Geary Bulletin. (Geary, Okla.), Vol. 4, No. 19, Ed. 1 Thursday, October 30, 1902 Page: 1 of 12

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Vol. 4.
No. 19.
Tbs «U o. the ALM.GHTY DOELAK.s theJP»«*^
am HOW is the secret of success of today. We will endeavor to rmu
IV rlrkllurc ^ 1 II *ur\lr.oU/*
To learn HOW is tne secret in du^oo w*. - -
dimes, as well as y°ur dollars. nrinHnles and not have “Slaughter Sales” and"Closlng
The merchant who does business on businessPrinciples h0 buys olo8(. pays cash and
Out SaleB." Etc., to hoodwink the people Into bu> 'n«'r™ ' onn sase m0„ey. THE MODEL
discounts his Sills Is the one who Is In a p«.s raake tM ^ . se,| (w caah and buy
“eotlJ wo arca po“it,OD “-* c'°“r pr,ce8
than any firm in Geary. _ /
Ladies’ Long-Slaved Vests,
SS?JS Z *2? SWf
them for
Only 25c.
^Drawers to match. r
Knit Skirts,
Just the thing tor cold weather, Call and see
Ladies their is no need of going away for your.
Cloaks, if we havenft the style, we will order it
at no extra expense to you. We have some beau
ties in Autombiles and Monto Carlos also the
Short Jackets. We have some Fine Capes they
will always be worn and there is nothing more
useful. We have them from 7-5cts. to $7,50.
Ladies’ Opera Shawls.
Ladies’ Opera Shawls, beautiful in design, from
$1.00 to $4-oo.
Heavy Ribbed Underwear,*
Both Shirts and-Drawers, in a beautiful blue
shade, a stunner at 7oc,
We are selling at 50c.
Fleece Lined Hosiery.
You can’t touch them anywhere for the money.
Worth 35c, sell tor 25c.
Men’s Fleeced Lined Underwear,
The best made garment ever ottered for the price.
The price sells them. Finely made and full size.
50c per Garment.
Everything you eat and wear at living prices. Call and see us and
yours for business,
Come in and lets get ac-
All kinds of Country Produce
wanted. We pay more for Butter
and Eggs than any body. Bring
us your produce
We havo them in all sizes and widths.
Just received some beautiful shoes for the
“Little tots” In soft soles. We can fit any size
Gloves! Gloves!!
In Gloves we have an extra large assortment,
in fact have a larger stock than is carried by any
house in the county. 15cts. to $2.00 per pair.
’Phone 72.
C. E. BLACKERT, Proprietor,
Geary, O. T. |
We wish to state to our subscribers
that we haye purchased a new print-
ing press rtf the latest pattern aifd also
a new “dress” for the Bulle'HN an
expenditure of $1500.00, which #111 all
be installed in our office about Nov.
15. We have come to the conclusion
that this city needs a larger and bet-
a paper is one
ter pajpr^s . .
portaiwiWdexes to a live
ie of the im-
portantrimiexeis vu a TOVfrn., We
have no apologies to offer for our news
paper deficiencies in the past we
have done the v$ry best we couVd un-
der the existinjbfrcumstances. In the
first place we ltfave been handicapped
for want of capital, therefore were un-
able to purchase proper machinery
with which to get out as good a paper
as we would like to have. In the fu-
ture we hope however to do better.
In view of tnese improvements it will
be necessary for our piatrons to lend
what support they can. We have 876
paying subscribers on our subscription
list and a great many are owing us a
little; now if every one who is in ar-
rears on subscription will call and pay
up it will be greatly appreciated.
• Shoes! Shoes! *
We have ljust received a ^
large shipmentof fall and &
winter SHOES from the J
Hamilton Brown and the ^
Peters Shoe Co’s, factories. A
I_ 1 =*
-.^rrvT a vtt A "V A handsome side-board will be given away on Christmas J|
Hi AW A I Eve. to the one that comes nearest guessing the weigit ||Bk
-— '? 1 ~* of same. A guess allowed for every $1.00 purchase o fp
^ either shoes, carpets, mattings, furniture or anything bought from our immense stock of goods. ^
** One door west
Of the Postoffice.
■ a ■ a i . j 11 V V V/
Come in and see them.
This is the first tjme since .tfye Bul-
letin has been established that, we
have ever asked our subscribers for
money, but in this case we need it and
feel sure that all will be amply repaid
by getting a newspaper that will be
worth their money in the future.
Now if you can conveniently spare the
money just drop in our sanctum within
the next two weeks and make a depos-
it, and if you can’t why don’t do it.
j It is only a small matter when taken
from a great many but when we get it
all together it will amount to a great
deal to us.
When we get ovl'r new machinery in#
operation wainvite all our friends and
natrons to call in and see it and at all
times our office is <4>en to our friends,
come in and visit,'read the papers and
make yourselves al, home.
----■* v .x ---"
The followingls ‘the roll of honor
for the month of October for room 4.
Sylvester Dillon,- -Charlie Mercer,
Harold Bradley, Newland McKee,
Elijah Mclntir^ • Harry Lucas
Homer Heasto**,- Ruby Osborn.
Dorothy Harmon, Mary Haines,
Ida Stumbo, r* Leah Overmire,
Gertrude Gerstenfield,
Marguerite Woblgehagen.
Wealthy Kelly
Gabe Heaston,
Mable Gillespie,
Alta Mercer,
Della Furnas,
Lora Markley,
Floyd Hampton,
Ooa Wickham,
Ray Gillespie,
Ellen Giddings,
Darle Carrier,
Buna Sanders,
Lillie Hedgepeth,
Floyd Crain,
Robert Smith,
Ruby Roof,
Irene Hasbrouck.
Mattie Musser,
Last Satur^y a committee of three
consisting of 1$ Temple populist, Dr.
Nesbett, chatnipan of the democratic
county central committee of Blaine
county and Ben Smith republican,
met at the office of Ira Temple,
county clerk for the purpose of
arranging the ballot for the coming
election. After the arrangement was
completed then came the question of
printing the ballots. Ben Smith, re-
publican proposed that they call in
the various printers and obtain the
lowest price possible for the work.
Where upon Ira Temple the present
county clerk said; “we will do nothing
of the kind, the majority of the board
is Democratic and 1 propose to let the
democrats print it,” where upon it
was given to the “Watonga Herald”
and Mr. Smith protested and said
that it was wrong to do sueh a thing
unless it was giyen to the lowest bid-
der. Ira Temples theory was “to the
victor belongs the spoils,” ej^rnif
did cost the taxpayers about or
more. .
Now taxpayer how do you like this.
How do you like that kind of demo-
cratic reform?
Ira Temple has been crying against
supposed actions of ‘this kind on the
part of republicans and now when he
gets a chance he puts his hands into
Blaine county’s treasury in behalf of
his own party.
Shame on suchboodling and trifling
with the taxpayers.
A new man succeeded Supt. Barnes
of the C. O. & G. Monday.
J. R. Peek has sold his stock of gro
cedes to W. W. Gilbert.
* 1
■ .4
' I

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Stackhouse, Alfred C. Geary Bulletin. (Geary, Okla.), Vol. 4, No. 19, Ed. 1 Thursday, October 30, 1902, newspaper, October 30, 1902; Geary, Oklahoma Territory. ( accessed April 19, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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