The Hennessey Clipper. (Hennessey, Okla.), Vol. 11, No. 14, Ed. 1 Thursday, August 30, 1900 Page: 3 of 8

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« .
Dr. Talmage Tells of the Heritage
of God's Children.
Sermon Sugsratrd by 111* 4 onincl
with I in riit I S| leudora of
Europe—The Itoynl House
of Je«u*.
[Copyright, 1900, by Louis Klopich.]
Washington, Aug. 116.
In this discourse Dr. Talmage, who,
during- his journey homeward, has
Been much of royal and imperial
splendors in passing through the cap-
itals of Kurope, shows that there is no
higher dignity nor more illustrious
station than those which the Chris-
tian has as u child of God; text,
Judges 8:18: "Each one resembled
the children of a king.'*
Zebah and Zalmunua had been ofT to
"battle, and when they came buck they
were asked what kind of people they
liad seen. They answered that the peo-
ple had a royal resemblance. "Each
one resembled the children of a king."
That description of people is not ex-
tinct. There are still many who have
this appearance. Indeed, they are the
sons and daughters of the Lord Al-
mighty. Though now in exile, they
shall yet come to their thrones.
There are family names that stand for
wealth or patriotism or intelligence.
The name of Washington among us
will always represent patriotism. The
family of the Medici stood as the rep-
resentative of letters. The family of
the liothschilds is significant of
wealth, the loss of $40,000,000 in 184$
putting tin in to no inconvenience, and
within a few years they have loaned
Russia $12,000^,000, Atopies *25,000,000,
Austria $40.<M)0.000 and England $200,-
000,000. and the stroke of their pen 011
the counting-room desk shakes every-
thing from the Irish sea to the Dan-
ube. They open their hand and there
is war; they shut it and there is
peace. The Romanoffs of Russia, the
Hoheu/.ollerns of Germany, the Bour-
bons of France, the Stuarts and
Guelphs of Great Dritain, are houses
whose names are intertwined with the
history of their respective nations
symbolic of imperial authority
But I preach of a family more po-
tential. more rich and more extensive
the royal house of Jesus, of whom
the whole family in Ileaven and 011
earth is named. We are blood rela-
tions by the relationship of the cross;
all of us are children of the King.
First. I speak of our family name.
When we see a descendant of some
one greatiy celebrated in tlie last cen-
tury, we iook at him with profound
interest. To have had conquerors,
kings or princes in the ancestral line
gives luster to the family name. In
our line was a King and a Conqueror.
The Star of the East with baton of
light woke up the eternal orchestra
that made music at His birth. Kroni
thence lie started forth to conquer all
nalions, not by trampling them down,
but by lifting them up. SL John saw
Him 011 a white horse. Wnen He re-
1 urns, 11c will not bring the nations
chained to His wheel or in iron cages,
but 1 hear the strike of the hoofs of
the snow white cavalcade that brings
them to the gates in triumph.
Our family name takes luster from
the star that heralded Him and the
spear that pierced Him the crown
that was given llim. It gathers fra-
grance from the frankincense brought
to His cradl
their sweetness into
ternal relations of lite, we stand so swung on the gate. You ran-;
close together that when trouble sets | barn. You waded into tin- bn
its battery all feel the thrill of dis-
tress. In the great Christian fainih
the sorrow of one ought to be the sor-
row of all. Is one persecuted? All
are persecuted. Does one suffer loss?
We all suffer loss. Is one bereaved?
We are all bereaved.
Their streaming eyes together flow
For human guilt ami mortal wo*
If you rejoice at another's misfor-
tune you are not one of the sheep, but
one of the gouts, and the vulture of
sin hath alighted 011 your soul and not
the Dove of the Spirit.
Next, I notice the family property.
After a man of large estate dies, the hunted the groux-
relatives assemble to hear the will ing places of tluli
•keel the
-k. You
thrashed the orchard for apples and
the neighboring woods for nuts, and
everything around the o.d home-
stead is of interest to you. 1
tell you of the old homestead of
eternity. "In 1113 Father's house are
niij mansions." When ws talk ol
mansions we think of Chatswortli and
its park nine miles in circumference
and itsconsen atory that astonishes t he
world, its galleries of art that eon-
tain the triumphs of Chant rev. ( anova
and Thoj'waldseti, of the kings and
queens who have walked its stateh
halls, or. flying over the heather, have
Hut all the dwell-
and princes and
renil. So nnu-h of the propert) is I quieus are us nothing to tin family
willed to his sons anil so much to his mansion that is «lr. ;nl\ awaiting our
much to benevolent arrival. The hand of th. I.nrri .lesu
daughters, and
societies. Our Lord Jesus hath died,
and we are assembled to-day to hear
the will read, lie says: "My peace I
give unto you." Through llis apostles
He says: "All things are yours.
\Vhat, everything? Yes, everything!
This world and the next. In distin-
guished families there are old pictures
hanging 011 the wall. They are called
the "heirlooms" of the estate. They
are very old, and have come down
from generation to generation. So 1
look upon ail the beauties of the
natural world as the heirlooms of our
royal family. The morning breaks
from the east. The mists travel tip.
hill above hill, mountain above moun-
tain, until sky lost. The forests are
full of chirp and buzz and song. Tree's
leaf and bird's wing flutter with glad-
ness. Honey makers in the log and
beak against the bark, and squirrels
chattering on the rail, and the call of
the hawk out of a clear sky make you
feel glad. The sun, which kindles
conflagrations among the castles of
cloud and sets minaret and dome
aflame, stoops to paint the lily white
and the buttercup yellow and the for-
get-me-not blue. What can resist the
sun? Light for the voyager over the
deep! Light for the shepherd guard-
ing the flocks afield! Light for the
poor who have 110 lamps to burn! j
Light for the downcast and lowly!
Light for aching eyes ami burning
brain and wasted captive! Light for
the smooth brow of childhood and for
the dim vision of the octogenarian!
Light for queen's coronet and for sew-
ing girl's needle! Let there be light!
Whose morning is this? My morning.
Your morning. Our Father gave us
the picture and hung it 011 the sky
in loops of tire. It is the heirloom of
our family. And so is the night. It is
the full moon. The mists from shore
to shore gleam like shattered mirrors,
and the ocean, under her glance,
comes up with great tides, panting
upon the beach, mingling, as it were,
foam and fire. The poor man blesses
Clod for throwing such a cheap light
through the broken * indow pane into
his cabin, and to the sick it seems a
light from the other shore which
bounds this great deep of human pain
and woe. If the sun seein like a song
full and poured from brazen instru-
ments that fill Heaven and earth with
great harmonies, the moon is plain-
tive and mild, standing beneath the
throne of God. sending up her soft,
sweet voice of praise. Avhile the stars
listen and the sea. No mother ever
more sweetly guarded the sick cradle
than all night long this pale watcher
of the sky bends over the weary, heart
siek, slumbering earth. Whose is this
black framed, black tasseled picture
of the night? It is the heirloom of
and the lilies that Hung | our family. Ours the grandeur of the
s sermons and | spring, the crystals ot the snow, the
A Big Town Where Eating Is Indeed a Luxury
TJ-l UOME cm is de
JTvj in history as t
** ^ ful of the 1
1 ined to go down
the most wonder-
ful of the many mushroom
towns which at various times have
sprung up over night in the mining
districts of sparsely settled countries.
Absolutely unknown two years ago, lo-
cated in a region shunned by all save
a few Esquimau trailers, it is to-day
the Mecca of a vast multitude of gold
hunters who were drawn to its in-
hospitable shores by wild reports of
auriferous wealth that could be picked
inates everything and ei
diluted to shake one's
manitx Everybody is
from the trader who
t'rybody is eal-
faith in hu-
on the make,"
ells poor iner-
the he-
lp ou the streets by anyone willing to
.stoop long enough to transfer it to
lifted the pillars and swung the door> Jjjs p0cji0tg>
and planted the parks. Angels walkl just. on, v,.ar ag() the first announce
there and the good of all ages. The j ,l)ent Gf dome's alleged golden sands
poorest man in that house is a million- i rracjie^, the press of the I'nited States.
aire, and the lowest :i king, and the Nuggets as large as hen's eggs, it was
tamest word he speaks is an anthem j said, were found by the score; and a
and the shortest life an eternity. number of men who had reached the
It took a Paxton to build for Chats- foggy Alaska cape in June returned to I of fare
worth a covering for the wonderful gan Francisco ill the fall, bringing with | $1; lloston baked beans. , o eents, b;i
flower. Victoria Kegia. live let t
ehandise at fantastic pries t
decked and bedizened "soubrettes" ir
the dance halls back of the beach.
Lumber yards, restaurants and bak
erics do a rushing business. The poor-
est kind of lumber sells readily at $1* 0
a thousand and coal is in brisk demand
at $80 a ton. Canned goods sell at half
a dollar a can, no matter what their
contents may be. excepting condensed
milk, which can be had at 35 cents ;j
can. Potatoes arc 5 cents a pound;
butter, $1 per pound and a half; dough-
nuts, : 0 cents per dozen; eggs, 50
cents a dozen, and flour is $4 for a .">0-
pound sack. The restaurant keepers
are still more unreasonable, as th
following extracts from a recent bill
show : Corned beef hash
the box of alabaster that broke at llis ; coral of the beach, the odors of the
flie Comforter at bethany. The
arden. the harmonies of the air
You cannot see a large estate in one
natural Oculist sit Hethsaida. The j morning. You must takeseveral walks
Saviour of one world and the c.iief joy around it. The family property of this
of another. The storm His frown, royal house of Jesus is so great that
The sunlight His smile. The spring we must take several walks to get any
morping His breath. The earthquake idea of its extent. Let the first walk
the stamp of His foot. The thunder be around this earth. All these val-
the whisper of His voice. The ocean leys, the harvests that wave in them
a drop 011 the tip of his finger. Heaven anil the cattle that pasture them -all
a sparkle on the bosom of llis love, these mountains and the precious
Eternitv the twinkling of His eye. things hidden beneath them and the
The universe the flying dust of His crown of glacier they cast at the feet
chariot wheels. Able to heal a heart- of the Alpine hurricane- all these
break or hush a tempest or drown a lakes, these islands, these continents,
world orflood immensity with His glory, are ours. In the second walk go among
What other family name could ever the street lamps of Heaven and see
lioast of Such an illustrious person- stretching off on every side a wilder-
ne'e ? ness of worlds. For us they shine. For
Henceforth swing out the coat of jus they sang at a Saviour's nativity,
arms! Great families wear their coat (For us they will wheel into line and
of arms 011 the dress, or 011 the door with their flaming torches add to the
of the coach, or on the helmet when splendor of our triumph 011 the day
they go out to battle, or on flags and for which all other days were made,
ensigns. The heraldic sign is some- In the third walk go around the eter-
times a lion or a dragon or an eagle, nal city. As we come near it. hark
Our coat of arms, worn right over the j to the rush of its chariots and the wed-
heart. hereafter shall be a cross, aiding peal of its great towers. The
lamb standing against it and a dove bell of Heaven has struck 12. It is
flving over it. (Grandest of all escutch- j high noon. We look off upon the chap-
eons! In every battle I must have it j lets which never fade, the eyes that
blazing on my flag the dove, tlie | never w eep, the temples that never
ameter. Hut our lily of the valley
shall need no shelter from the blast. |
and in the open gardens of (iod shall j
put forth its full bloom, and all IL av- )
en shall come to look at it. and its 1
aroma shall be as though the cherubim 1
had swung before the throne a thou-'
sand censers. I have not seen it yet. |
1 am in a foreign land. Hut m\ l'a- !
ther is waiting for me to come home. I ,
have brothers and sisters there. In ,
the llible I have letters from there. !
telling me what a tine place it is. It
matters not much to me whether I am
rich or poor, or whether the world
hates me or loves me, or whether I go
by land or by sea, if only I may lift my
eyes at last on the family mansion. It
is not a frail house, built in a month,
soon to crumble, but an old mansion,
which is as linn as the day it was built.
Its walls arc covered with the ivy of
many ages, and the urns at the gateway
art' abloom with the century plants
of eternity. The queen of Sheba hath
walked its halls, and Esther and Marie
\11toi11ette and l.ndv Huntingdon and
Cecil and Jeremy Taylor and Samuel
Hutherford and John Milton and the
widow who gave tw o mites and the poor
men from the hospital these last two
perhaps outshining all the kings and
queens of eternity.
A family mansion means reunion.
Some of your families are very much
scattered. The children married aud
went off to St. Louis or Chicago or
Charleston. But perhaps once a year
you come together at the old place.
How you wake up the old piano that
has been silent for years. Father and
mother do not play on it. How you
bring out the old relic and rummage
the garret and open old scrapbooks and
shout and laugh and cry and talk over
old times, and though you may be 45
years of age, act as though you were
1C. Yet soon it is good-by at the car
window and good-by at the steamboat
wharf. But how will we act at the re-
union in the old family mansion of
Ileaven? It is a good w hile since you
parted at the door of the grave. There
will be Grace and Mary and Martha
and Charlie and Lizzie and all the dar-
lings of your household, not pale and
sick and gasping for breath, as when
you saw them last, but their eyes
bright with the luster of Heaven and
their cheeks roseate with the flush of
celestial summer.
What clasping of hands! What em-
bracings! What coming together of
lip to lip! What tears of joy! You
say: "I thought there were 110 tears
in Heaven." There must be. for the
It \\ oiil«l Not Hurt lllm.
A man who looked the typic al tramp came
Into a drutf htoiv ..11 Ma 11 street yester-
day. He was uii.-h.iv. 1.. 1 <i, and with
that air «'! utu «Ttaint> that tramps have.
The drug eit rk thought ho w is after a hand-
out, either of t .i-h <>t u. •: i . but *uch was
not the case. The man wanted to buy. Hs
held out .1 bottle to li t • . rk \ ti announced
his desire for ti v. r, • •' v. • .rt h of thud ex-
tract of Mi>aparwla. The < .elk t>"k the
bottle and w- .il «.ut t ti l it. when he
notieed it w.i« tu ! •>! n^-h. > broken line.
"Shall I rinse it out nr«t' " he asked.
"Never mind," said th< man. "It don't
matter. I'm mtti:.' it i«.: the bosa."—-
Worcester Sp\.
t.itl Out.
Custodian Sb you clunked your mind
about taking tlat as - as you went
iaa d( !
Portly- ('hanged nothing* Wasn't room
in there even to change ni> mind; I just
backed out. Denver New-
Caution* vian.
Brown Did you notict w hat a black eye
Smith had '
Kobinson I aw it. but 1 make it a rule
never to notice such tlnr.i:* llo>toii Tran-
st ript.
are the diamonds
IV. ' \ \ -A
if the fairies.-
N1) M 1.
them a fat harvest of yellow lumps and
a fund of stories unparalleled for the
magnificence of their mendacity. Pros-
pectors from Dawson and other Klon-
dike mining camps, carried away by
the superlativeness of the tales they
had heard, forsook well-paying claims
and undertook dangerous winter jour-
neys to reach the new Eldorado in time
to have the choice of claims. Fortune
hunters from the states and Canada
left their homes early in the spring so
as to secure passage in the first ship
from San Francisco or Seattle.
On the first day of June Nome City
had a population of 2,700— 30 days later
it was a booming, bustling town of
25,000, with a municipal government,
churches and newspapers. Buildings of
some size, rough lumber shanties and
tents, irregularly located along the
beach, without regard for comfort or
sanitary conditions, the entire popu-
lation confined to two streets, that is
the metropolis of Alaska, the north-
ernmost city in the western hemis-
phere. Its inhabitants arc peaceful
folk, as miners and goldseekers go
and eggs. $1: sirloin steak. por-
terhouse steak. lamb chops,
pork chops, $L75; pork sausage. $1.50;
Hamburger steak. $1; hot cakes and
coffee. 50 cents; pies, 5i) cents; cofl'ce,
tea or cocoa. ~5 eents. Water is very
bad and full of disease germs and costs
from 7 to 10 cents per gallon.
In a country where the pauper of
to-day expects to be the millionaire of
to-morrow labor naturally is hard fo
obtain. Common laborers ask and re-
ceive $1 per hour; mechanics, $1.50 an
hour, and teams, $10 an hour. The city
administration is unable to obtain suf-
ficient help to remove the garbage and
filth of the monster camp, and disease
is consequently claiming scores of vic-
tims every day. The government offi-
cials are as helpless as the mayor and
can do nothing toward bringing order
out of chaos. The apathy of the peo-
ple, as far as sanitation is concerned,
is described as "appalling;" and as the
days go by without bringing the for-
tune they had hoped for many come
to the conclusion that it is cheaper to
die than to live and lose all interest
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signaturo of
See luc-Simlle Wrapper Below.
Very nmnll and n etu.y
to tabu* cm wni'ar.
but the spirit of selfishness which doin- j in their surroundings.
GRAND ARMY Encampment
• ••••••••
What CHICAGO Is Doing to Make It a Success
. millt'IWM MUBTmvtKpHATUWC- _
IS cents I Fure\y
UW Mil'
The modern, ea*y-
flttin^, economical
shoes for progressive
men are the W. I«
Douglas *3 and
plioeft. Perfect shoo*
that hold their shape
and lit until worn out.
Over 1,000,000 satisfied
r u-.Established
t-v in 187(1.
Tij K various committees in
charge of the preparations for
the annual encampment of the
Grand Army of the Republic, which
will be held in Chicago during the
last week of August, have completed
their preliminary work, and are now
awaiting the arrival of their honored
both in number of visitors and in the
arrangements for their comfort the
p j Chicago meeting will surpass every-
thing in the history of the order.
The committee on decorations has
worked especially hard, and the result
of its labors has been highly commend-
ed by the artist- of Chicago. Aside
from the appropriate decoration of
the down-town streets, the commit-
tee's scheme includes the construction
of two large arcnes and a colonnade.
cross, the lamb, and when 1 fall wrap
me in that good old Christian flag, so
that the family coat of arms shall be
Tight over my breast, that all the
world may see that 1 looked to the
T>ove of the Spirit and clung to tlie
•Cross and depended upon the Lamb
of God, which taketli away the sin of
-the world.
Ashamed of Jesus, tlint dear friend.
On whom my hopes of life depend;
No! When I blush, he this my shame-
That 1 no more revere His name.
Next, I speak of the family sor-
rows. If trouble come to one member
of the family, all feel it. It is the cus-
tom, after the body is lowered into
the grave, for all the relatives to come
to the verge of the grave ami look
down into it. First those nearest the
departed come, then those next of
kin, until they have all looked into the
grave. So, when trouole and grief go
down'through the heart of one mem-
ber of the family, they go down
through them all. The sadness of one
is the sadness of all. A company of
persons join hands around an eledtric
battery; the two persons at the ends
•of the'line touch the battery, and all
the circle feels the shock. Thus, by
close, the loved ones that never part,
the procession that never halts, the
trees that never wither, the walls that
never can be captured, the sun that
never sets, until we can no longer gaze,
and we hide our eyes and exclaim: "Eye
hath not seen nor ear heard, neither
have entered into the heart of man the
things which Clod hath prepared for
them that love Him!" As these tides
of glory rise we have to retreat and
hold fast lest we be swept off and
drowned in the emotions of gladness
and thanksgiving and triumph.
What think you of the family prop-
erty? It is considered an honor to
marry into a family where there is
great wealth. TheLord.the Bridegroom
of earth and Heaven, offers you His
heart and His hand, saying in the
words of the Canticles: "Rise up, my
love, my fair one. and come away."
And once having put on thy hand the
signet ring of His love, you will be en-
dowed with all the wealth of earth and
all the honors of Ileaven.
Almost every family looks back to
a homestead—some country place
where you grew up. You sat on the
doorsill. You heard the footsteps of
Bible says that "t«od shall wipe them veterans will participate in this
away," and if there were no tears there j yoar-s grand parade, and hoped that
how could He wipe them away? They 1 ...
cannot be tears of grief or tears
of disappointment, they must be
tears of gladness. Christ will come
and say: "What, child of Heaven, I
is it too much for thee? Post |
thou break down under the gladness of
this reunion? Then I will help thee."
And with His one arm around us rtnd
the other arm around our loved ones
He shall hold us up in the eternal jubi-
While I speak some of you with
broken hearts can hardly hold your
peace. You feel as if you w ould speak
out and say: "Oh,blessed day, speed on!
Toward thee I press with blistered
feet over the desert way. My eyes fail
for their weeping. I faint from lis-
tening for feet that will not come and
the sound of voices that will not speak.
Speed on. oh day of reunion! And then.
Lord .lesus, be not angry with me if
after I have kissed thy blessed feet
I turn around to gather up the long
lost treasures of my heart. Oh, be
not angry with me. One look at thee
kvere Heaven. But all these reunions
ire Heaven encircling Heaven, Heaven
overtopping Heaven, Ileaven comming-
ling with Heaven!"
I was at Mount Vernon and went
into the dining-room in which our first
president entertained the prominent
men of this and other lands. It was
a very interesting spot. But. oh, the
banquet hall of the family mansion of
which 1 speak! Spread the table, spread
it wide, for a great multitude are to
sit at it. From the tree by the river
gather the 12 manner of fruits for
that table. Take the clusters from
the heavenly vineyards and press them
into the golden tankards for that ta-
ble. On baskets carry in the bread
of which if man eat he shall never hun-
ger. Take all the shot-torn flags of
earthly conquest and intwine them
among the arches. Let David come
with his harp and Gabriel with his
trumpet and Miriam with the timbre!,
for the prodigals are at home, and
the captives are free, and the Father
hath invited the mighty of Heaven and
the redeemed of earth to come and
Connecticut. Massachusetts, New Jer-
sey. Maine, California and Nevada,
Rhode Island, New Hampshire. Ver-
mont. District of Columbia, Virginia
and Nortn Carolina, Maryland, Ne-
braska, Michigan, Iowa. Indiana, Colo-
rado and Wyoming. Kansas, Delaware,
Minnesota. Missouri, Oregon, Ken-
It is estimated that fully 50,- j tueky. West Virginia, South Dakota,
Washington and Alaska. Arkansas,
New Mexico, I'tali, Teniu ssee, Louis-
iana and Mississippi, Florida. Mon-
tana, Texas, Idaho, Arizona. Georgia,
Alabama. North Dakota, Oklahoma,
Indian Territory and Illinois
The committee on invitations an-
nounces that among the distinguished
visitors will be the president of the
United States, most of the members of
hiscabinet. scores of Cnited States sen
ators and representatives, the Span-
ish minister at Washington and many
other diplomats, 10 governors of states
i\Y hy <lo s ou pay $1 to
$A Tor shoes lien you
i, , - \AcanbuyW.l,.Douglas
ft vj ill \iri, shoes for $3 and
p{ convincevojj "ijjji $:i.50 which
\ xrjpv. arc just a*
A SB SHOE FOR 83.50.
A 84 8HOE FOR 83.
The real worth of our S3 nn«l 83.KO
eompitrccl with other tiiHke* Is 5*
to 8ft. We nre tho l«rp-t m«kr 1 —-
and reullfri of
tnen'i |.1 aml l ' M) aho*i In the world. We make «n<l
•oil ni r«- f t uml i'I..V) ahneathsn any other two manu-
larturcra 1m tli« l nited Stntc#. . 4.
Having the lar.'tit ft and W) ehoc buiincM in tho
world, and a jii-rfcct ayitrin ot manufacturing, enablea
no to produce higher grade $3 aud g.i.uO ahuea than can
be had eUcwhcro. _ . , ..
'I'll i: IC K AftOBTmnreW.L.Dougtaalland $.,.50
•Tinea aro aold than any other make u beeuuie I ■■■•-. *
A ICH 'I'll K BKHT. Your dealer should keep
them i we ;-ive one denier exclusive aale in earh town.
'I'nke no Niil *tltiit«>! lna:at on having W. L.
Don^lna ahoca with name and price stamped on bottom.
It your dealer will not Bet them for you, aind direct to
fartorv, cncloaing prieo aud 2Sc. extra lor eurriage.
State kind of leather, sire, and width, plain or can to«.
Our elioea will reach you nnywh< re. Lataloyut Irtt.
W. L DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton, Mast,
of the filial, jnulerual oud pn-1 the rain on tl e garret roof. You
Cowley county,, has a girl
One of the arches is tobe placed at
Van Huren street and Michigan av-
enue, the other at Park row and the
avenue. The arches will be con-
nected by Corinthian columns, placed
at regular intervals on both sides of
the street, forming a magnillcent col-
onnade, broken only by the pylons
which will flank the reviewing stand.
One of the arches will be dedicated to
the army, the other to the navy, and
each w.U bear bas-relief panels por-
traying some famous triumph of
arms. In general effect this decora-
tion will equul the famous Dewey col-
onnade at New York. In length it will
■urpass it.
The formation of the grand parade
by states has also been agreed upon.
Don't be fooled with a mackintosh
or rubber coat. If youwantacoat
that will keep you dry In the hard-
est storm buy the Fish Brand
Slicker. If not for sale In your
town, write for catalogue to
A. j. TOWER. Boston, Mais.
with their staffs, and Col. William Jen-
nings Uryun, democratic nominee for
president. All of these have formally
accepted the invitations sent t hem, and
ninny others will no doubt be added to
this list before the end of the month.
Preparations for the entertainment
of veterans who do not feel able to pay
large hotel bills have been completed
by the Chicago board of education and
an order has been issued directing the
janitors of school buildings to place all
assembly halls, corridors, playrooms,
gymnasiums and kindergarten rooms
at the disposal of the grand army en-
tertainment committee. These rooms
will be furnished with comfortable cots
and deeorated with flags, and the stars
and stripes will be displayed on the
Wisconsin will head the line, followed ; school premises day and sight from
by Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, j August 25 to-30.
f ff ff ff f f f f • If f f f f f f f f f f f f ff If fTff f f ffff ff ff J
The New
Pullman Buffet Sleepers. Solid Wide
: Ve.tlbul.d Train. Free Recllnlo*Cbalr 5
■ Carl, Fort Smitb to Memphis without j
• cbanfe
ticn'l Mgr. TfcHIc M,r.
(810 page*), describe* the e land., tell* how to iRlllaVe
and J «*rfeot claim to valuable FAUM8, TOWN LOTS,
and SUNKKAL LaNUS Price, with line Sectional Map.
•i 00. THIS KIOWA CHIKK idevoted to news and infor-
mation about these lands) sent, one year, for tl.W.
Will contain Proclamation, 'Bxlng da to of
Paper (one year) Manual, and Map—all for 11.75. WUn
the above will be mailed KltfcK, 100 pa«e Illustrated
Cook on Oklahoma. Agent, wanted. Addre..,
Dll'lt T. MOW*AN, Land Attorney, Perry, OkU.

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Miller, L. G. The Hennessey Clipper. (Hennessey, Okla.), Vol. 11, No. 14, Ed. 1 Thursday, August 30, 1900, newspaper, August 30, 1900; Hennessey, Oklahoma. ( accessed April 18, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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