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Cleveland County Enterprise. (Norman, Okla.), Vol. 20, No. 30, Ed. 1 Thursday, January 25, 1912 Page: 2 of 10

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Cleveland CountyEnterprise
J. 0. FOX, Manager.
Is It not about time for the Ice crop
to begin failing?
Wo must, of course, expect a little
cold weather now and then.
Oklahoma had a financier who kept
his fortune. $10,000, In his wooden
Judging from the obituaries most
of the really good people must be
Fining gunmen the limit whenever
found should do much to make them
Dr. Owen has proved that Bacon
wrote Shakespeare—that Is, to hlB own
Men shake hands with a great deal
more warmth than women exhibit
when they kiss each other.
Dr. Wiley Is assailing on sanitary
grounds whiskers and mince pie. both
well grounded In the public mind.
A girl learns more Just pretending
Bhe can't understand It than a man
does pretending he knows It all.
Scientists tell us that the price of
platinum Is going up. Another blow
for the downtrodden worklngman.
English royalty, when It fell Into the
eea the other day, was bright enough
to discover that the water was wet.
When an aeroplane swoops down on
a motorcycle one cannot blame the In-
nocent bystander for chortling In his
When China, containing 433,533,030
people becomes a republic, the
count of the vote will be no light
Thus far nothing but failure has at-
tended the efforts of any man who has
tried to put a halo on the affinity
Even at the risk of Incurring the
enmity of the coal man we must sny
that this has been a pretty nice win-
ter bo far.
Indian Affairs Committee Recommends
Its Passage, and Lower House
Expected to Accept Substi-
tute—Other News.
Washington, D. C—With several
amendments affecting the time and
manner of sale, Senator Owen's bill
providing for the sale of the surface of
the Choctaw and Chickasaw coai and
asphalt lands, nearly 446.000 acres, was
reported to the senate Thursday from
the Indian affairs committee with the
recommendation that it be passed.
The Owen bill will take the place
of the Carter measure. Friday before
the senate committee, Pat Hurley, at-
torney for the Choctaws, made the dec-
laration that although (lie tribes affect-
ed were opposed to the separate sale
of the surface and the mineral lands
they approved the Owen measure over
the Carter bill because It hastened the
time of sale In addition to making pos-
sible the disposition without reserva-
tion of 65,000 to 143.000 acres of sur-
face land under which there are no
The Owen measure provides that
there shall be three appraisers appoint-
ed by the secretary of interior and that
the sale of the lands shull take place
Immediately after the appraisers have
completed their work, which must be
aot not
A picture of himself, taken In Ills
cherub days. Is no Inspiration to tho
man who is trying to shave with a
dull razor.
The beauty of picking a list of
twenty greatest men or women Is that
everybody Is entitled to his or her
own opinion.
(Copy rich I. 1912
8tretch of Roadway From Mlama to
Key West, Florida Coat $150,000
Per Mile—Now Opened For
General Traffio
Rights of Employe and Employer Con-
served in Measure Passed by
Congress to Replace One De-
clared Unconstitutional
Unless Cuban Executive Squelchea
Activity of Political Organization
Causing Trouble, American Flag
Will Float Over Island
A statistician tells us that Russia
has fewer physicians than any civi-
lized country. But when did Russia
ever become civilized T
Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria
a hardened office holder He went
Into office on December 2, 1848, and be
has been there ever since.
President of Chinese Republic, who
Is Seeking to Put His Country on the
Road to Progress and Prosperity.

An Ohio man, Immediately after
marrying, has requested to be com-
mitted to an insane asylum. We firm-
ly refuse to discuss the matter.
There was a man In Michigan who
In the course of his life changed bis
complexion six times. A man, you
notice. Now. If It had been a woman—
Three school teachers, we are told,
walked 207 miles from Burlington, la.,
to Chicago. Why should anybody go
to all that trouble to reach Chicago?
A Boston man wants the women to
do the proposing That would never
do. It would be harder for a man to
say "no" than It Is for women to say
A prominent highbrow arks: "What
do we learn from reading novels?"
That's easy. We learn that a good
many novelists gain money under false
Edison cheerfully admits that he
likes dime novels because they put no
tax on his mind But In this respect
they have nothing on some of the best
Trying to show how he had lost one
linger In a bun saw. a workman lost
another. Yet presumably he will be
able to vote the straight ticket next
time as usual
started as soon as the act becomes ef-
What Carter Bill Provides.
The Carter measure provides six
monthB for appraisal and that the sale
must be made within a year after the
completion of the appraisal.
Improvements shall be given a separ-
ate appraisal, the Owen bill provides,
and the secretary of interior is empow-
ered to sell tracts adjoining towns as
subdivisions to be divided into lots.
The McAlester Country club is given
the right to purchase 160 acres for its
use and the state penitentiary is given
power to condemn all mineral rights
beneath the surace now occupied by
the prison. The Owen bill has the ap-
proval of the department of interior as
Senator Owen and department officials
spent much time in framing it. As Sen-
ator LaFollette was also consulted it
5 is expected he will make no effort
whatever to oppose it in the senate.
Indians Lay Down.
It Is practically assured that al-
though the Choctaw and Chickasaw of-
ficials have fought bitterly against the
j sale of the surface and the mineral
rights separately they will cease their
fight and make no attempt to oppose
the measure in the senate, or it is
practically agreed that the best way
to go about obtaining the desired end
is to get legislation or the sale of sur-
face and then seek legislation for the
sale of the mineral rights. The min-
eral rights fight is certain to follow the
passage of the Owen bill.
Washington.—After nearly a year's Washington—The state department
consideration the supreme court of the has served notice on President Gomez
United States gave Its unanimous ap- that the United States will intervene
proval to the employers' liability law in Cuba if further attempts are made
enacted by congress in 1908 to take by the veteran organization to nullify
the place of a similar act declared un- ; the law prohibiting interference of the
constitutional. The decision mark6 military in political affairs In Cuba,
an epoch in labor legislation. The attituple of the United States is
The old common law, hedging in the shown by the following note presented
rights of employees, is displaced in t0 the Cuban government.
several particulars by the statute as "The situation in Cuba as now re-
approved by the court. Ported ca-UBe9. f_ravfT ?°n"L"\t0 tUe
1 , , , .. . .. government of the United States.
Notable among these Is the aboil- ^ to gafe.
ti°n of -the fellow servant doctrine free bljcan government
and the substitut on of alawmaklng ^ ^ enforced and not detiedi is
employers liable for the negl gence of essential to the maintenance
an employe resulting in an injur, to order au(i stabiUtv indi8.
an interstate emi.loye. Furthermore, slatUB of the Republic
it frees he employe from * J Cuba ln the continued wellbeing of
tory negligence in mn> ^ ^ S(a(es hag ahvu,„
and limits the effect of the doctrine 111 , .
others; and likewise, in many cases, evinced and cannot escape a Vital 1*
liberates the employer from assuming terest.
the risk when he (the employe) enters "The president of the United States
employment knowing of the danger in therefore looks to the president and
his employment * government of Cuba to prevent the
The law was attacked seemingly threatened situation which would com-
from every conceivable point of view, pel the government of the United
Justice Vaudever.ter, in announcing States, much against its desires, to
the opinion of the court, considered 1 consider what measures it must take
these objections and rejected each. in pursuance of the obligations of its
He first decided that congress had relations to Cuba."
the power to regulate the duties ot The notification of the American
ommon carriers in respect to the government was served upon Presl-
.. wh dent Gomez through American Min-
ister Beaupre at Havana. Senor
Martin-Rivero, Cuban minister to the
United States, was unapprised of the
safety of their employes, while both
are engaged in commerce among the
states and the liability of the former
for injuries sustained by the latter.
"Both have real or substitute rela-
tion to the interstate commerce and
therefore are within the range of this
power," said the justice.
Authorities were cited to show a
valid objection could be grounded in
the fact that several states had al-
teady determined the liability of in-
terstate commerce employers. Pursu-
ing this line, the justice said that "now
that congress has acted, the laws of
the states insofar as they cover the
same section, are superseded for nec-
essarily that which is not supreme
must yield to that which is."
action except through the press, and
declined to comment upon it. He at-
tended the diplomatic dinner at the
White House Tuesday night where he
met Secretary of State Knox as well
as President Taft, but before leaving
the legation he said he did not expect
to discuss the matter, even informally
with either.
Miami, Fla.—The completion of one
of the greatest engineering feats of
the present age was ceelbrated Mon-
day, when the first great "railroad
over the sea," the Key West Exten-
sion of the Florida East Coast Hall-
way, was formally opened. By using
the Florida Keys as stepping stones,
this steel highway runs over 156 miles
of salt water, from a point a few miles
south of Miami to the island city of
Key West.
A special train bearing American
and foreign dignitaries was sent over
the remarkable construction as the
feature of the exercises formally com-
memorating the putting into service
of the extension. Many of the for-
eign embassies and legations sent rep-
resentatives to take part ln the cele-
bration, at the invitation of President
Taft, among them Italy, Mexico, Port-
ugal, Costa Klca, the Dominion Re-
public, Ecuador, Guatemala, Salvador
and Uruguay.
The United States armored cruis-
ers Washington and North Carolina
and the scout cruisers Salem and
Birmingham representing the United
States navy, and the Portuguese cruis-
er Armanda at Key West participated
in tho celebration.
The completion of the work on the
extension marks an epoch in railroad
engineering as important as will be
the opening of the Panama canal in
the history of shipping. It is the
same thing reversed. In the one case,
ships are made to climb mountains;
in the other railway trains are made
to run over the sea.
In construction, this feat is consid-
ered the greatest accomplishment of
its kind in the world. The entire line
to Key West extends a distance of lf>6
miles, nearly half of which is over
open water. Forty-two keys, or is-
lands, are crossed in this stretch.
Consummation of it marks the real-
ization of a dream of Henry M. Flag-
ler, Standard Oil magnate and one of
the foremost figures in the finnacial
life of the nation. He has had the
idea constantly ln mind ever since
the Spanish-American war excitement,
when he conceived the proposition of
making traffic communication between
the United States and Cuba easier and
more practical. The project will
shorten the time from Florida main-
land to Cuba by almost twenty hours.
The actual work was begun in 1905.
The engineers estimates were that the
feat would cost fifteen million dollars.
It has cost much more than that, and
the officials of the road several times .
were obliged to negotiate loans of mil- ,
lions in order to ensure its comple-
Since work was begun in 1905, the |
dirt has been flying ceaselessly. Im-
mense pile drivers have been sinking
foundations, huge dredges have been I
sucking up sand from the bottom of
the sea to construct a roadbed, and an
army of between 3,000 and 4,000 men
has been pushing its way steadily
southward from Miami out over the
waves and tiny islands toward Key
Freed From Shooting Pain*,
Spinal Weakness, Dizziness,
by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Ottumwa, Iowa. —"For years I wu
almost a constant sufferer from female
trouble in all ita
dreadful forma;
shooting pains all
over my body, sick
headache, spinal
weakness, dizziness,
depression, and
everything that waa
horrid. I tried many
doctors in different
parts of the United
States, but Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound has done more for me than
all the doctors. I feel it my duty to tell
you these facts. My heart is full of
gratitude to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound for my health."-Mrs.
Harriet E. Wampler, 624 S. Ransom
Street, Ottumwa, Iowa.
Consider Well This Advice.
No woman suffering from any form
of female troubles should lose hope un-
til she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound a fair trial.
This famous remedy, the medicinal in-
gredients of which are derived from
native roota and herbs, has for nearly
forty years proved to be a most valua-
ble tonic and invigorator of the fe-
male organism. Women everywhere
bear willing testimony to the wonderful
virtue of Lydia E. Finkham s Vegeta-
ble Compound.
If you want spcclal advice write to
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confl-
dentlal) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
be opened, read and answered by h
S 1. ..I.I In o4 lnf ilnnllilo tin
woman and held in strict confidence
If you snffpr from Epileptic Flu. FallingSlckne«8,
Bttasma. <>r h«Te children that do ro. my New Treat-
ment will relievo them, aud all yon are asked to
do Is to send f« r a FKHB 12.00 Bottlo of Dr. May
Formula. It has relieved permanentlytbevery
worst cases when everything else has fal led. Pleas®
write and give age and complete address.
DR. W. II. MAY, 548 l'eurl St., >ew York
Pen it's [ye Salve
Henderson—I'm not living with my
mother-in-law any mare."
Henpeck—I don't blame her.
English Editor Expires
Florence, Italy—Henry Labouchere,
editor of the London Truth, died at his
villa here.
San Francisco Chamber of Commerce
Takes Decisive Stand—Secretary
Stimson Acts.
Special Message Presented on Sub-
jects of Economy and Efficiency
in Government Service.
Washington.—How the people of the
United States may have saved for
them millions of dollars annually in
The wife of a New York bank cash-
ier has sued him for divorce because
he allows her only a dollar a day for
household expenses Some women
are so unreasonable!
be taught ho wto make their own
hats, ar.d no doubt their future hus-
bands will value this accomplishment
more highly than they would any
kind of mental gymnastics with table*
of logarithms
San Francisco.—Proposed increase
' in rates on west bound traffic carried
by the Panama railroad and steamship th*ir mvprnmental
line will be vigorously opposed by the the operation g
commercial bodies of important Pa- machinery was outlined by President
ciflc coasi shipping centers, it was Taft in a -ssage ,o congre8s on
announced bv officials of the San Fran- I "economy and efficiency in the gov
Cisco chamber of commerce after .he ^rnment sen ^ w,th
After the senate has acted on the adoption of rest) unona au onzing npar]?. ji noO.OOO.OOO each year," said
coal land bill with its amendments it , Wm. W. Wheeler, manager o e ra • president, "is as of as much con-
will go to the conference committee I tic bureau of the chamber of commerce average cltllen a8 l8 the
-Smber that manner of obtaining this amount of
■ the Panama line. which is owned and
operated by the government, would
increase its rates on west bound traf-
fic. but Secretary of War Stimson,
when appealed to, suspended the pro-
men. If all amendments are concurred
in. the house will go through the for-
mality of accepting them and the leg-
Minneapolis high school girls are to islation only will need the signature of
money for the public use.
Probably the most radical proposal
advanced by the president in the
message w-as that all administrative
officers of the government in the de-
Turk Town Bombarded
London.—According to a dispatch
received from Constantinople an Ital-
ian vessel bombarded Akaba, a forti-
fied village on the Red sea.
New Aviation Record
New York.—All American aviation
records for the carrying of passengers
were broken at the Nassau boulevard
aviation field at Garden City, when
George W. Beattle, in a biplane, car-
ried three passengers in a ten-minute
flight about the grounds. Flying at a
height of 500 feet Beattie, with the
passengers, made four complete cir-
cles of the grounds, of about two
miles each, putting his machine
through many hair-raising stunts.
Shuster To Paris
Vienna—W. Morgan Shuster. the
former treasurer-general of Persia,
and his family left Sunday for Paris.
Mr. Shuster is also accompanied by
Edward Bell, secretary of the Amer-
ican legation at Teheran, who will re-
turn to his post after a few days in
Mandy's Idea of It.
Mistress—What! Going to leave me
to get married? Whom are you going
to marry?
Mandy—Ah's done goin' to marry
Ling Chung, the Chinese laundryman.
He's a good man, he is.
"But, Mandy, think of what your
children would be!"
"Yes, mum, Ah has. Ah knows de
poor little thlngs'U be Mexicans, but
Ah loves him just de same!"
President Tat. to become effective. ] when appea^ partments at W«hlng,0„ and in the
We are told that the mosquito Is
being successfully fought In the Pa-
nama tone. If the governor of Pana-
jna ever runs for office ln New Jersey
be will be elected unanimously.
The Infanta Kulalie has reconsid-
ered her declaratl ns of Independence
and has apologized to Her nepbew,
King Alfonso. tin .ah he did not send
her the quick i anishment sbe re-
quested Hut his counselors were
wise They know that the hand which
holds the purse strings Has no need
to wield the club
Resignation Demanded
Buenos Ay res—Paraguayan revolu-
I licnaries have captured President Lib-
•rto Rojoe and forced him to resign.
American Boats Menaced
Washington —Thirty American fish-
: ing vessels with cargoes of frozen her-
I ring valued at JMO.uvO are imprisoned
i In ice floes off the New ^oundland
ioast and are threatened wiih destruc-
der to give the protestants a hearing.
Simultaneously with the protest of
Pacific coast shipping points many-
shippers on the Atlantic coast pro-
tested to Secretary Stimson
Big Increase Is Asked
Washington—The sub-committee on
fortifications of the house appropria-
tions committee of which Representa „ . .
, , he "will have important effect in se-
tlve Shirley of Kentuckv Is chairman. ne' 111 1 . ...
u\e oumcj ~irin. neater economy and efficiency,
has begun hearing which probably will curing xrene. c
field be put under the civil service;
be removed from the influence of
politics and that their terms of office
be not limited as at present to four
"Each officer should not be ap-
pointed by the president with the ne-
cessity of senate confirmation, he said,
but upon merit. "The extension of the
merit system to these officers and a
needed readjustment of salaries." said
last four or five days, ast year's for-
tifications appropriation bill carried
$.'..473,707. The war department has
, asked an allowance of $7,21S.S99 this
year for the same purpose. The for-
Snow 35 Feet Deep.
North Sidney. N S—Weather re-
ports have reached here of a blizzard
in New Foundland which is said^lo be . ,— - -
tae worst that the colony has ever tlfications which are to be taken car^
i known In some districts the snow U. of by this sub-committee are exclu-
| MUd to be thirty live fe«t deep. . ive of the Panama canal defense.
The view that these various offices
are to be filled as a result of political
consideration has for its consequence
the necessity that the president and
members of congress devote to mat-
ters of patronage time which they
should devote to questions of policy
and administration-''
For Panama President
Panama.—At a convention of the
patriotic union party. Pablo Aroee-
mena, president of the republic, was
proclaimed the candidate of the party
for the next presidential term.
Steamer Disabled
Fayal. Azores—The German steam-
er Neunfele, which left New York on
January 7 for Bombay, has put in hero
for repairs, rendered necessary by
damage sustained during the recent
itorm in the Atlantic.
Evidence May Conflict
Chicago.—t'nited States District At-
torney James H. Wilkerson Sunday
predicted that the government's side
of the case against the indicted Chi-
cago packers would be concluded
within three weeks.
Illustrating the Effect of Food.
The remarkable adaptability of
Grape-Nuts food to stomachs so dis-
ordered that they will reject every-
thing else, is illustrated by the case
of a woman in Racine, Wis.
"Two years ago," she says, "I was
attacked by a stomach trouble so se-
rious that for a long time I could not
take much of any sort of food. Even
the various kinds prescribed by the
doctor produced most acute pain.
"We then got some Grape-Nuts food,
and you can imagine my surprise and
delight when I found that I could eat
It with a relish and without the slight-
est distress.
"When the doctor heard of it he told
me to take several email portions each
day, because he feared I would grow
tired of it as I had of all other food.
"But to his surprise, (and that of
everybody else), I did not tire of
j Grape-Nuts, and became better day by
day, till, after some weeks, my stom-
| ach entirely recovered and I was able
! to eat anything my appetite craved,
j "My nerves, which had become so
! weakened that I feared I would be-
i come insane, were also restored by
j the Grape-Nuts food in connection
I with Postum which has become our
table beverage. I appreciate most
gratefully aud thankfully the good that
your food preparations have done me,
and shall be glad to answer any letters
inquiring as to my experience." Name
given by Postum Co., Battle Creek,
Read the little book, "The Road to
Wellville," ln pkgs. "There's a rea-
Ever rend thf nbove Ifdort A new
onr H|ip<nri from time lo time. Thf/
are genuine, (rue, and full of haaua

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Fox, J. O. Cleveland County Enterprise. (Norman, Okla.), Vol. 20, No. 30, Ed. 1 Thursday, January 25, 1912, newspaper, January 25, 1912; Norman, Oklahoma. ( accessed April 18, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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