The Lexington Leader (Lexington, Okla.), Vol. 24, No. 47, Ed. 1 Friday, August 6, 1915 Page: 4 of 8

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* ¥
The Lexington Leader
John (J Hakdie. Proprietor.
Entertd (it the [....tuftiee *t lexington
Ok!*. ae Swind-clai** mail mailer.
Cleveland Countv Enterprise and
and Lexington Trader Oflicial
Couniy Papers.
One Year - - - $1.00
i-ix Months • - -
Three Months - -
Advertising Rates
Display Per Inch - • 10c
Locals Per Line
W. A. Cameron, one of the pio-
neers, was in town Saturday and
ordered that combination—the Dal-
las Semi-Weekly News and the Lea-
der—sent to his address on route 1.
Verily, verily, we would like to
have all these good farmers on our
list. We have lots but we want
George Perkins anil his friend,
Mr. Hayes, left the first of the
week for Port Arthur, Texas.
The Lone Star school commenced
its summer term Monday morning
with Prof. Cicero Merrit as princi-
and Miss Eva Long as his assistant.
Roth are well qualified and should
give a good school to that en-
terprising community. Miss Long
wiis a member of this years gradu-
ating class of the Lexington high
Every kind of work done known to tbf
dental profession. Orthodont ia and Bridge
work a specialty. Nitrous oxide Kan ad-
ministered by an expert, anaesthetist.
Offiee Over Janes if Kennedy'*
imjrcku,. oklahoma
Free Employment Agency
For some years past Oklahoma
and Kansas have |lieen lutempting
to t:ike care of the pressure at dif-
ferent seasons of the year fur Held
labor, large quantities of which is
in special demandlduring the har-
vest season that begins Hi the
southern part of Oklahoma in May
and closes in the northern part of
the country the last of July and
August. This year the state de-
partment of labor handled double
the usual number of harvest hands
and with one exception at Enid,
where matters got slightly balled
us, they were handled without
friction or trouble and the furmers
in that section of the state where
harvest help was needed express
themselves as highly pleased not
only with the promptness of the
service given by the state depart-
ment of labor, but with the high
class of labor furnished. It is no
small matter to handle an army of
thirty or forty thousand itinerant
laborers, men who come from
everywhere and have no definite
idea of where they are going, and
without the aid rendered by the
state department of labor, through
its employment bureaus, the state
would not only suffer a shortage of
labor in communities where needed
but would be over-run with unem-
ployed in other sections where their
services could not I « profitably em-
We wish to thank our many
friends for the kindness shown us
during the sickness and death of
our little son.
Mr. B. B. Blackwell,
Mrs. V. Jewel Blackwell.
George Merritt drove to Oklaho-
ma City Saturday evening, with a
load of tine Chinese Cling peaches,
which he disposed of in the Okla-
homa City market. The south end
has "some" peach crop and most of
the fruit men are finding a ready
market for their wares.
James Corbett returned to Nor-
man. Monday, after a fifteen days
vacation and is again "on the job"
in the county treasurer's oflice. Be-
fore leaving he paid us that always
welcome visit and moved his sub-
scription mark up to the 1916
Geo. Hicks, the El Reno Hour
man was here Monday on business.
Mrs. Katie Weisenberger and
Miss Philman Martell, who have
been here the past week at the bed-
side of their brother. Peter Martell,
left Wednesday for their home in
Lincoln, Nebraska.
J. M. Jameson has purchased a
Here is a good joke on an editor
who went one evening to report a
party at ii home which was recently
blessed with a new baby, tells the
Tipton Times. He met his hostess
at the door, and after the usual sal-
tations he asked after the baby's
health. The lady who was quite
deaf, and suffering with the grippe,
thought he was asking after her
cold, and answeree that although
she usually had one every winter,
this was the worst one she had ever
had; it kept her awake at night a
good deal and at Hrst confined her
to her bed. Then noticing that the
newspaperman had a peculiar look
in his face and seemed to be getting
nervous, she said she could tell by
his looks that he was going to have
one just like hers, and asked frim
to go in and sit down.— Norman
Daily Transcript.
You Can Enjoy Life
Eat what you want and not t>e troubled
with indigestion if you will take a
before and after each meal. Sold only
by us—25c a box.
■«JO)S Bnja 1*0
Mr. Mathes anil wife and Ruth
Conley of Wanette are visiting rela-
tives near Denton.
Edith Belew spent Saturday night
and Sunday with Mrs Will Rose.
Mr. J. Smithey and wife spent
Saturday night and Sunday with
relatives in Lexington.
Hattie Pearcy and Edith Belew,
Clarence Blackwell and George
Black were the supper guests {of
Edith and Carl Jarboe.
Zelma Blackwell spent Wednes-
day night with Jessie Jarboe.
Hattie Pearcy and Jewel Black-
well spent Wednesday night and
Thursday with Edith Jarboe.
Oliver Myers left Friday for Sul-
Bert Anneler left Saturday for an
extended visit in Arkansas.
R. Black and family attended
church at Lexington Sunday after-
Thelma Pearcy spent Sunday i
with Mrs. Hugh Pearcy.
Mai Jarboe spent Saturday night i
with Forest Nelson.
Rev. and Mrs. Dean, Rev. Hol-
eomb and Rev. Brinklev spent j
Monday at the R. Jarboe home.
Mrs. Will Rose spent Monday
afternoon with Mrs. J. W. Belew.
Notice to All
vill begin our protracted
meeting at the Baptist church the
second Sunday in August and we
are expecting to have a great time.
We will have with us the Rev. W.
E. Guy, pastor of the Norman Bap-
half interest in the shoe shop of I tlst church. He is a good man and
J.D.Robinson. The firm will be! a great preacher and preaches the
. known as Robinson Ar Jameson.: "Id time gospel with power. Let
They will do all kinds of repairing i everybody remember the time and j
nd invite your patronage with the i lie sure to come fur you will be
assurance that your work
rightly done. Come in ail
Eiumett 1 uugie visited n
in Oklahoma City Sunday.
benefited. Everybody invited.
1 see S. B. Wilkerson, Pastor.
Mrs. Everett Sherman visited in
'tends Norman over the week end with
lier parents J, R. Holland and wife.
Mrs. E. C. Darwin and son Ray-
mond of Fort Worth are here this
week visiting her sister Mrs. G. W. I
Dinner on the grounds at one
o'dlock Sunday at the big tent.
Three good sermons. Everybody
<iome and spend the day here.
Cool, shady and comfortable.
Mrs. E. M. Abernathy and Miss
Allie Breeding will leave the latter ji
part of next week for (lalveston on '
a three weeks vacation.
Robert A. Isom and wife go Sun-
day for a two weeks vacation in
Sulphur. They will make the trip in
their car. Rav Isom is visiting
relatives in Tulsa and will not re-
turn until the 20th.
Mrs. E. A. Denison entertained
at dinner Wednesday Father Van
Wees and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Wiuton Childers left Thursday
afternoon for his home in Houston'
Texas, after visiting at the Rob-
ert l'hacker and Chas. Williams
homes. The young man made
many friends while here.
Mrs. R. O. Smith entertained
Wednesday afternoon complimen-
tary to her sifter, Miss Joy Finnell
of Oklahoma City. Twenty four
guests enjoyed the evening. Re-
freshment was served at 5:30
The Misses May me and Lois Per-
kins left Tuesday for Wayne to vis-
it their aunt.
Miss Maud Northeutt is spend-
ing the week visiting relatives at
Let Th is Store
We have this to say to the far=
mers of the south end of Cleveland
county==we think we have those
things that will serve you too==as we
John Deere Implements Celebrated Velie Buggies
Have a Full Stock of American Field Fence
Harnesss That Is Guaranteed as to Durability and Workmanship
Majestic Ranges, the Acme of Stove Making
Everything in the Hardware Line, Maintaining a Stock That Is
We want your trade, we want to sell you what you need and our
terms are very liberal. Call and see us on your next trip to Purcell.
Beringer Hardware Co.
Canadian Auenue
Purcell, Oklahoma
W. H. Jones and daughter, Tern-
pa, left Thursday for Oklahoma
City to visit another daughter. Mrs.
Mai Witten.
Don't let yourself think you are
saving money by not using ice—
it does more to keep you and your
food in good condition than all the
medicine you can buy (and that's
not knocking a drug store either)
Leopold I lie, Phone 39.
R. S. Thomas and wife of Maud,
Oklahoma, are visiting at the home
of the lady's parents, J. H. Burnett
and wife in the Corbett neighbor-
W. YV. Boyd. D. 0. S.
Office hours: 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m.
Sundays by appointment. Phone
connection. Office over Purcell
Bank and Trust Co., Purcell, Ok'ia.
William Ward of Norman was
i here Thursday afternoon on busi-
Will Sell Furniture
Responsible Parties
Purcell, Oklahoma
Emil Boudreau
id family of
Mrs. 1!. M. Evans was on the
Purcell spent Sund • > here visiting si(.|< ]jst t|,e ]att< r part of last week.
: t the Arthur Rr> —'.in and Neal
O. L.
a new r
Roach of Goodin, Idaho, i-
uder of the Leader.
Smith homes.
Mrs. A. Sudderth and children
are home from a visit with relatives
at Leonard. Texas.
Olen Shoekley spent the latter
p.irt of the week in Sulphur visiting
his aunt, Mrs. Jack Kthridge.
C. R. Threet went to Lindsay
Saturday on a short business trip.
Gaines Mitchell of Purcell, is one
of the new clerks at W. N. Ruckers
i and promises to be one of the best
—which will he "going some."—
. Norman Transcript.
Elizabeth and Edgar Keller went
to Norman Friday evening to visit
W. A. Neddo of Boise, Idaho, is
here on a visit to Henry Tarp and
other friends. Mr. Neddo is an old
timer here, having lived here up un-
The revival meeting of the Church tSI V'ree yf""rs "K" when I'f
of Christ opened Sunday night with : the western country. lie likes
a large audience present. Rev that climate extra well, lie says, it
Armstrong of Cordell is in charge of being much the same as Monday
Order a case of our
Attorney Geo. C. Burke left assorted soda water ami a chui k of |
Wednesday for Sulphur to look af-| ice. The combination will help you
ter matters in the district court in in enjoying these hot days. < iol-■
session there now. ! ing and refreshing.—Leopold Ille.
Phone 39.
Send The Leader to your friends.;
J. H. Burnett of the Corbett
neighborhood is a new subscriber to
the Leader.
Emma Oliver returned last week
from a visit with friends and rela-
We would be pleased to have all j
back fuliseriptions straightened up ;
right away. Look carefully at the |
dating on this week'- paper and see]
if it reads right.
r. tives in Oklahoma City.
,/. F. Shocklev
Neal I5&tate9 L,oan& and
Thoroughly posted on values of farm and city property
in Cleveland county, and inquiries promptly and cheerfully
answered. If vou want money see me.
Phone No. 71 Lexington, Oklahoma
the meeting and the crowds are
growing nightly. The meeting is
being held in the big tabernacle.
A touch of fall air Monday re-
minded us of the approach of good
and Tuesday of this week.
Electric lights by August 25 is
the announcement from Mayor Ed
Low, provided no further hitches
come up. Most of the machinery
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Greemore
and Mrs. John T. Kemp and son, j
John Junior, and Mrs. Perry Kugle j
of Cyril, Oklahoma, spent last
Thursday in Norman, the guests of
Attorney Tom Mayfield and wife.
business times. Lexington should is on the grounds, the line is being
prosper exceedingly this fall.
Miss Grace Finnell of Oklahoma
City and Mrs. H. A. Hawk of Tulsa
re visiting with Mrs. R. O. Smith.
Do Not Gripe
Wo harp n pleasant luxaiivo that will
just do what you want it to do.
JefloBl ffidefr&iea
We sell thousands of them and we
have never seen a better remedy for the
bowels. Sold only by us, 10 cents.
•9J0JS UnjQ |«o
built from Purcell and with the ar-
rival of two or three little parts, the
work will be rushed to completion.
Lexington ought to plan a celebra-
tion for the night the current is
is turned on. Its coming means
that Lexington i- taking a big step
toward placing herself on a plane
with other live towns instead of
dwelling forever in that dead and
forever unknown bunch of "sorry"
: villages. Why can't the lodges
combine on that night and 'pull
off" a big 'un?
Everything points to a prosper
ous fall season for Lexington. The
busy-days will soon be here and all
live boosters should lie awake to
the situation. (Jet your lines out to
pull business for Lexington and
R. A. Isom, who is making an ex- j
cellent record as court clerk at Lex-j Frank Claunch is, home from j
I ington, was here Monday. The co- j Stillwater where he. attended the J
j unty commissioners have reduced! short course in cotton grading of-1
i his salary $40 to $30 per month, fered by the state A. & M. college, j
I and it is probable he'll resign un-1
less the board rescinds its action. hummer sessions of the v nous j
He is an excellent clerk and the re- tate schools are over and students |
sponsibilities of the ollice are worth attending from heie are again at
• the $40 paid. —Transcript.
Yes Many People
have told us the same story—distress
after eating, poses, heartburn. A
before nnd after each meal will relieve
•you. Soli! only by tis—25c.
Owl Drug Store.
Hiier t';tuup, j.';i ^>
What Is the Best Remedy For
This is a question asked us many times
each day. The answer is
jtoxoEt (5ideiJ5ie^
We guarantee them to be satisfactory
to you. Sold only by us, 10 cents.
Owl Drug Store.
Some Fact si
When you buy things to eat you want to get them out of
a nice cl^an grocery.
You can eat anything you buy in our store and know that
it is pure, fresh and wholesome.
The stomach is the coal box that keeps your engine run-
ning. Doif't clog it with impure food. Buy pure food from us.
Standard Stock—Prompt Delivery
Phone 59
Everything for the Inner Alan
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# , '

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The Lexington Leader (Lexington, Okla.), Vol. 24, No. 47, Ed. 1 Friday, August 6, 1915, newspaper, August 6, 1915; ( accessed April 25, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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