the Cement oil fields on
, Tuesday, and reports times Rood
John Fisher Resigns: John Fish- "
hi account of the bad weather Miss Jayne Steele resumed teach- j John Fisher KeBigns: John ^lstl" I there a"nd considerable excitement
re was no Sunday school last ing at Lindsay Ridge last Monday ; er, who has most acceptably and , A number of producinf< wells have
idav, but it will be held next after a two weeks illness, during | efficiently filled the position of ^ br()Ught jn and ]and is chang.
,day. | which time her sister, Miss Rachel superintendent of the court hous. at high prices Mr
Jr. and Mrs. Walter Butler, the taught the school
fly weds, visited at Mr. and
i. ty\ S. Talbot's 011 Sunday.
11 "his community has certainly
I £ re are still some quite
I J* jDg them Mrs. Mae Wynee and Wednesday.
1' vrence Moses and family. | Mrs. Jim Robinson and children
Maggie Woods spent Wednesday other pursuits,
night with their grandmother,
and J Mrs. John Echols.
ill,' S. L. Claxton was in Norman on
I' en Burgess was a business vis-
I '• to Norman, Saturday.
I ■ homas France lias been haul
If hay from the Franklin neigh-
Is" hood.
. Ir. Jim Jones, who lias been ill
,'ie time, does not improve. His
Itr dition is reported quite serious.
1 t 'rank Hartsock was a Norman
jv tor Saturday.
Jwlr .and Mrs. Wiley Herman
e Sunday guests at the W. II
K ite home
l.( he condition of Mrs .Mayfield
reported worse. She lias been
-,l for some time.
ifcloe Martin and John Moses
|;i e called to the Lawrence Moses
le Saturday by the sickness of
It family
!£>. and Mrs. R. K. Church wers
guests of Mr. and Mrs. \\. S.
bot on Sunday
■i-'hat was an interesting game
Ijjasket ball on Sunday.
If ordon Gorbey was present at
I 'o, Eunday
|i >. and Mrs. Bill Gibbons have
snapping cotton for 0. J.
I* raatus Davis has been ill with
|li: flu, but is recovering.
ljirs T. I. Wilson visited her
her near Franklin on Saturday.
i.; has been quite sick with the
J J but is recovering.
I! irville Williams and N. t Oa\i>
■frketed cotton at Newalla on
day. It was the last gin day.
!/ANTED: To hire a farm
I id at good wages One that
1 pay board preferred. See W.
'rank Benard anil Charlie West
present at Hico Sunday eve-
•g •
grounds and building for the past
resigned to enter j
He iay move to
ing hands at high prices Mr
Pickard tells of a deal made by
Purcell men in which an 80 acre
ne B.ay move u, ^ ^ fgr
the farm. The Transcript trusts j
the commissioners will select t*ie j
right sort of a man as his sucres- imeetin^ continue at the First
Methodist Episcopal church. Rev.
Hog Creek Items
Irs. Ed Williams and Mrs. Lee
Ison were the guests of Mrs.
II Kromer on Sunday
fits Angra Goodrich returned
Thursday form her visit to
tie Rock, and was given a war
come by her friends.
;d Williams has received a card
m his brother stating he had
ded in New York from overseas
Ij 1 would soon be home.
oe Martin and Mrs. John Moses
taking care of the Lawrence
8aes family, who are very siek
h th eflu.
1. S. Talbot is very lame with
| >ad attack of the rheumatism,
[r. Henley and four children are
te sick, two with the flu and the
ers have the rheumatism.
lover Christmas has been seri-
ly ill with the pneumonia, but
eported some better.
ee Wilson, Will Kromer and
nzo Church took cotton to
I vala on Saturday.
and Ml- Or.:,] William-
Be Norman visitors on Satur-
| -
Idling and grading up the roads,
ir and Mrs. Everett Davis 1
||c visiting hi? parents. Mr. and <
. N. C Da .
(lie Sunday guests of Miss Em- t
Davis were Mr. and Mrs Or- j
Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Har-
Moore and Mi- Angra Oood-
V. and Mrs George Williams j
e here from near Stella this j
k visiting at the home of Mr. ;
I isses Angra Goodrich and |
rgia France were visitors at
home of Mrs. Dee Williams on
I essrs. Geo. Reed and 3. R.
rch had quite a time a day or
ago rescuing the former's
and Mrs. Tobe Robinson and son
visited Mrs. Wagner and children
last Tuesday afternoon. .
Miss Maggie Woods and Carl
Echols were guests of the Misses
Dye Wednesday evening.
Dee and Bertram Robinson and
Willie Sewell visited a while Wed-
nesday afternoon with their little
neighbor, Bailey Dye.
Mrs. A1 Rice and little son visit
ed her mother, M
Mrs. Elbert Echols is on the sick
J. B. Dickerson spent Friday call-
ing on his neighbors. His business
was taking the school census.
Mrs. John Echols and grand-
daughter, Lucille, spent Friday af-
ternoon visiting her daughter, Mrs.
A1 Rice.
Mrs. Geo Wails was shoping in
Norman Monday.
C B. Dye and daughter, Esther,
spent Sunday and Monday with
Mr. and Mrs W. J. Monroe in Nor
Lindsay Ridge Sunday school
was organized at Lindsay Ridge on
, Sundiiy afternoon and literature
I has been ordered. Everyone is
invited to come out next Sufulay
at 3:00 p. m. and join with us.
Miss Lillie Dye of Oklahoma |
City is spending this week with
| home folks at Fairview farm.
| Albert Smith is having a sale
i this week and will give up farming
land devote his time to the tele-
phone exchange at Newcastle
| The infant daughter of Mr and
Mrs. Clarence Dye is very ill.
We are glad to learn our former
neighbors, Tilden Whited and fam-
ily and Lawrence Rountree and
family have all recovered fiom
Bud Hall and Little son spent
Sunday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. II. C. Hall.
George Wails, Jr., hud as his
guests some young Norman
friends Sunday.
Evangelistic: The evangelistic
sor, one who will be as earnest and
conscientious as Fisher has been j —,V(1 a fine sermon last
in keeping the grounds in fine . , r> i.« "Shall
shape and the trees growing and
thrifty. His successor
been named yet.
has not
An interesting meeting of Nor-
man Lodge No. 28 A. F. & A. M.,
was held at Masonic Temple on
Monday night. There was three
candidates for the Entered Ap-
prentice degree, viz: E. W. Cralle,
John Echols, (j. W. Billings and C. E. Galbraith.
The lodge now has sixteen Entered
Apprentices ready for further ad-
evening from Romans 1:6, "Shall
We Continue in Sin." He spoke
briefly of the history of sin, the
present results of sin, and the to-
morrow of sin. He will preach
again this evening. You will wish
to hear him. The service begins
at 7:30.—Robert D. Pool, Pastor.
Persons who purchased the bar-
rack buildings at the University
are busy these days wrecking
them and removing the lumber.
John Fisher got one of them fjr
$520, Mrs. Rogers another for
some $600 and the Carey-Lumbard
company also got one. Some of
the l.aildings were retained by the
Mrs. John Anderhub, who has
(been in the Sunnyside hospital
for the past week, recovering from
the effects of an operation, will,
the Transcript learns, have to un-
dergo another operation. It was
thought she could be brought home
today, but complications set in.
T. J. Hinshaw arrived home
Wednesday morning from his visit
and has received his discharge
to Dallas and Galveston, Texas,
from the army. Mrs. Hinshaw will
visit a few days more with Dallas
BabyYs Body Found
Near Santa Fe Track
As the Noble section men were
working about two miles south of
Norman at 10 o'clock Wedenesday
morning, one of them, Rufus Clan-
ton, noticed a square parcel in the
ditch near the Santa Fc track.
Upon investigation, it was found
to contain the remains of a baby.
Mr. Clanton brought the parcel to
town and informed the authorities,
and an inquest was called by
County Attorney Cheatwood, with
Judge J. W Linton presiding and
Bob Barbour, L. M. Wynne, Clar-
ence Huffman, L. J. Craig, A.
Hollenbeck and Geo. Cannis acting
as jurors. The body was decided
to be that of a female babe, prob-
ably still-born, and no evidence as
to its probable parents was
brought out. Mr. Clanton thought
it had been laid where it was
found, and not thrown from the
ears as was first thought. The
jury brought in a verdict that the
babe had come to its death from
causes unknown, and the body
was given to an undertaker for
Town Has 'em: "'Let's
"Uncle Tom's Cabin!" Who has
not seen it or read the book? It
Go' is about one of the best new js u st0ry that does not grow old
coined phrases that comes from an(i wjth dainty Marguerite Clark
the American war front and playing both the beautiful Eva
should be learned by every person an,i the irrepressible Topsy, it is
in Slater," exclaims the exasperat-|fjne. University Theatre Friday,
ed Slater Rustler. "But, sad as it j —
is to relate, Slater has a few old j Your "family washing" all
timers who seem to think a better j washed nice and clean—pieces re
slogan would be 'Let's sit.'" j quiring it are starched and all
. flat pieces are ironed. Try our
A card received from James V. service with your next bundle
Smith has been received by Mrs. Phone 71. Norman Steam Laun-
Smith (formerly Miss Monical) dry.
[Special Notice
Weekly Advertisers
Notice is hereby given to pat-
rons who wish to get their adver-
tising in the weekly edition of the
Cleveland County Enterprise, that
they MUST have their copy in
by Wednesday noon of each week
to insure insertion. The Enter-
prise aims to go to press promptly
on Thursday morning, and it takes
time to prepare the advertisements
and legal notices. Be sure and get
your copy in by noon of Wednes-
day, otherwise advertisements will
not appear in that week's issue.
We have just received a large
shipment of the Famous DE-
Minteer Hardware Co ■
Mrs. C'ornlius Seeks Divorce:
Mrs. Ella Cornelius has filed suit
| in district court asking divorce
j from her husband, B. F. Cornelius,
I setting forth that they were mar-
ried in Tex:js on August 23, 1880,
and lived together until in August
1918, when the defendant aband-
; i ned her and is now in Oklahoma
J City. She also charged extreme
I cruelty and non-suport, especially
j since 1911. All the children are
'grown. She also requests full
ownership of some valuable land
in Garvin cuonty, which she ob-
tained some years ago by virtue of
her Choctaw blood. C. M Keiger
is her attorney.
From Life:
"What makes you think Baird
has been married? He swears
he's a bachelor."
"I had him out to dinner the
other night, and he folded his nap-
Extra values given Friday and
| Saturday iif Boys suits. Buy the
boy a suit and get a base ball free.
I Ruckers
We want to do your family-
washing. Phone 743, and we will
otner nigni, auu ne lumcu uia imp-
kin. He's been married, all right." eal1' Ideal Laundry*
Visit the Kinibcrlin Cash Millin-
ery at Morrison's.
Favorite Wick Oil Stoves give
good service.-—Minteer Hdwe Co.
stating that he has arrived safely
from overseas and will be at Camp
Mills, N. Y., for a few days and
then return home. He is all rig!
"and came through without injury.
He resides at Noble.
Faculty Concert: There will be
a faculty concert at Recital Hall
at the University on Friday night.
The program will be given by Miss
Kid ridge and Mr. Snell. The gen-
I eral public is cordially invited.
University Girls Glee Club at
Y": The University Girls Glee
Club will sing for the public the
first time this year at the "Y" to-
morrow evening at 7:1!*). The oc-
casion is the regular "Y" meeting
which will be addressed by Sena-
tor J. Elmer Thomas, chairman of
the senate apropriation committee.
This is a chance for University and
Norman people to hear one of the
really big men of our common-
wealth. The "Y" will seat about
1,100 people. There should be no
empty seats.
j Mr. Lester Roberts and Miss
Irene Turner were married by
'judge Allen on Saturday after-
noon, February 1st. They are
among the best known and most
popular young people in this
neighborhood and have the best
wishes of numerous friends.
University Theatre
"Home of Super Silent Drama
Jesse L.
Wallace Reid and
Hathlyn Williams
the desar
We have a complete stock of
wicks for all makes of oil stoves
Minteer Hdwe. Co.
Our "flat work" service will
please you. Let us call for your
laundry next week. Phone 71.
Norman Steam Laundry.
Roys and Young Men
—we will sell any mil-
itary suit valued up
$8.50 at $5.95
All $10.00 military
suits at
This is our aim in the restaurant business and with
a guarantee that we will carry out t'u". program, we
invite your business.
||llllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllillllllllllll< Hill
We have a full and com-
plete stock of
Legal Blanks
And if there is a special
form you want, we will
print it for you.
T ranscript-Enter-
prise Pub. Co
A 7-room modern residence,
choice location, West side, priced
to sell $2,800.
A 5-room residence, 7 lots, good
out buildings, house in good con-
dition, East side, $1,600.
A3-room house, 4 lots, good
barn, $1,100.
A 3-room plastered house, lot
75x140, $700.
A 7-room bungalow, 4 lots,
choice location, $3,000.
A modern 10-room residence,
fine sleeping porches, choice loca-
tion. Second floor rents for $00
per month. A bargain, inquire for
A 4-room residence and bath,
A 160-acre farm, 75 acres alfal-
fa bottom, fair improvements, $50
per acre.
Residence lots on DeBarr and j
Jenkins avenue, owned by Non
residents. Priced to sell.
Fleming's Grocery
We will offer you a chance to buy your
Groceries at Bargain Trices for the rest of
this week.
California Pink Beans, per pound 10c
California Pink eBans, per pound .- 10c
Extra Re-cleaned Pinto Beans, per pound 10c
12 cans good corn $1.50
12 cans good peas $1 65
12 cans Pink Sshnon 2.35
12 cans Red Salmon __$3.35
12 cans Country Gentleman Corn — $2.00
No. 10 Best Apple Butter $1.25
No. 10 Solid Pack Peaches 65c
No. 10 Solid Pack Apricots -60c
No. 10 Bucket Compound $2.50
No. 10 Red Rasp Berries _.$1.15
Yukon's Best Flour, per hundred pounds $5.75
Bulk Peanut Butter, per pound — -- - 25c
Best Cream Cheese per pound - - 40c
Seed Potatoes, Onion Sets. Garden Seed
in Bulk or Packages.
3. T. Fleming
Phone 192
"Tbe Thing We Love"
An Artcraft
2 Reels of Hilarit
"Freckled Fish'
L-KO Comedy
A Worth While Show
| marriage license was issued Orchestra Music
y to Mr. Ralph B. Roark and Admission . 5c and 15c
Bertha Ramsay, and thi
e from Hog Creek, where it
bogged down. The animal was
jured except for some bad
I ses.
.' . i'LA!;;
Office over Broken Dollar Store
1 'icture
iscript learns the marriage
be solemnized at the home of
bride on Lahoma avenue this
dnesday) evening.
Matinee Daily 2 p. m.
n't fail to go to Ruckers Fri-
and Saturday, boys suit sale,
ise ball given free with every
it see the Liberty's show! J|
Coming — Tomorrow
Bessie Barriscale
A Paralta Picture
"The Heart of Rachel'
We have an Emerson Piano like new to
be sold by February 5 for $125. On terms
to suit. This is a real bargain if you are
looking for a used piano-
Norman Music Co.
North Side East Main Street
iSaVes Wortc in Cleaning
LINOLEUM, the present day lowprice floor covering requires less work in clean-
ing than any other floor covering. Then, too, it will not soil easily. It bright-
ens the kitchen and makes the surroundings for the housewife more pleasant
and healthful.
burlap back, heavily printed in numer-
ous designs, also with paper felt back,
heavily inlaid in all the best colors and
patterns; colors run through material—
will not wear off—water proof.
Stop at the store and see them.
Many designs in both inlaid and
printed linoleums of standard quality
and pattern, medium and heavy weight,
attractive and servicable, for the kitch-
en, pantry, bath room, dining room, bed
room—any room. Made in regulation
Meyer 6 Meyer

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The Daily Transcript (Norman, Okla.), Vol. 6, No. 266, Ed. 1 Wednesday, February 5, 1919, newspaper, February 5, 1919; Norman, Oklahoma. ( accessed April 18, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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