The Hennessey Clipper (Hennessey, Okla.), Vol. 22, No. 51, Ed. 1 Thursday, May 2, 1912 Page: 4 of 10

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Owner and Pwjusiiku
subscripiion ruici, $1.00 a ri ah.
G. S. Van Gundy, of Dover, an-
nounces his candidacy for Register
of Deeds, subject to the will of the
Republican voters of Kingfisher
county, at the primary on August
( , 1!)12.
I hereby announce myself as "
candidate for Sheriff of Kingfisher
countv, Oklahoma, at the next gen-
eral election, suhject to the will of
the republican primaries 011 August
S. F. Robinson, of Reserve town-
ship, hereby announces himself as
a candidate for the office of Treasur-
er of Kingfisher county, subject to
the approval of the republicans at
the primaries on August (ith.
S. F, Robinson lor Treasurer
In Ibis week's issure appears the
announcement of S. F. Robinson, ol
Reserve townsnip, as a candidate
for the office of treasurer of King-
fisher county, subject to the action
of the republican voters at the
primaries on August ti.
Mr. Robinson hails from the good
old state of Ohio, where he cast his
first vote for president for U. S.
I Grant in 1872, and at time was sec-
1 retary of the Grant club in his town-
ship. In 1880 he was made com-
| 1
mitteeman for his township,
j In April, 1890, Mr. Robinson join-
ed the early settlers of Oklahoma,
and has resided iu Kingfisher and
Reserve township ever since. He
was elected president of the board
of education when it was first or-
ganized in Kingfisher in the fall of
I8!)0, which position he held until
November, 1002. when he resigned
and moved to his present home in
Reserve township. He took a course
in bookkeeping while iu college and
has also had experience keeping
books iu a general merchandise
store and also iu a bank, thus being
familiar with books and fully qualifi-
ed to fill the office of county trea-
Mr. Robinson lias always been
true and loyal to his party, and has
supported the nominees of the con-
vention, whether it was his choice
! or not, and in the primary election
of two years ago the republicans of
Reserve township showed their ap- j
preciation of his staunchness and ]
the confidence they felt in his i
ability to make a good officer, by j
giving him the entire republican |
| vote of the township with excep-
tions of two.
Clyde Smith, Sheriff
Clyde Smith, who announces in
I this week's issue that be is a candi-
! date for re-election to the office of
i sheriff of Kingfisher county, subject
1 to the August primaries, has a very
creditable record of nearly two
years of duties performed in that
capacity to show the voters. He
has been one of the best sheriffs
the county has ever had. Shrewd,
energetic, conscientious, with the
> best interests of the people as a
whole at heart, he has made an ex-
cellent officer, and would no doubt,
if elected for a second term, prove
even of greater value to the county
than during his previous term as
his experiance would add to his
Hall to Serve 170 Days
John Hall, colored, who was
convicted about three years ago
in the county court at Kingfisher
Ciller's Saturday Special
For One Day Only, Saturday, May 4th
The Fred Ehler Dry Goods Co. will offer some exceptional good values in good season-
able and dependable merchandise that will mean a saving to the people of Hennessey
and vicinity. Remember these prices hold good for only one day, Saturday, May 4th.
We intend to offer bargains in every department of this Big Store for this one special
occasion. Remember the place.
In Our Dry Goods Department
All Table Linens will be marked down 10 per cent in this Special Sale, Saturday,
A line of!) I Sheets that can't be bought
anywhere for less than 85c. Special price
A line of 42 inch by 3G inch Pillow Slips,
15c values. Special price
A line of the regular 10c Ginghams in very
pretty patterns. Special price
A line of Wash Silks in some very desir-
able patterns, all shades and colors, 50c
values 39c, 35c values 29c, 25c values
All Flaxons will be marked down 10
on this Special Sale
Here is something good! A line of Em-
broidered Swiss that can't be duplicated
anywhere for less than 50c, Special price
A line of summer Voiles in plain and
satin stripes, 50c values for
A line of ^ 1.00 and $1.25 long Silk Gloves
Special price
May 4
per cent
I Hour Sale
Watch for the Special Hour Sale from 2 to 3 p. m.
we will offer 10 yards of CALICO to each customer
for 35c. Remember, one hour only. No such of-
fer after the above named hour.
A line of Silk Kiinonas in $.".00 values
Special price
A line of Embroideries, ranging in values
from 81 to 10c per yard, special price per
A line of ribbons ranging in value from
20 to 25c per yard all go in this special
sale at per yard
We wish to call your special attention to a
line of Embroidered Voiles that have OC^
just arrived. Beautiful patterns per yard Ovv
Bindings to match at per yard 35c
Another Hour Sale
From 3 to 4 p. m. we will offer 10 yards of Hope
Muslin for 75c. Remember, for one hour only.
Clothing and Gents' Furnishings
A line of $8.50 to $12.00 Suits in size:
33 to 44, special price
Special prices on our entire liiu of Men's and
Boys' Suits
Special prices on all our odd punts
A line of Men's SI.25 Wash Pants
special price
A line of 50c Men's Shirts, special price 38c
A line of 75c and $1.00 Dress Shirts
special price
A line of 50c Balbriggan Underwear,
special price per garment
A line of 35c Underwear special price
per garment......
One lot of $1.50 Hats, we are selling for
special price of
We wish to call your attention to our line of Men's and;Boy's Straw Hats that have just
arrived. They're the new things. Also a nice line of Boy's Wash Suits and Hansen's
work and dress Gloves.
A Few Specials in the Shoe Department
One lot of *200 and $2 50 Ladies' Ox- 48 "ne lot of $2.50 and $300 Oxfords, Qg
fords, Special Price *3 ! • Special Price v ' ■
Special prices on Men's Oxfords, Saturday only
Remember—Saturday May 4—One Day Only
fred Ciller D. G. to.
on the charge of selling whisky,
was gathered in at Enid Tuesday
t>y Sheriff Hume, and turned
over to Deputy Sheriff Ruther
ford Wednesday. Hall was tak
en to Kingfisher where be will!
begin a jiil sentence of 6U days
This, together with $100 fine and
$05 costs will keep him incar-
crated for about 170 days.
Hall appealed from the sen-
tence imposed in the county
court at Kingfisher three years
ago and after putting up a bond
carried the case to the state su-
preme court. This tribunal af
firmed the decision of the lower
court, but reduced the tine of
$500 to $100 and the imprison
rnent to 00 days.
Miss Blondina Rainey and Dewilt
Crawford were married Wednesday
afternoon. May 1, at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Schliemann, Rev.
Schliemann performing the cere-
mony at 3:00 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rainey, par-
ents of the bride, served an elegant
wedding supper to the bridal couple
and a large number of relatives and
friends, after the nuptial rites. Mr.
and Mrs. Crawford departed on the
"Firefly" at 9:30 o'clock Wednesday
evening for Kansas City, where Mr.
Crawford is [employed as shipping
clerk at the C. R. I. & P. R. Co.
freight depot.
Mr. and Mrs. Crawford have been
very popular here in church and
social circles for the past few years.
The bride besides being very pretty
possess a sweet, lovable disposition,
and has always been a decided
favorite with a large circle of friends.
The groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. N. Crawford, who reside just
east of town, and is of excellent
character, manly, industrious and
well worthy his charming little
bride. The congratulations and
best wishes of many friends follow
this youthful couple to their dis-
tant home.
On Wednesday afternoon, May
1, at the home of J. C, Hamil an
attractive wedding took place
when his daughter, Miss Fannie,
land Mr. Ernest Green were un-
I nited in marriage. At four
I o'clock, to the strains of "The
'One of My Heart," played by
j Miss Frankie Richardson, the
bridal couple, attended by Miss
Ethel Green, sister of the groom,
I and Mr. (J. M. Grimes, took their
j place in the presence of about
forty guests where the sacred
vows were taken, Rev. O. G.
Brown officiating.
The bride was prettily gowned
in white messaline, while the
groom wore brown.
Immediately after the cere
inony the guests proceeded to
the dining room where a sumpt-
ous three course dinner was
The bride is an excellent young
lady with splendid qualities for
a good helpmate. The groom i>
a son of J. M. Green, and is a
young man of character, well
worthy his excellent bride.
Mr. and Mrs Green will make
their home on the groom's farm
six miles west of town.
Among the guests were: Mr.
A. V. Hamil, of Kiel: Miss Lucas,
of Kingfisher; Mr. and Mrs. S. I
R. Kennett, Hennessey; Mr. and
Mrs. A. L. Richardson and their
daughtar, Miss Frankie; Hen-
nessey: Mr. and Mrs. loe Parks,
Mrs. J, M. Green and children,
Mr. and Mrs. C, C. Smith, of
j Kiel, and others. *.,*
Ntw Rock Island Time Card
No 12 through passenger ar. 5:37 a. in
No.3ti local passenger ar...9:28a. tn.
No. 24 " " " 4:53 p.m.
No. 32 fast " " ..9:38 p. m.
No. 31 fast passenger ar. 5:58 a. 111.
No. 23 local " " .11:31 a. m.
No. 35 " " " 7:51p m,
No. 11 through " " 9:58 p. 111.
The fast i>assenger, No. 31 will!
not stop here but No. 32 will stop 1
here for passengers going to McFar-
and, Kans is, and points beyond.
Sixty Years
the Standard for purity,
strength and healthfulness.
Made from pure,
grape cream of tartar
free from alum and
Make Good Showing
Sis Liston played first base
for Tulsa in the opening game of
the season at Guthrie, Tuesday,
malting an excellent showing.
In three times at bat Sis got a
safe hit and a sacrifice, one run,
one stolen base, three put-outs
and 110 errors. Harold Neal,
who played center garden
for Guthrie, also showed up to
good advantage. In four times
at bat he hit safe twice, scored
once, made two put-outs and 110
errors. Not so bad, for the
opening game.
Lodge Directory
Congregational Church.
Sunday school at 10 a. 111., Mrs.
A. J. Clymans, superintendent.
Preaching service at 11 a. 111.,
and 7:30 in the evening.
Christian Endeavor at (oiO
every Sunday evening. A cor-
dial invitation is extended to nil --
who are not attending regular
services at other places.
Rev. M.Weimek, Pastor.
You can get a setting 01' Black
Orphingtoti Eggs for ^1 on at
Perry Mathews.
Watch the bargains in the Va-
riety Store windows Saturday.
Poultry and fqos
F. it A. M , meets on the 1st
and 3rd Tuesday evenings of
each month at 7:30 p. m. Visit
ing brethren cordially invited.
A. F- Merrill, W. M.; H.'L. Miles,
Hennessey Chapter No. 37, i D
Order of Eastern Star, meets
second and fourth Friday every "5
month. Mrs. Mary Aldrich.
Thorne, worthy matron. Mrs.
May T. Merrill, secretary.
We want 'em—all you've
got—and we'll still be
wanting more next time.
Don't forget us. Always
the highest market price
0. Gayer Produce Co.
See W. R
Blackburn for farm
• If Your Eyes Trouble you •
Come in and let us test them.
It will not cost you a cent and
you will in no way be obligated
to buy glasses unlsss you desire
to. Should you purchase
glasses from us we will guaran-
tee to give satisfaction in ev-
ery way. Come and see us.
H. D. Brewer, |
Jeweler and Optometrist. J
Our Remarkable
By special arrangesnent with The MtCall Co., of New York
City, we offer everyone the opportunity tos^cute The Clipper ab-
solutely FREE for one year, by n lerely subscribing to McCalls
Magazine for 3 years at 50c per yeiir. In addition you rect i ,-
gratis 3 Free 15c McCalls Patterns which really make a 3 ye ,:s
subscription to McCalls Magazine at id a 1 yearsubscripiion to t!
paper cost only $1.05.
A 5
Will Cost You Just $1.50
Me( alls Magazine, though selli' igfor50c per year, is positively
werth Sl.bU per year instead. Cal | at this office any time ami kc
the late issues Note the Storie Illustrated Articles, Cooking
Department, 1- aney Work Departr aent, Discussions on the Home,
besides the style features which 1 are of interest to all.
lie free Patterns art} order ed by post card from New York
( ity and can be used/any fmie } ou need one.
his otter is available r-j aio y one who subscribes,
extends their time abee d on either publication f .
mentioned. 1 he only '^requis ite is that you "pay in advance,
at tins office or semt us $1 go
renews or
the tint •
Tltf, Hennessey Clippe

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The Hennessey Clipper (Hennessey, Okla.), Vol. 22, No. 51, Ed. 1 Thursday, May 2, 1912, newspaper, May 2, 1912; Hennessey, Oklahoma. ( accessed April 25, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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