The Hennessey Clipper (Hennessey, Okla.), Vol. 25, No. 1, Ed. 1 Thursday, June 11, 1914 Page: 1 of 8

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The Hennessey Clipper
The Hennessey Press-Democrat Consolidated with The Hennessey Clipper January 15, 1914
Subscription Frier $1 01) a War in Ad-
vance t> Months 50c j Months 25c
No. 1
RfifUist Church
Sunday Evening
I'lue Music hj Orchestra and I nrye
( lioir, t verybody Come.
Robert I ee Payne, ?***>?
. ■ >ci I'I hUOTTi
Emma 1 ields Hanna was born all
(. tdaiville, Green County Ohio,;
Wan li II, LS1H and departed this
11'« .June i Hil l, age Uii years, 2 |
and I!) eays She wasmur-
ned lo James Hanna at Cedarville,
Ohio, February l8M:i, al which place
To File Amendments Tax Payment txtended
To State Constitution—Foui Payment ol Last Hall ot 1 axes
to be Put lip to the People I tended lit August 1st
in November by Commissioners
A reduction in the size of the The hoard of county commission
legislative to one house of eightyjei- at their regular meeting on June
members and a subordinate body of aid, passed die following resolutions
fifteen members, combining all ap legardmg the payment of tht la.i
peltate court work with one u half of the 19LL1I ia\e-
preme court uf nine members and a Ke-olved by (lie Board of County
i_lnel justice, fixing a levy ol 2 1 ■ t ommhionei ol Kingfisher county
i inills tlir limit tur state taxes uiid Oklahoma that thetountv trtasiu-
making drunkenness on the pan ul t-j i,t; rerpi.-ued to extend the pay-
a slate oflicial grounds for impeach aient ol (be l ist one hall I '.) ol the
menl and removal Irom office are |^i i | | until the lu.rt day ol
I proposed in four important consti ; August, rn -) without penalty
j tutional amendments, which have
been prepared for initiation by J S
j Estes and C. S Wertrnan, attorneys
| ol Oklahoma City and Claremore
Copies of the proposed amend-
ments, it is announced will be tiled
with Secretary of State Ben f Har
| rison Friday, and an aggressive
| campaign maugrated to secure the
j required number of signature, to
submit the ratification or rejection
| of the amendments to a vote of (he
j people at the general election in
Probably the most important ol
the amendments is iliai which pi<< ea i ol low
poses a reduction in the size ol the ulr vvtcK
j legislature. Under the terms ul , i m; feet
i the amendment the legislative au u,t. of||ear'hapel
| thonty now vested m the house and , |iulldn| ,„.d,liirv
111 senate would be translerred to one , , , , f ,, .
The Clpper force was presented j body to be known as the "house ol c' " "
with a large box of tine strawberries |
by Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Sylvester last r-y m * * •
week The berries were enormousj J * U i M '
I be ottii'ial iiotk'H ot (lit- tax ex
tension appeai" elsewhere in this
i58ue over ilie signature of the
«i 11111, treasure] S i Robinson
For Instructions on
V iolin see
Willard Darrow
I 1111 11 n v
I lawk
who iroitlr'i north
putting up a granary
I «- i>t tlir f iuldin,e?
Fine Berries From
Elm Crove
I in size and delicious in flavor and
j prove that F. P. is a strong believei
in quality in all lines and capable
they n-.iided fur I" years In the, , ,
year I'tici thev moved to Kearney, ,alsl"? ,,ther h"e4 things besides
tlcbra.ka and lo Oklahoma in 1909, LDuroc and bronze tin
. , i keys. Alter trying the berries the
In tin Union were liorn one sou. i r . , ... ,
force has decided that it would be
nice it F P. would make the
berry treat annual affair.
Metliudist Items
union were tiorn one sou. i
O-car, who alone is left to mourn
ihe loss of a loviong mother, his j
l at lit i having, passed away May Hi,!
Mrs Granville White, of Boulder,
i nlo, a sister and Win Fields, of j The revival is over and every one
if.i, ion Ohio, a brother survive! is feeling good for the meeting was
then sistei I surely a succfess. Miss laggart is
Mr.. Hanna was converted in ' going to rest a while and likely hold
early childhood, united with the a meeting at Waukomis.
church and was a devoted Christian A splendid delegation attended
for nearly oil years. Her last tes , tlie District conference and Lpworth
two-story biick stoie building
on North Main St, Hennessey
best location in the city fur any
kind ot business Well built,
g .od materials Speoal piii e
anil tetuis Huy • >f the owner
the Bur lie tSio transfer i um-
pan\ i eit-. iiu" .i one office build-
ing at ibt-ii wood and coal yard op-
po: ite the I nil"- He-11 Lumber Com-
pany. With the othei improve-
ments tfie Ooys have ncently made
the i oal yai.l c assuming a very
neal anil attractive appeaianee.
I lie \'v oman' Study t Itilt
tnnony was to the effect that she j
ti.ut served her Masierover ;iU years
bin had never grown weary, and
lie wa icady when the lime should
coiiit \lier this testimony which
wa giu-n when she was in perfect
In alii, it was only a few hours till I
hi r .Master called her to her reward.
Funeral services were held at the \
home Saturday afternoon, June ti,
Rt v. ( II Barnes olliciating, after
vhicli the body was shipped Satur-
day to Ohio for interment.
The community is saddened by
the loss of this true Christian
neighbor and friend, one whose life i
was a benediction of cheer and to
the sorrowing son and sister they
e tend heartfelt sympathy.
League convention at Stillwater
last week Our league only lacked
1U points of carrying away the Dis-
trict Banner for leagues
Ihe Truth Seekers class had a
social at the home of Guy Collins,
Monday evening A splendid time
was enjoyed by all
Next Sunday morning a Child-
ren's Day program will be rendered
by the little folks
Sunday School - - III a in
Preaching Service - 11 a in
Junior league - - 2 30 p m
Epworth League - - I p m.
Come you will feel at home
C. H Baknes, Pastor
Farmers' free show Wednesday.
fills otiice has just printed the
191 -J-1 j yeai book ot the Woman S
Study Chili ol Hennessey I Ins i■
then twelfth annual aiinonncement
ol then pi iifi am lateiature of the
\ New lestaiiieiit ioiiu . au uiteie&t
representatives, and to be compos ing course ol audy. Among ttie
ed of eighty members. The house inten-sting features ol the dub
of representatives at its first meet- work are (bu t special days intei-
/. W. IIiitnphrey
Box ii.'tti, Hennessey, Okla
Do You Want
Your Deposits
cashier ol a state bank recently received a
A letter from a man in another state who said he
had read in the paper that deposits in that state bank
were guaranteed, and he wanted to know if this was
true. He said if it was true, that he had a nice lit-
tle account that lie would send for deposit. He in-
timated that what he wanted was surety, and if de-
posits were secured in this state bank, that was the
bank for him. Of course this cashier did not lose
any time in answering the letter, and it was only a
few days until he received a nice deposit from this
man. Now, this man lived a long ways from this
bank, but he felt as if he would sleep better and
digest his food better, and probably have a better
disposition if lie just knew that his money was safe,
hence his deposit came to this bank. This guaran-
teed deposit business is a good thing. It makes
your money safe, and that is what you want. After
you have toiled and saved, you want to know
that your money is safe, and that you can get it
just when you want it You feel that there is
something else a cinch beside death and taxes.
Th is Hank Guarantees Your
Deposits. You Can't Lose
(lie Hennessey State Bank
Hennessey, Okldhoirid
ing would select fifteen of its own
members to be known as commi
sioners and also would succeed to
the authority and powers of the
senate with certain changes and
restrictions proposed in the amend
I be power of impeachment now
vested in tlie senate would lemain
with the commissioners.
Members of the legislature would
receive $(j per day for the time
actually engaged, and 10 cents per
| mile lor travel to and from the seat
, ot government foi the purpose ul
' legislating.
Mprived ut jhtei vah through the pro
^.lUm I hr- tn ( f.'Uiii ciuon dciv, fol-
lowed latei by statehood day and
i lo in" \nuIi puhiii health day
I lirir* iln' I'.yu ,.•) lal ddy6 ilit hided
and the lub closer June ii
191 • with a it- rption at the home
ot Ml Moyd I' I'eli. Ihe tiub 13
hooted io a membership ot twenty-
live inenihers and their* i but one
vacant \ The officers are Mrs
Dora prt odeiii fvli Mai^aiet
II Watr.t'O vict pre idem Mr Ida
S IVpiu seeietar) Mr: Ruby 1
Iathwell, tieabuiei Mrs Mamie'/,
I enel ulm Mr May I Men ill
l The Farmers and Merchants j
1 National Bank [
Hennessey, Okla. m
'.°i Kami Loans ami Insurance
At Hennessey State Bank
On an unsullied record of twenty years safe
and conservative banking, we solicit business
Member Federal Reserve
P.'oph- are going to have faith in the new FEDERAL RESERVE
BANK 1 hey have been educated to believe iu it, and lightly
"o, that a bank affiliated with the Reserve Association has the
banking strength of the Nation behind it The people look on a
member bank a being part of the government, ami as stiong as
"Uncle Sam-" treasuary, for beiiijf apart of the treasury, all
member banks will necessarily carry that prestige. I he new
fedeial bank inaugurates the strongest banking system in the
world today. We are an integral part of such Federal Reserve Bank
Let us loan you money to harvest that wheat crop—to buy
that farm your have long wanted, or to buy a bunch of cattle or
young mules to eat up that enormous crop of feed.
We want to buy all the SALE PAPER we can get
Always in Ihe market for good notes
Baptists Surprise Pastor Ipaihanieiitaiiau Membership com-
, . oiittre Mt hatlieinie Collins Mrt
Last Monday evening die oitm ,, • .• ,, , ,,
... , ,, i uetia i Darrow anu Mrs Mtiime I
bers and friends ol the Baptist , imir.
church delightfully surprised their j ' pUjglilln ( umll,luee Mrs. Mamie
pastor with a sumptuous birthday ,,erre| M, kul 1;lthwHl aild
supper on the Barnes lawn. Rev. Mr, (Me . , H „|ai.kburn
Payne had been called to the cout. De|e ,ate to b,et.nial of general
try early ,n the evening and when |fetle(al|0l| M[ AllIjette B Lhler
he leturncd about 7.JU oclock he, alternate Mrs Jennie M Unify
found the lawn thronged with Delegate ..,111,,.. convention
friends who were gaily prepa.iog M|„ A„|le||a Vy hurn an(,
the tables. Wlien the supper was |r)lllje \|
l ax Notice
The time of payment for the last
hull .,1 On 1913 has been
extended (ill - ugust t 1914 With
oiii penalty
S I Robinson,
County Treasurer.
Hennessey Lots for Sale
I ots ID 11-12 111 Blot kit. on
Main Si , Hennnessey ai leasonahle
pru e Addles- Mary Pierce 307 E
Mam Enid nida iO i
Lai d oi I hanks
We wash to express oiu heartfelt
thanks for the loving acts ol kind-
ness shown o in the sudden death
ol our deai mothei and loving sistei
U.i ah C. Hanna.
Mhs. Granville Whitl.
Misses Ii- - n a Hubbs, Nina Brit -
tian Mabel sveli- Pearl Murphy,
Constance Gilbert and Rev C If
Barnes attended the Epworth
convention at Stillwater last week,
Hennessey had the best report m
the district and failed to win the
banner by only ten points, Perkins
the victors, winning on largest
number of delegates
Surprise Friends
Claude C Farwell, of Hennessey,
and Miss Elizabeth Marsh, of Trini
dad Colorado, were married at the
home of a friend, Mrs. Ida McCarthy
at Enid, Monday evening, June 8, at
5 o'clock. Mr. Farwell is the son
ot Mr and Mrs E. E. Farwell of this
city and although he has spent a
greater part of the time away, is
well known here, where he has num-
erous friends. He has spent the
past few months in Colorado where
fie met his bride The bride is
charming and pretty with a pleas-
ing manner and will 110 doubt be
popular among Mi f arwell s friends.
They will reside in Hennessey for
the present Mr. Farwell's inarri
agf^wasa decided surprise to his
relatives and friends here as they
had no intimation of his intentions
to become a Benedict until his
arrival with his bride Monday even-
ing All are joining 111 best wishes
and congratulations.
Mrs. W M LeMay left Wednes-
day morning for Garber, where she
will visit with her parents. Mr.
accompanied her as far as Enid
Alternates: Mrs,
over, anil Rev Payne had been con-
vinced that he had eaten enough
for a small man, he called in the
harvest hands who were in town
searching for work, and they clean-
ed up the fragments. A very in-
teresting and pretty event took
place later in the evening when the j f erre|
B V. P. U. presented their pastor j (
and wife with a handsome library | Merri]1 vV , Moore Charles Pepin,
table as a token of their lost-lor,, L KljS= ,-eo ti True6tkll F H
hem and appreciation of their un-: i athwell P E Watson M A Black-
tirmg efforts in building up the | burn and M)ss Nettie Li(Jdle
union One Who Was ThERr.
Card of Thanks'
We desiie to thank the old friends
for every act of kindness and and neighbors who aided us in our
Elizabeth M bovverinati and Mrs
(Catherine V. Collins
The members are Mesdames. W
0, Armantrout, W R Blackburn, A
C. Black, Roy W. Bowerman, Guy
Collins A W Darrow, John Uuffy,
Fred Lhler, Floyd E Felt, L. A.
A J. Fisher, C O. Gose, R. H.
jlinmes, t U Hart, j M Horn A. F
In Appreciation
t Pay vour taxes, at our bank—penalty attaches August first. We
j collected more tuxes 1H12 and 13 than all other banks
I in the county There's a reason
i The Farmers and Merchants
j National Bank
every word of sympathy expressed
| to us in our recent bereavement,
also for the lovely floral offerings
we are deeply grateful. Especially
do we appreciate the loyalty and
consideration manifest by the Ma
sonic lodge for the welfare of the
family of their deceased brother.
Mrs. A. L. Ulmark and Children.
j Delmar Smith of near Okeene,
j was here Monday on business and
I visited his old friend Jas. C. Myers
bereavement. We appreciate every
kindly at t and deed preceding and
lollov,nig the death of our dear
father and grandfather
W. H Bi pi,Err, F. L. Burgett, J.
Burgi it, N. Burgett, C. L. Burgett i
and Lovina Woods
Everett Miller and Floyd Van
Ducen went to Kingfisher Tuesday
evening to attend "The Bohemian
Girl, presented by students of the
Kingfisher college of music.
Friends Are They Who
Show Themselves Friendly
Secure in this belief it has been our stead
last policy to regard as our friends those
who become our patrons, and so render
service to those patrons that they will es-
teem us their real friends
Our Loans of $110,000.00
prove that we assist our friends
Our Deposits of over $150,000.00
represent the confidence in our friendship
on the part of 800 satisfied customers
•John Smith, President.
W. A. Rhodes, Vice-President
H. H Truesdell, Cashier
C J, Assistant Cashier

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The Hennessey Clipper (Hennessey, Okla.), Vol. 25, No. 1, Ed. 1 Thursday, June 11, 1914, newspaper, June 11, 1914; ( accessed April 24, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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