The Enid Weekly Wave. (Enid, Okla. Terr.), Vol. 9, No. 43, Ed. 1 Thurssday, October 30, 1902 Page: 4 of 8

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f From Thursdays Daily, g
Nick Taylor was in the city yester-
day. Nick is now a Woods county
cattle man.
What has become of the old fash-
ioned tnau who used to play the ac-
The Gentry trained animal show
was a good one. but the attendance
was light. The farmers are too busy
seeding to attend circuses.
What has become of the old fash-
ioned man who would say of the poor
man, "He is so poor that he hasn't
bread in the house over night?"
A man in town tooK up a lost dog, a
miserable mongrel pup, and now he
can't get rid of aim. His friends say
that this is one time when he got
something that will stay with him.
Mrs. S. S. Duinont, of the Grand
Avenue hotel, is visiting with her
parents near Lahoma. Sam threatens
to secure another girl if she don't
come home soon.
Louis Vollers was in Knid today.
He contemplates returning to this
city to live. His trial comes olf in
La wton this week, it is thought he
will be cleared of the i-hargc against
The Soldiers departed from Enid
.'.his morning going south on their way
to Fort Sill. They stopped two days
« Enid. There were four troops, A.
S. C. and D of the 8th U. S. Cavalry
ander (.'apt Far her of troop B. This
regiment returned from Cuba recent
The young men of Enidbave organ-
ized what they call a "basket ball
club." They play in a vacant room
itn the west side. It is a funny game
A foot ball is used but it is against
the rules to kick it. Two bottomless
fciakets are hung high up on the wall
•ne at each end of the room. The
ide that gets the ball in its basket wins the heat. It seems to be a
hot game for violent excercise.
Cure a Cold in one day.
Take Laxative BromoQuinine Tab-
lets. All drugg sts refund the money
% it fails to cure E. W. Grove's signa-
ture is on each box. 25c.
Geo. A. Benedict, who represented
liuiself to be a "grain buyer"' stopted
at Hotel Kraut/, several days and
skipped out without paying his hotel
till. Sheriff Porter wired Benidicts
description to adjoining towns and
Benedict was apprehended at Black-
well this morning by the city Mar-
*bal. He paid the bill and was re-
AS cd.
It is reported by the Blackwell
Hews that Ben Cravens,the notorious
•utlaw, has been in Tonkawa for
■Cveral days. Several persons who
Snow him personally have seen him
and conversed with him. Tonkawa
its in Kay county about 12 miles north
east of Billings. Ben had better | Thi..iffn,tu«h on .Teryboj of u tennto*
•teer clear of Sheriff Porter's bali-
The entire republican campaign in
the territory is misleading, and
treacherous, besides it is one mam-
moth blackmailing scheme. Their
orators and press dwell louaJv
and lengthily on the division of the
school money of Oklahoma with the
Indian Territory and the enormous
expense Oklahoma will be in provid-
ing roads for the I. T. people. Both
are lies, or wholly theoretical. The
republican party is in full "control of
the federal government and if they
should be guilty of allowing such an
inequality, as they picture, in case of
single statehood, they alone would
be responsible for it.
As far a- the public road theory
they advance as a sweet morsel is
concerned, it is not only a rough
edged campaign lie but supremely
rediculous and the Wavk can prove
Each county in each and every
state of the American Union must
bear its own public road expenses.
Is Grant county paying any of the
public road expense* of Garfield
county? Certainly not. The new
counties that will be formed out of
the I. T. would have to bear the ex-
expense of establishing and main
taiuing roads through said county.
It seems to the Wave that any school
boy of ordinary intelligence should
know these facts.
The republican press of this city
j assisted by Birdie's unimportant and
wholly uninfluential Echo has indulged
in many longscreeds charging Sheriff
Porter of boodling the county in the
way of collecting a salary in excess
of the provisions of the Oklahoma
This brutal and oft repeated false-
hood right on the heels of the cam-
For Human Flesh and Horse Flesh, ihe
Household and Stable Requisite.
You Knotr What you are Taking
When you take Grove's Tasteless
' hill Tonic because the formula is
plainly printed on every bottle show-
ing that it issimplj Iron and Quinine
m a tasteless form. No cure, no pay
Name the Man.
Gnvne's Infallible Liniment Is endorsed by
heads of families, athletes, horsemen, everybody
who lias used It, as the best remedy for tlie
household, the stable, the gymnasium and the
training quarters.
•Toother remedy can tako Its place and dolts
work so satisfactorily. On man or horse In
training it is used as a "rub-out." It uulcklv
cures the bruises of the pugilist and footbail
player; the strains, sprains, chafes, sweillnps,
palgn is not only a damnable K chU&ilndThe
tion on the character of the sheriff j'K better than
but the late republican county com- 8 I over used." Bob Htzslmmons.
J t I have used Greene's Liniment on my horsey
missioners. tpley. Boyington am: 'ball never bo without If Wm. A. Plnkerton.
Biggs. If Mr. Porter robbed the Keeps the nu'sdesfrou" lu^rd'im^Mrrelkves
county du ing his first term of office
he must have done so with the con "'"i01"- It Is an excellent conditioner." .la>,
J. ( orbett.
sent of the republican board of com 1 "Directly, 2:03k,. would never have been ablo
missioners. The records in the coun-
ty clerk's office, which are open to the
inspection of the people will develop Hartford, Jr., 2:ll5i, I am certain thai
.. ,. 1 of the success of these horses was due
tue ile the republican dogs of war 0 Greene s Liniment." Geo. West, (Trainer.)
are publishing. All the money the lor my oj-b a'i'ra'Ll
sheriff'sollice handled in the last three ?em& U is'ln^uab.e." J. B.
years and nine months, and more, is Jacll!>on-
given out as clean profit for Porter P"'eC"7
when the fact stands out clear on the
records that Porter is reallv short on > i3confid™u>' and satisfactorily used by old and
i young. There Is only one thins more convincing
the salary allowed him under the ' ",an tlle testimony of others; that is actual
. , | Personal experience, then of yourself you know,
statutes. I hat other game, or repub- This great antiseptic lulling remedy that will
lican camnai"n story 14 t„ \rr su'jd,u'' acll'« pain in a very few minutes and
' ) ♦ a. to .Ir. quickly overcome Inflammation and swelling is
Porter owing a couple of his heln , sold for 25 and 60 cents a bottle. A large size at
i | ono dollar is put up for stable use.
from $1,(H)0 to$l,r>00 is too rediculous All the best druggists keep Greene's Infallible
tr., «.u_ I . , .• , l iniment. Accept no substitute. There Is no
lor the least consideration, because other liniment that is like it or "just as good."
everybody knows that Mr Porter 7,10 makers, J. W. Greene & Co., Chicago, will
I orter ,end a large free sample upon request and lOcts.
could not secure help that could be i ^ocovercostof mailing.
stood oft for their wages one or two
years. In fact all wage earners
must have their pay weekly or
Wi 11 l ie <Sc
i ti lie
Some irresponsible person is cir-
cnlating the report through the
county that C. V. Porter only hunts
up the criminals where there is a re-
ward offered. This report is absolute-
ly false. Hardly a horse, wagon or
harness that ha been stolen in this
county but Mr. Porter, by his vigil-
ance, has captured the thief. People
in this county who have lost property
know this, and in almost every case
have offered rewards for the capture
of the thief.
We assert that in every instance
he has positively refused to take or
accept the reward, except iti one
single instance; that was where Mr.
Charles Sherer had lost some pro-
perty and offered a reward, which
was paid by Mr. Shrrer.
Now gentleman be fair. If Mr.
Porter has accepted any reward
from any citizen of Garfield County
for recovering stolen property, name
the man who paid it.
wick or he *ill be taken in.
All this republican talk about Ok-
lahoma dividing her school land mon-
ey with the Indian Territory in case
cf single statehood is rot pure and
#mple, and the bu .'gabooover buying
tend to make roads is ridiculous. The
government always regulates such
things. The Indians have already
agreed to give the land for roads. It
• to their interest to do so. What
w^uld their lands lie worth without
- mb wu ctorj ikjx oi xne germ in
Laxative Bromo*Quinine Table*
the remedy that cures • coHJ to one daj
monthly. The idea of Mr. Shafer, or Completed to Anadarko, Lawton
any other employee of the sheriff's and Other Points.
force working at the rate of $40 or 1
$50 per month and allowing his wages branch line of the Rock Island
to accumulate to $1,500 is too redieu- rai'roatl from Anadarko to Enid, via.
lous for the consideration of any ! Bridgeport, has been completed, the
sane person. Mr. Shafer received all i ra"8 a" being in place. This good
the pay the law allowed him at the news to the people of Anadarko and
hands of the commissioners. These i tlle tra,fling public in particular, as
lies will not take a vote from Porter,'Kives us direct connection with
as they are rediculous on the face of "r'^st'Port and Enid. Now Anadarko
the record. wants the Frisco system and the
"'Katy system to come here and
LOST I S COTTON MONEY. : we'll be content till others build in
here.—Anadarko Tribune.
Cushing, O. T„ Oct. 22. While i :
Walter Tunnel, who iives across the A SLI(iHT VICTORY FOR LABOR,
river north of here, was returning
home from a dance held at the resi-
dence of Charley Bowers, he was held
up by three highwaymen and robbed
of $33 the proceeds of a load of cot-
ton which he had sold in Cushing.
The holdup occurred at the hill six
miles north of here. One of the rob-
bers stepped out from behind a bush
and gaabbed both horses by the
bridle reins. Two other men then
stepped up on either side of the
buggy and with drawn revolvers de-
manded young Tunnell to throw up
his hands. They then made him
hand over all the money he had ex
cept $1.50 which was in another poc-|
ket and remained nndiscorered
| Farm Loans.
Lowest rates. Easiest terms; most
| Call at our Enid Branch office for full information
""12,f Home office Wichita, Kansas.
Oklahoma Herd of Poland Chinas.
Herd Established in 1885.
■ r. .. - _ Herd Headed by Waukomis King 25735, bred by C W Ton,.
ofVanMeter, Iowa, sired by D. S. Tom, 3rd 21055; dam Stylish Medium
' !r'lV,nV" ?a''py Lnum the 84100 h°tf- Sows are of the Wilkes Tp
i-risco railroads^10" SUa'nS ^ others' Can shil> b3' the Rock Island or
P.Cdi£rf cvVT,l'i" ^ld' 1!0 P*8 for the season.s trade.
*\ 1r , i,J,ert Ko"n',,"' V aukomis. Garfield Co.. Oklohoma-
Also Barred Plymouth Itock Eggs, 15 for $1.00. 7-31tf
From Saturday's Daily. §
Ex Senator Geo. Orner has gonel to
Topeka Kan to attend a reunion of
tbe Orner family.
The question of the hour is not "who
struck Billy Patterson." It is who
struck Mr. Jim Steen.
And still the line wann Autumn
weather continues. It is twentyone
days t o day since Oklahoma experien-
ced any disagreeable weather.
The Local Lodge I. O. O. F. are
preparing to errect ano'.her brick
business block on the vacant lot just
north of their hall on South Grand.
County Clerk Hatter returned from
Guthrie last evening without the
territorial ballots. Frank Greer's
raft ing house had not printed them
The Epworth League will give a
Halloween social next Friday even-
All ancient customs will be hon-
ored. Ghosts and ghostesses will be
present and the goblins will get you
if you don't have fifteen cents in your
Game Law Vilalor.
Early this morning the Enid Furni-
ture Co were notified that Mr. Wm
Pollock, who lived on N. E. 21.22. 9
Woods County, had committed sui-
cide hi cutting his throat with a
razor, and to come out with a coffin
and take care of the body. Mr. Kir
ven went out at once on the llock Is-
land branch. He wired back that
ads to gain access to the world? tht" deceased had almost severed his
Vote for Bill Cros-
A man. who, as a member of the
City Council of the city of Enid,
would favor the appointment of a
fecial officer to visit houses of ill
lame, and follow and watch unfortun-
ate women of loose virtue for the pur-
jMi euf collecting monthly a portion
«f their ill gotten gains, ough not to
receive the votes of the rood citizen^
of Garfield county for the nffi
James Kershaw, the republican
candidate for sheriff, fathered this
Movement and voted for it and voted
lor the appointment of K. J Hun-
arcker, and voted to pay him the sum
X $50.00 pet month for such services.
The proceedings of the City Coun-
cil, at their specia' se.-sion on May
JB, 1902. show the above faet?. If the
special policeman had been ordered
U close up the dives of ill fame I
throughout the city, all respectable I
people would have said amen, but he
wa> appointed to collect money from
tfeem only.
head from the body. The Wave
has been unable to get any particulars
that would lead up to the cause of
the suicide.
Stops the Coi/i/h and H o is o/fthe Cold.
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
cure a cold in one day. No cure, on
pay. Price 25 cents.
if it was not for violations of the
quail law farmers would not have
their birds slaughtered every year.
One person in Enid who daily violat-
ed the law by buying and, it
is thought, shipping quail is
the present candidate for sheriff
.. T) , ,. | ineir lives are entitled t
on the Republican ticket. There's | live comfortably at least
is plenty of proof that Jim
Kershaw bought large quautites of
quail and as he sold very few in the
city it is presumed that he shiped
them out of the territory.
The Anthracite coal miners, of
Pennsylvania, to the numb,er of 350,-
000, who have been out on a strike for
the last four months, resumed work
today having accepted the proposi-
tion of President Roosevelt to place
the matter between the miners and
| the operators before a board of se-
ven commissioners whom the president
had already appointed. 'Ihe com-
mission has no legal power, but both
sides of the controversy have agreed
to abide by its decision. It is a fact,
now well known throughout the coun-
■ try that the anthracite coal miners,
j who labor deep down in the earth
have only been receiving $7.20 per
week for their labor, which is not
enough to keep the body and soul of a
big family together, therefore the
demand of the miners for more wages
is just, and no doubt the disinterested
humane boarcl of arbitration will do
justice to the miners. We all know
and God knows anthracite coal brings
an enormous price. The operators
have no right to make it all. The
poor devils who dig at the risk of
their lives are entitled to enongh to
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. McKeever have
return d from their wedding trip to
Topeka Kansas and are now engaged
in furnishing their handsome new
cottage home on Oak street. How-
ever, it will be several weeks before
they begin house keeping.
Knocked Almost Senseless While Going
to his Home on East Hill.
With a Piece of Iron or a Brick. Sup-
posed to Be the Work of Ene-
"lies of Mr. Steen.
The county is now on a cash basis,
brought about through the economi-
cal business methods of the present
democratic board of County Commis-
sioners. L)o you want a change of
administration in county affairs? Do
you want the old boodling republican
crowd in the saddle again? The
Wave cannot believe that you do.
Broke Jail.
Shavvnek, O. T., Oct. 22. -This city
T\t first Prescription for .Vtiara
Its no Experiment
When you take
Your Watch to be Repaired
your diamonds to l>e remount-
ed or any other niece of work
known to jewefery business
that you want done right, if
you take it to
F. O. tiuhbell,
The Expert H atchmaker, Jeweler
Engsaver, «£■ Graduate Qpticion.
Everything is Done Per-
fect There!!
With -. u. on.
was the scene of a jail delivery yes
terday. Clark Thomas, the man who
was arrested Sunday afternoon in the
: southwestern part of the county by
Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's W> A' Hensle>' and Deputy Sheriff
Tasteless thill Tonic. It is simply Dyer, on a warrant from Arkansas,
Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. I
N'o cure, no pay. Price 50 cents. charging him with attempting mur-
der, grew quickly tired of life in an
iv .u , . Oklahoma "holdover" and souirht
1 he republican say that their party K
, . , , , " sure means of escape.
and candidate, stand for immediate ! -
statehood. (jUy s. Mannatt, of this city has
rhey have made the same >tate- been commissioned a Notary Public.
ment in every platform they have
made for the last ten years both
Xationial and territorial. They have
had an unbarred and an uninteruptcd
opportunity to make Oklahoma a
state fort tie last six years. What
do they mean by "immediate state-
The Frisco will soon be running its
trains through to Vernon Texas 160
miles south west of Enid. Then the
division will be established in Enid
and work will begin on the Frisco
shops and Iiound Houses. This es-
tablishment of a division point in
Enid will bring about 60 familes to
Enid immediately and later on about
150 families.
The mist remarkable assertion of
Gov. Ferguson while making his
speech here, was the statement that
Bird McGuire secured a common
school education, passed through col
lege, taught school one year, studied
law and was admitted to practice and
as elected county attorney all in-
side of three years. Bird must have
been a real industrious bird indeed.
However, the governor is a talking
machine. He is always wound up tigh
j ;ust before he begins his speech and
: a cob happem to slip uncertain
! statements -lip out of the lips of the
i machine.
Clouty s half starved cheap ink
smear, Garfield County Democrat (?)
lias become a what is it." It is not a
democratic paper,it is not a republi-
c n paper,a populist paper or a soci-
alist paper, hence, "what if it"
hood1' right away or ten years from w ^ , i •.
h ■ • " Over in McGuire's home county,
now. If the present .utehood bill is pjwnce the newgpapcr9 ca„ him
defeated the republican party will be ..„irdSeed McGuire." The honor-
wholly responsible, not thedemocrate ujrd Seed McGulre has not yet
i j ,■ ■ .. honored Pawnee county by a visit.
Frank Hamilton and Bert Thomas Perhaps he wants to pass us up so
ar, great favorite- on the fusion as to have some way to explain
ticket. Their election - a-- ed by what happened to him np here,
big overla ping majoritie- Pawnee Dispatch.
Your Uncle Bill Cross will carry
every county bordering on the Indian
Territory and Texas by large and
pronounced majorities. Besides
these counties he will carry every
county in the Cheyenne and Arapahoe
country. Hird McGuire will carry
Loganand Kingtishercountie-: thanks
to the negroes. McGuire must carry
every county bordering on Kansas by |
very large majorities to win and he L,
not sure of any of them. Garfield
county will not give a majority of
over 150 votes either way and the
Wavk would not be a bit surprised of
I'ncle Bill gets the majority. It will
be the Hon. \\ illiaeu Cross, delegate
to congress from Oklahoma, after
about Nov. 5, 1 SOU.
Last night about 8:00 o'clock Mr.
James Steen, a well known attorney,
pnrchased some groceries at Hodg-
den's grocery store on East Broad-
way and started for his home on the
East Hill. Just as te passed the east
corner of the llackett blacksmith
shop, or the corner of Broadway and
West Railroal Avenue, he was struck
a heavy blow on the right side of the
head and again in the stomach and
back. Tbe blows did not knock Mr.
Steen down, but the head lick dazed
him, and he staggereJ from the side-
walk to the middle of the street yell-
ing "murder" so loudly that his as-
sailants retreated. Mr. Steen did not
see the men before the attack, not a
word was spoken by him or his as-ail-
ants, but after the blows were struck
Mr. Steen noticed two men. One was
a middle aged man, who ran east and
who stumbled and fell i , crossing the
Rock Island track. The other one
: jerked away going south on Railroad
; avenue. The blow on the head so
dazed Steen that he could not identify
j the brutes.
Mr. Cook who clerks for Hodgdens
heard Mr. Steen's outcrys and he
! hurried to his assistance, but not in
time to catch a glimpse of the
assaients. From the evidence, in this
brutal assault of one our most peace-
I able citizens, the Wave is lead to be
I lieve that the work was done by sec-
ret enemies of Steen to either kill
him or do him great bodily harm.
1 hieves and hold ups never resort to
^ violence until their victim refuses to
| obey orders. Mr. Steen's wound on
the head was dressed by Dr. Kelso.
| It consists of a scalp wound about
, three inches long about two inches
above the ear. The skull was not
j cracked, and no serious complication
is liable to set in from concussion, as
the victim has been about all day
Mr. Steen says the whole trouble is a
mystery to him as he has no idea why
anybody should strike hiin thus. Of
course, the city and county officers
have been on the alert, but no arrests
have been made.
Carl, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Walker, of N'orth Independence Ave,
Walker addition, died Friday Oct. 24
1902 at 9. p. m. of membraneous croup,
aged eight years. The funeral will
take place from the Walker home at
10. a. m. Sunday Oct 26.
Or. McEIrath's celebrated mare
named "Kentucky Bell" came very
near dying with pneumonia yester-
«'iy. As the mare is only three
yn^o°ughWay ',e She h!,S thc who°P'
Business College
r j> , . •HrkanMs GKy, Han.,
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Pari huUmtttVM ,0n£ Mion J®rm#'e,r •
Hmiifij Collrat C«.. g|jy
• barrows. proudem.

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Isenberg, J. L. The Enid Weekly Wave. (Enid, Okla. Terr.), Vol. 9, No. 43, Ed. 1 Thurssday, October 30, 1902, newspaper, October 30, 1902; ( accessed April 25, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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