The Lexington Leader (Lexington, Okla.), Vol. 27, No. 45, Ed. 1 Friday, July 19, 1918 Page: 1 of 8

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Oklahoma HUtorlrl Sorl.f.
Vote for Jep Knight, a Democrat, for Congress From This District
Political advertising
Has its Place Along Side
Because it is the "First Aid" of the farmer and stands
back of him in all his operations.
COUNT UN THIS BANK for everv assistance you require.
We are with you, and for you. This bank places its ser-
vices at your command.
Security State Bank
Seventy-three Men
Are Re-classifitd
Seventy-three men of Classes '2C j
and 3J have been reclassified by
I the district exemption board at I
Oklahoma City and placed in Class |
A-l. The questionaires have!
I been returned to the county board '
and the men have been notified, j
I The men from the south end of the
county are as follows:
Raymond N Webb. Chas. Her/.og,
Shirlie Couch, Sam 1). Woniack. j
Paul Francis Fontenier, Arthur It. j
Reynolds and Herman 1.. Kreese, j
II all of Lexington.
Those from Noble were: Joe
j Dousett, John Slager, Harvey Black
i Walter I. Flnnnigan, Jas. V. Smith
and Cyrus Janda.
The district board also acted on
the cases of ten others, but made
no changes, therefore they remain
in 2-C. There were only two of
these en sea from the south end
I they were Joy E. Shockley of Lex-
ington and John W. Hooper of
Summer is now in its
prime. These are ideal
days for kodaking. A
summer vacation cannot
be complete without an EASTMAN. We have them
in all the different sizes and styles. Films and other
supplies. See them on display in our store.
Ask Your Doctor
About our prescription department. Fresh, depend-
able drugs and reasonable prices justisy us in inviting
you to let us be your druggists.
Palace Drug Store
Pure Drug Pharmacists
Pulliam Sells Four Men Go Up
Farm To CoUer For Five Years
Car Backs Off Of
C. D. To Buy An |Relatives and
Honor Flag Parents of
—■— Soldier Boys
In an Automobile accident last
The Council of Defense of Lex- Saturday afternoon Mrs, Mudd and
Id last sunw morning n w 8 j ington paB8ed a resolution at its her thirteen-year-old daughter were
animously voted that the Council im,eting h(J|,|
Meeting Will Begin
Bridge; Kills Two Here Sunday Night
At the regular weekly meeting of |
the Lexington Council of Defense'
held last SuwUv morning it was
i L. . ... ,c , 1 kiled and Mrs. Selby was seriously
! meeting held last Sunday morning
n ■, injured. A little son of Mrs. selby
to the effect that the Council would ' , . . ,
., ; escaped uninjured.
buy an Honor Flag and place n
star on it for each boy who lias gorn The car was being driven by Mrs.
or may hereafter go from this part Mudd and was ascending a high
ilaci-where it would be accessible | ;+c;ove]and coun(yto fiKht f()f u„ 8teep hill above the bridge two
all. 'The money to buy the dig in wor)d war ' A)g0 t0 make R milea south and two
to be donated by the members of J -
would buy a big Honor Flag and
place a star on it for every soldier,
boy who ha3 aone from here and'
that the banner should be bung in i
a placi where it would be accessible i
the council. At the meeting Son-
day rooming something over ten
dollars was donated by the members j
present. Other members are re-
quested to see the secretary treaau-1
4 rer. Mr. Jack Etheridge, and ^ive
! permanent record of each name of °f Norman
and a half west
bridge. She at-
i each boy who lias gone and who may tempted to shift gear of the machine
I hereafter go and have this recor.:; and killed the engine. According
properly framed. Therefore we ask j to Mrs. Selby the brakes would not
that any parent or relative who has1 hold the machine therefore it ran
a eon or relative with Uncle Sams| backward and turned off the side of
a yon or relative whu * .
;e, and give , ^ camp Jn {he United the bridge at the bottom of the hill I outlook for election, He in spend-
what you feel you can afford to give st'lteg or Hjreat]v "overthere" to I and fell some fourteen feet to the I jng what time ho can afford to take
A. F. Pulliam sold his fine river i Jack Dilbeck, Ed Bailey, Ray
bottom farm this week to L. Wrath and Ace Sang were sentenced
H. Coker. This farm was compos- Monday to serve five years in the
ed of eighty acres and was consider- penitentiary for automobile steal-
ed one. of the best bottom farms in W They were arrainged Monday
this country. Mr. Pnlliam bought j before Judge Burke, coutity judge,
the farm a little over a year ago, land waived preliminary hearing
paying what was at that time an | and were immediately sent before
excellent price. However, the crop | District Judge Swank where they
on the place more than paid for it i pleaded guilty and were sentenced,
last year. Mr. Coker is to be con-1 Diibeck and Wrath are of the
j gratulated on being able to "pry" 1 draft age: the other two are below
! Pulliam loose from this holding. I the age. The penitentiary sentence
Hon, H. O. Miller, democratic I Jack Ethridge, one of our loqal real I will take precedence over the draft
caudidate ior State Senator from j estate men, is responsible for the j call.
Cleveland, McClain and Garvin Ideal.
counties, was in Lexington las^j
Saturday evening. Mr. Miller says Shipped Cattle
While delivering a cream sepera-
Rev. Samry Smith who is hold-
ing a series of meetings in the
Spiing Hill community, will close
tKere and open a meeting here next
Sunday night. A tabernacle will
be erected for the purpose and
everyone is invited to attend.
H. O. Miller here
Bitten By a Dog
that lie is well -pleased with his !
in this worthy cause.
The flag to
be bought is to be an extra large
one and of the very best material,
and it with the stars will cost some-
where between $25 and
Got Over Heated
call at the Leader office in Lexing- j bottom of the gulch killing Mrs.
I ton and register his name with Ed i Mudd and her daughter instantly.
IF. Little who has been appointed! Mrs. Selby secured help from a
to do this woik. ; nearl)y fartn 1,11(1 nle,li(,il1 aid was
i ... ,, . ., , i summoned and administered to
We would suggest that you do
, 1 Mrs. Selby who had one of her arms
'this at once as we want to have, , , • ,
, . , . .1.. „ I badly cut and bruised.
I this record completed at as earl} a1
date as possile.
Pres. Lexington.C. D.
George Belew worked too hart! j
Tuesday while the thermometer
was trying to crawl out over the;
top, and became over-heated and Speaking Held
for a time it was thought that he 1
would not pull through. However.
with immediate medical attention j
and careful nursing Tuesday night | The political speaking held >n;
and Wednesday, he is reported as , Lexington was attended by a large j
recovering and will be able to be ; crowd of interested voters. J. I), j
out again in a few days. jGrigsby and Tom Cheatwood, can-|
1 didates for the office of county at-
[ These parties were on their way
! from their home at Skiatook, Okla.,
I to Ft. Sill, Okla., where Mr. Mudd
, is stationed in the national army.
The remains of the two persons kill-
' ed were taken to Purcell aird held
Last Saturday | awaiting instructions from relatives.
Chas. (ireemore returned Wed- j tor to the home of Roscoe Jones last
| nesday from Oklahoma City where i Friday afternoon, E. J. Keller was
from the duties of his office tlllB ; j,e ^ad been maaketing Ja load of [ bitten in the right foot by a dog be-
week in McClain and Garvin coun- ;ftttle Mr. Grecmore says that , in t0 Mr, juneg. The wound
ties in the interest of Ins candidacy. . he f()und „ very satisfactory mar- " 8 ^ f|nd ,lil8 httd Mr.
—~ ~~ ! ket for fat cattle but he would ad- 1 ... , „„„
Uncle Ben Goode was in town | vise people to keep their lean( Kg < r < mi " |LS
Monday from the farm.
stuff at home
Mr. Bun!
Rev. W. N. Myers of the Corbett forney, spoke as also did
community was in the city Monday. Phillips.
Peaches! Peaches!
His Mother Dead
Dacula, Ga., July 13.
Dear Brother and Family:
" We are in sorrow
Peaches at $1.50 per bushel at Glenwood Fruit Farm, one
half miles east of Lexington. Come before they are too ripe.
and a
Keep Kool
Wearing apparel. We have a new lot of
Shirts,.Collars, Ties, Underwear, Hats,
Hosiery, Hose Supporters, Pants, Belts,
Suspenders, Shoes and Low Quai ters
The Quality is Here—The Price is Right
(J e 111 h ' Fu rn ish i 11
j today. Mama dropped dead yes-
! terday and was buried here today,
j We put her away nicely. She look-
| ed mighty sweet and good."
The above is a copy of the mes-
sage that brought sorrow to the
home of J. M. Tuggle this week.
Mr. Tuggle had returned from Da-
cula only a short time since from a
| summons to the beclside of his
mother. At the time he left she
was muijh improved and able to be
about a little. Death came sudden-
ly to Mrs. Tuggle at the age of 78.
The immediate cause being dropsy, j
A Bank For Everybody
What More is Necessary to Say
WHEN the WAR IS WON, all of us will be very happy
to Buy Thrift and War Saving Stamps, produce more
food and save more
The Farmer's State Guaranty Bank
- " ' R. A. FRANKS, Assistant Cashier.
R. M EVANS, Cashier.
Ten Cleveland Co.
Men Ordered Camp
The Lexington Amusement Co.,
n 1 < ♦ I realizing that it is sometimes dififu
The immediate cause being dropsy, j Ten men have been called tor to , ^ ^ V(jry unhi,.,dy to obtain a
from which she had been a sufferer send to Camp Freemont, Calif., for I place for th(, baptiHjng 0f
for a long time. She leaves four military training. '1 he preliminary j ^ ( )V,„ ro„jv,,i meetings
1 Board Approves
County Estimates
| children to mourn for her; J. M.
Tuggle of this city; W. G. Tuggle of
Purcell; J. D. Tuggle of Dacula,
Ga., and Mrs. J. W. Maddox of
Huschton, Ga., and a host of friends
with whom the Leader joins in
' extending heartfelt sympathies.
The board of county commission-
ers of this county held a special
meeting in the oflice of the county
clerk Thursday, the purpose of the
meeting being to approve the esti-
mates of the county for the coming
year. All estimates were approved
by the borad.
onto., prepare for .hi. «n.r, in-
was received b, .he cn.y'h.M here,!.,™* he •
board Tuesday. b . the «... date Mm. to m*. ■ " >' ■ ■
or kind of training was no. stated, ming pool lo any church
■ —— (purpose.
Miss Mamie Odom of Norman. LEXINGTON AM I >KMhNI ("
itndMiss Edyth Travis of Washing- j
John Kemp, manager of the ton, are spending the week at the Jas Steele of Purcell, was here
Kemp Motor Co., was on the sick home of Lucile and Bonnye | ,m his way to the Rose Hill corn-
list a few days the first of this week. Peters of this city. raunjty where he expected to meet
being confined to his bed. We are the school board of that j Mnn(jay nitending business matters
-nor. that be i. no able M" XWTOSTSRir |-I ^
Atty. E. 1>. McLauchlin of Nor-
man, was here Saturday attending
business matters.
James Hall of Wayne

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Little, Ed F. The Lexington Leader (Lexington, Okla.), Vol. 27, No. 45, Ed. 1 Friday, July 19, 1918, newspaper, July 19, 1918; Lexington, Oklahoma. ( accessed April 25, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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