The Moore Messenger (Moore, Okla.), Vol. 7, No. 9, Ed. 1 Thursday, May 14, 1914 Page: 1 of 8

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The Moore Messenger
$1.00 PER YEAR
Moore New Items
MAYME SMITH, o al Editor.
£ hi M|1MMJ Li-i rLi-
Will (urniah gome ~ In and millet
ae«d for Hharu of h -r
R. A. C'asBlty of ^ « was vinlting
with his eon, Ottla ' - ilty. here Sun-
day. ®
Mr. and Mrs. Les t~ Ketchem spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Crow-
Iva Wilson spent Tuesday
Maud Kitchen,
Vem Alien and wife epent Sunday
with W. C. Wilson.
Eva and nianche Wilson spent Sun-
day Maud Kitchen.
Clifton Allen spent one night last
week with home folks.
Mrs. I'at Spencer was visiting with
her brother, Geo. Levericli, and wife
here Sunday.
Miss Helen Olander is visiting with
MISS nl'ieu IJmuuci la nrumh ...... — .. iiill
friends and attending to busiuesB east Mrs. Bailey of Capitol Hill.
Apparently Fully Conscious of Theli
Surroundings, and Acting Normal-
ly, They Really Are Men-
tally Irresponsible.
Responsibility assumes that a per
son la aware of the nature of his acts
Grandma Wilks spent Sunday with j and the consequence, which follow
rlr. Nolan Gross and family. j writes I)r. T. D. Crothers In Case and
— Comment, and that he 1b able to judge
Mrs. W. E. Gross spent Sunday with j o( the conditions and Impressions
Mrs. Earl Hill took dinner Tuesday
with Mrs. Albert Waller.
of Lexington this week.
Maud Kitchen spent Tuesday night
J. J. Ollngor left Tuesday morning with Eva and Blanche Wilson,
to take a place on the Santa Fe a* {,]au(1 and Georgle Kitchen spent
Sunday with Roy and Elva Wilson.
Miss Ollte and Lillie Rhudy spent
Sunday with Mrs. W. H. Peachee.
Earl Hill and wife 'and son spent
Sunday with W. H. Peachee and wife.
section foreman at Purcell.
The Smith young people attended
the Mothers Day meeting and visited
with friends in Edmond Sunday.
Miss Mary Swlhart of Oklahoma
City, caine down Saturday to visit
with her brother, C. E. Swihart, and
/ ■ -
Charles Wailes of Norman was vis-
iting with friends in Moore Thursday,
and went from here to the tireinens'
convention in Oklahoma City.
Mrs. Art Seidler and her friend,
Mrs. Phelps, of Britton, Oklahoma,
were visiting with Mrs. Seidler's sis
tcr, Mrs. Herman Mahler, and family
Rev. O. A. Wright of El Reno, Okla-
homa, was visiting with Ills sister,
Mrs. H. A. Keck, and family Satur-
George Richardson was here from
Hartford, Arkansas, visiting with
home folks Sunday. He holds a posi-
tion with the Rock Island railroad at
that place.
Mr. G. Marvel and wife and Grand
ma Dillon spent Sunday with Mr.
Rollo Marvel and family.
Blanche Wilson spent a few (lays
last week visiting with her Grandpar-
ents, Mr. George Allen and family.
Jessie and Roy James and Frankie
Howard spent Sunday with relatives,
Mr. George Howard and family.
Mrs. W. E. Gross, Mrs, Annie Balch
and Grandma Wilks, called on Mrs.
Ira Peachee one evening last week.
Some body seems to think lots of
woodrats these days; do you know
who it is? ha! ha!
This Cooked Cream Used for Cake
Makes Substitute for Thoaa
Mora Expensive.
One cupful of milk, teaspoonful!
of cornstarch, one-half cupful of sugar,
one-fourth cupful of butter, oue egg.
flavor to taste. Scald the milk, add
sugar and butter, then the cornstarch
mixed with a little cold milk. When
thickened pour on slightly beaten egg
and spread between a square of the
above cake spilt in two Leave until
cream soaks well Into the cake. Pow
Hlgh-Priced Cuts, He Asserts. Are Not
Necessarily the Best—More Nour-
ishment In Many of the Cheap-
er Grades—About Chops.
In the Woman's Home Companion a
retail butcher writes an article en-
titled "Reducing the Meat Hill," in
Ham Balls.
This Is a good way to use up the
scraps of lean cooked ham. To one
cup of the ham chopped fine, add
four tablespoonfuls of milk and stir
over the Are until thick, then add
yolks of two eggs and seasoning of
pepper to taste, with a teaspoonful
minced parsley. Mix and set away to
cool. It is well to make up this mix-
ture the day before It Is used. Form
| Into balls, dip Into beaten <>gg and
crumbs, and fry In deep, hot fat
1 Serve with garnish of parsley and
' creamed potato dice
Mr. Ira Peachee and wife spent
Sunady with home folks, Mr. W. H.
Peachee and family.
Mr. Rollo Marvel and family spent
Mrs. Ray Richardson and children, „v,,ni wlth Mr. Noian Gross
w have been visiting relatives here f""''aaym^Vvenlng
pruned to her home at Sparks, Okla and family.
horna, Wednesday. Mr G Marve| amj wjfe and Grand-
~ . , ,.« mioaofi nf- "ia Dillon, spent Sunday evening with
School was dismissed Tuesday .it ■ family.
ternoon on account of the school meet-
ing and a crowd of the high school
students went out on a wagon to see
the river, it being high at that time.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Payne were vis-
iting with their daughter, Mrs. A. F.
Mr. Wilson's boys and Mrs. Kitch-
en's boys attended the ball game Sun-
day evening.
Lloyd Nicholson who has horn
,), >, spending the last few weeks visiting
Barton and family and ' relatives at Britton, Oklahoma, re-
McConnell meeting in Oklahoma City , h Sunday.
Sunday. Their granddaughter. Miss turnea nome au"uay'
Daisy Barton, returned with themto | M|j||| Ruby N|cholson attended Sun-
spend a few days visiting with them. schooI at the Log school house
Mrs. WiillamT^trell wishes to -ported that a large crowd was
thank the Odd Fellows and Rebecca ™1' ,
Lodges and her many friends and The sjnging at Frank Shroyer's
neighbors for their kindness during gun(Jay njRht was attended by a large
the recent illness and death of he ,(1 an(, they au rep0rted having a
husband, William L. Cottrell.
good time.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Troy returned to District No. 6 held their annual
their home in Sulphur, Oklahoma, sch00l meeting May 5th, and elected
Monday after spending a month vis- An,ert Waller as director. They have
iting with their daughters, Mrs. R. W. e|g|,t months of school and are also
Bleskney and Mrs. L. A. Hisel and going to have a dugoift built.
Poor Man'e Stew.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Llne bottom of baking dish with
J. A. Holmark died Thursday morning ^ giices of salt pork, then a
of pheumonia. The „ia,(, layer of sliced potatoes (thin layer),
^ The little one had
laid"to'Cres*b hi' th'e ^Warren' cemetery a layer of .pllt crackers. Put In an-
west of Norman Thursday afternoon, other layer of potatoes, unions and
crackers. Cover with milk and bake
like eecalloped potatoes. You proba
which como to him from surroundings
and contact with others. He may
reason incorrectly from these data,
and misinterpret them, and form
wrong conclusions, but it is assumed
that he is fully conscious of passing
events and surroundings. When this
consciousness and memory is shut off.
and the words, acts, and conduct of
others fall to make any impression,
there is abnormality and irresponsi-
bility. What is called the personality
of the man, or his consciousness of
the present, is lost, and conduct and
mentality are without guidance or
Many very startling instances have
been noted which confirm this fact.
Thus, a conductor running daily on
an express train drank heavily
night before retiring. The next morn-
ing he would go out on his train,
attend to all his duties as usual, only
showing a little more reticence and
abstractedness. He was apparently
conscious of everything that went on.
Many hours afterwards on his return
trip he would suddenly become ex-
cited and inquire with great anxiety
to know what had happened, and sav
he had no recollection of anything
from the time of retiring the night
Sometimes this blank of memory
would last during the entire trip. To
his associates this condition was rec-
ognized by his reticent, gruff manner.
Ills work was performed automatical
ly, with apparent Judgment. On sev-
eral occasions of great excitement
from accidents, he would apparently
recover his normal condition, and be
unusually disturbed to know what had
preceded the event.
These blanks continued several
years, and were known only to his
Intimate associates. Another example
was of the president of a very large
manufacturing concern, who drank
steadily in moderation. He had dis-
tinct blanks of memory, sometimes
for days at a time. He was actively
engaged in business, planned and con-
ducted important matters, and yet
was oblivious of events occurring dur-
ing these blank periods.
A third example was that of a trav-
eling man who took both drugs and
spirits. He would have no conscious
memory of where he was or what he
had sold, except when he referred to
his dlarv which he kept with great
Had any of these persons commit-
ted overt acts, no defense of loss of
memory would have been considered.
They were in reality exceedingly dan-
gerous and Irresponsible persons.
der the top with Icing sugar and serve. . which he .hows how people who buy
To this cream may b" added nuts the high priced cut. don t get the best
' meat. Ho says that some of the cheap
sat meats are the best. He takes an
Cars leave Moore. 6:34 a. m. snd
every hour until 8:34 p. m., then 10:34
and 12:04 a. m.
Cars leave Moore 6:25 a. ra. and
every hour until 9:25 p. m., then 11:25
p. ro.
On Sundays and holidays the 6:34
a. m. southbound, and the 6:25 a. m.
northbound cars do not operate.
chopped, half a cupful of pecans
chopped, or It may be flavored in vari-
ous ways. A handful of filberts cooked
In a caramel of sugar and then ground
makes a most flavorous and delicious
flavoring for this or for a richer cooked
cream. Hananas, or even oranges, if it
is to be served within a few hours,
may be added.
This cake may be used as a quite
satisfactory substitute for the elegant
and expensive Savoy, the Genoese,
etc., and whites of egg only instead
of the whole egg may be used in mak-
ing it. It can be put together with
fruit sirups, used for trifles, and with
all the compound® of whipped cream
and fruit.
Mrs. B. Dresseen. N. (5.: Mrs. Mae
temlzed weekly meat bill of $4.C 2 and i Hinkle, V. O.; Mrs. L. H. Khudy, Sec. ;
«hows, Item by item, how that bill can Mrs. N. Cottrell, Tress.; Mrs. W. C.J
be reduced to $3.21, Just by using Allen, D. D. P.
heaper cuts, which he says are bet- |
W. 0. W. CAMP, No. 15.
ler cuts. After dealing with the varl
bus kinds of steaks In which, by the
way, he tells about the steak that the
butcher eats himself—-he goes on as
follows about roasts and chops.
"A roast of beef costing $1 or $1.50
it the present time In not much; a j
hungry and healthy family will proba
bly finish it In one meal. You can still
enjoy good roast beef, and surely for
less money, only buy the right cut.
Prom past observation the writer has
found that nine out of ten customers
ask for the first cut of the rib roast
Of course, they are the most expensive
cuts. The fifth, sixth and shoulder
Delicate Confection, Expensive to Buy, j^bs arfi hardly In demand, and the
May Quite Easily Be Pre-
pared at Home.
Glace nuts are expensive to buy, birt
like small fruits they may be prepared
at home. It Is necessary to be a little
careful the first time the process is
Have the nuts, grapes, raisins, cher-
ries or berries ready. In a cJean agate
saucepan put one full pint of granu-
lated sugar, a good gill of cold water
and boll until It will thread. Add
three tablespoonfuls of vinegar or
lemon Juice; boll again and remove
from the fire the instant the syrup
changes color. Pour it into the farina
boiler, which Is waiting with boiling
water in the outside part. Remove
to the table and dip the nuts or fruit
in and out as quickly as possible. Try
not to coat them very thickly. Drain
them on greased paraffin paper,
Another way is to grease with but-
ter generously a platter. Pour the
boiled mixture on it and stick nuts
or fruit through it. Cool and then
break the mass apart with a small
W. H. Jackman, Past. Con.
S. Mahler, C. C.
W. A. Hiek, Adv. Lieut.
C. H. Brand. Banker.
L. C. Dyer, Clerk.
P. R. Simms, Escort.
Meeting nights, second and fourth
Tuesdays. Come.
C. H. Brand, V. C.
John Luckcuck, Adv.
P. McLennon, Clerk.
butcher has a hard Job selling them
These end ribs or shoulder ribs of
roast beef are not only considerably
cheaper to buy, but are richer in nour
Ishment and food value. When buying
one of the three or four rlbp of beef,
say. for Instance, weighing five pounds
you will find that you hardly have
jufflclent meat left after It is carefully
trimmed and the bone taken out. The
difference in price between the first
cut on the rib and the last two cuts is
at least six cents a pound, and when
you ask for a shoulder rib roast nsk
ihe butcher to insert a piece of suet
!n the center of the roast, or, if he has
time, to lard it with thin pieces of fat
Another good piece of meat for roast
beef Is the top sirloin, which is not
10 cheap, but it Is recommended be-
cause it has no waste.
"The next important Item on the
•neat bill Is chops -either lamb, pork
>r veal chops. Lamb chops, however,
ire the kind mostly demanded, and. of
course, the demand Is for loin and rib
;hops, the most expensive. There is
the same solution as with steaks—buy
shoulder chops; they cost less and are
sweeter. This same principle applied
J. M. Blevens, N. G.; A. J. Smith,
V. G.; Zearl McAlester, Secretary;
Ben Leverich, Treasurer; Geo. Failer,
I). 1). G. M. Meeting every Friday
night, 8 P. M.
Miss Nina Farris entertained at her
home Thursday night Misses Gladys
McLennan, Blanch Smith. Mayme
Smith, also Dick Kitchen, Amos Drees-
sen. Wilson Loper and Albert and
E/an Smith.
bly will have to add more milk, as
crackers take up a loL
NO. 2444. I. 0. O. F.
In Memorium.
Whereas, it has pleased the All j
Wise Providence to remove from our j
midst by death, our Worthy Brother, |
Wm. Cottrell; Therefore, be it resolv-
ed. That in the death of Brother Cot- j
trell, this Lodge has lost a consistent
and upright member; his wife a kind
and loving husband; the children a
kind and indulgent father, and the
community a worthy citizen.
Kesolved, That we deeply sympa-
thize with the bereaved family, and
friends of our deceased brother in
their great affliction.
Ilesolved, that we extend our heart-1
felt thanks to Norman Lodge No. 7,
for their kind assistance during in- j
terment. Resolved, That the secre- |
tary be instructd to spread upon the
record of this Lodge, these resolu- ;
tions, and a copy of the same be pre-; B)r
tiented to the family of our deceased \ J)lp neau—Well, I'm takin' as much
brother, and that a copy be sent to c|jan{>ea ^ you are.
the Messenger for publication
The Lady—But I don't know you,
World's Coal Supply.
The area of the world's coal fields.
In square miles and tonnage, is as
China and Japan. 200,000; United
States, 194,000: India, 35.000; Russia,
7,000; Great Britain, 9.000; Germany.
3,600; France, 1,800; Belgium, Spain
and other countries, 1,400. Total,
The coal fields of China, Japan.
Great Britain. Germany. Russia and j
India contain apparently 303.000,000
tons, which is enough for 700 years
at present rate of consumption. If to
the above be-added the coal fields in
the United States, Canada and the
other countries, the supply will be
found ample for 1,000 years.
Cranberry Puffs.
Sift together two cupfuls sifted flour,
four teaspoonfuls baking powder and
one-half teaspoonful salt; rub one-
quarter cupful butter Into the flour;
beat three eggB until thick as cream;
add one cupful of rich milk and stir
into the flour with one pint of cran-
berries. Fill buttered cups half full
of the mixture and steam closely cov-
ered one hour. Serve with cranberry
Sauce—Boil two cupfuls sugar and
one-half cupful water five minutes;
add one cupful cranberry Juice and
boil again; if a thicker sauce Is de-
sired add a teaspoonful of cornstarch.
Cook ten minutes, add teaspoonful but-
ter and one tablespoonful lemon Juice.
P. U. OP A.
cieorge Faylor, W. P.
Clara Simms, \V. V. P.
I'. K. Simms, Secretary.
P. E. Decker, Treasurer.
Mrs. Addie Wilcox, O.; Mrs. Nina
Smith, V. O.; Mrs. Maggie Larkins,
P. O.; Mrs. Emma Owens, C.; Mrs.
Sarah Decker, Recorder; Mrs. Mattie
Blevens, Receiver; Mrs. Edna Wingo,
M.; Mrs. Barbara Dressen, I. S.; Mrs.
Phoebe Olinger, O. S. Meeting Night,
1st and 3rd Thursday, 8 P. M.
Let us furnish
your PAINT,
ing helps.
Era Drug
East Bound.
again to pork chops. The shoulder No. 16—K. C. Express 6:47 a. m.
shops are very sweet and tender, and No. 412—Chicago Express. .6:49 p. m.
.he butcher will sell them for less, but No. 420—Local Freight 3:40 p. m.
very few people know about them." Except Sunday.
West Bound.
No. 411—Cleburne Express. .9:40 a. m.
Butter Cream Icing and Filling.
Make exactly like hard sauce, with
unsalted butter creamed, icing sugar,
and flavoring, but stop adding sugar
before it gets to the hard sauce stage.
It must be spread easily and about
once and a half the amount of sugar
will usually be about the right meas-
ure. It must be thick enough to etand
up. If no fresh butter is to be pro-
cured make a little by shaking some
cream in a Mason Jar or whipping it
to a butter. Three or four minutes is
usually all the time It takes to make
this butter if it is to be used immedi-
To Make Okra Soup.
Okra soup, or gumbo soup, can be
nade in a good many ways. For one
kind make a rich stock from beef and
veal bones strain and skim. Add to
a quart of the stock a pint of okra
cut in small pieces and stewed with
\ pint of tomatoes and a pint of water
intll tender. Put in three or four
teaspoonfuls of rice and simmer until
It Is tender. Then serve very hot.
This soup, of ^course, does not equal
chicken gumbo soup, which is one of
he most delicious soups made, but
ffhlch takes four or five hours In the
making and calls for chicken, beef.
>kra, potato, onion, rice, tomato, green
pepper, bacon and several other in-
No. 15—Local to Purcell. .1$:43 p. m.
No. 423—Local freight to
Purcell 10:15 a. m.
Local Agent.
Best equipped Blacksmith
and Shoeing Shop in Cleve-
land County.
Cold Tire Shrinkers, Band
Saws, Press Drill, Lathe, Trip
Hammer, etc.
All Kinds of Veterinary
Committee: G. W. FAILOR,
For Stains on Mahogany.
Use oxalic acid and water, rubbing
It in with a clean cork until the stain
disappears. Mahogany may be pol-
ished with a flannel cloth dipped in
sweet or cold drawn linseed oil.
For Your Chandeliers.
Try cleaning chandeliers with vine-
gar and salt, rubbing vigorously. Wash
off this cleanser, for if left on the
metal will tarnish. Brighten with
tripoli and oweet oil.
Pickled Apples, Peaches and Pears.
A good mixed pickle is made by com-
bining the three different kinds of
fruit. Rub the down off the peaches
with a coarse cloth, peel the pears if
the skin be tough, otherwise simply
remove the bloesom end and peel the
apples, leaving the stems on. Stick
a couple of cloves In each piece of
fruit. For six pounds of fruit allow
three of sugar, a pint of strong vine-
gar, four dozen cloves and two dozen
cassia buds. Cook the syrup 15 min-
utes, skim well and put in the fruit.
Cook until tender, then pack In glass
or stone Jars and seal.
Keeping Fruit.
This hint was given by a fruit grow
er and will be useful to those who j
buy lemons, oranges, grapefruit or
apples In large quantities.
Wipe each piece of fruit with a soft
piece of old nil-wool flannel which ab
sorbs the moisture readily. Wrap each
piece carefully in new oiled paper,
such as confectioners use—not rlcc
paper, which is too stiff. Place tht
wrapped fruit gently and loosely in s
barrel or box; put the receptacle Ir
a cool, dry place, and the'contents
•'Devouring Element."
The West of England is at war.
The enemy is the wood pigeon, w hich
has descended in whole battalions
upon the crops, and the farmers are
out on commando to defend their
acres. The handsome bird that gives
such a pleasing touch of nature to the
London streets is a "devouring ele-
ment" of extraordinary violence. Ru-
ral opinion credits him with eating
his own weight in food every day. One
of the most bitterly resented exactions
of feudal times was the manorial
dovecote, for the lord of the manor _ .
... , , .w l will keep several months,
alone could keep pigeons or kill them, v
and some of the old round towers that
housed the piratical hordes are still
to be found in the English Midlands.
The pigeon is a wary robber and a
well-protected one. We do not know
whether it is true that shot glances
off his breast feathers, as the country
people say, but the most successful
marksmen certainly make a point of
getting behind him. What special
cause has led to the unusual plague
In Devonshire does not seem to be
very clear. Hut we hope the farmers
and their friends will have "good hunt-
ing."—Pall Mall Gazette.
Linoleum Polish.
Odds and ends of candles will make
an inexpensive polish for linoleum.
Use about equal parts of candle scraps
and common turpentine. Place in a
Jar and stand where it Is warm, un-
til the grease is quite melted, then al-
low to cool, where It will be soft and
creamy. Use with a soft cloth and pol-
ish with a second soft cloth. A little
of the grease will go a long way.
The farm is the place to make and save money, but the only place
to keep your money is in a reliable bank. Is you account small? We
are Interested in it nevertheless. Many of our best accounts were at
one time small. We would like to have you deposit with us and prom-
ise you every courtesy and convenience in our power to give. Why
not come in and open an account with us? Let us help you save.
Pork Chops.
Take as many chops as required,
cut off all fat, then take the chops,
dip one in flour, then egg, and ther
in cracker meal. Salt the flour and
meal. Then take the fat, cut it ir
3mall pieces and try out and cook th€
chops in it. These are delicious hof
or cold with a salad.
About Grease Marks on Silk.
To remove grease marks, lake
lump of magnesia and rub it well or
the spot, letting it dry, then brust
the powder off.
Cream of Corn Soup.
One can grated corn, one pint boll
lng water. Cook gently 20 minutes,
then rub through a sieve. Meit two
tablespoonfuls butter. When bubbling
add two tablespoonfuls flour, one tea-
spoonful salt and dash white pepper
and stir in a smooth paste, then add
gradually to it one pint milk and
cook until smooth and creamy. Stir
all the time. Cook five minutes on
back of the stove, where it will not
burn, and add corn; beat thoroughly
and serve.
Soup From Corner Beef.
The hot liquor from very freshly
corned beef Is a very fine soup stock
but the over salted and long pickled
or saltpetered corned beef Is prac
tically spoiled for use as meat and the
water in which such meat Is boiled
is absolutely worthless for soup stock.
Keeping Flatirons Smooth.
Flatirons can be kept clean and
smooth by rubbing them first with n
piece of wax tied in a cloth and after j
ward rubbing them on a paper or cloth 1
strewn with coarse salt.
A Complete Line
Garden Seeds and Seed Potatoes
Highest Market Prices
Paid for Butter and Eggs

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Smith, Mamie. The Moore Messenger (Moore, Okla.), Vol. 7, No. 9, Ed. 1 Thursday, May 14, 1914, newspaper, May 14, 1914; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. ( accessed April 25, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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