The Daily Oklahoma State Capital. (Guthrie, Okla.), Vol. 8, No. 66, Ed. 1 Tuesday, July 21, 1896 Page: 3 of 4

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- The State Capital.
By the State Capital Printing; Co. Commission Appointed to
! Makes two Reports
Dally 1 year
Daily. 1 month
Dally 1 week
Weekly. 1 y«vir
Weekly, ft uioutbs
I I lie T« o M mliei „
Society Directory
/ \ I'THHIK I.od!||£ St 9 1 i). il IT Meelu
Monday ultflit oi each week at 7 30 Via
odd FellowH Hre alwayH welcome
H. G. Gohtow, N G.; V. A IUyetii, Becre
tary, Lock Ho« I7W.
. . i'XH It1 K LOIXJK No I, A. O. U. W., meets
l"I Tburbday eveulng «>f each week til 7.3U
n m ball lu Victor block, cor;, Ut aud Harri
boii ave Vlaltlug Workmen are always wel
(one. O. R. MOSTOOSSBT, II. W.
U. W. VAHI'HIH, Recorder.
G1UTBRIK LODOS Ho j. K of P meets
r every Weduenday at • : < . In their hall In
tne Victor HnllduiK corner ol Hunt and Hari i
sou. Viaitiog KulghU
j.lPoiiAKT, \S.H Mmr
■ua ot H and K of It
Kullroad 'rime-Table.
Atcuimon, Topkka a Santa Kit.
north, r v^t and wr8t
—I Arrive. | l.eave. i Arrive. Arrive.
N Guthrie, j Uutlirie. Kau. OUy. Chicago.
ZJTittT m. I 6:4ft a. m. I 5:Wp.^ Ml a.
IS 4:58 p.m. | SUSp.t" ■ '•«•*
■ tH) a
420118:15 p. m.
j Arrive.
No Guthrie.
407|ll£ftp •
405 10:58 p. i
Cfll|l2:15 p i
fl 50 a. in' |l6::i0p.c
Local Freight.
Loeal Freight.
1'TII KAN r AN II NO ti Til W ET r.
Leave. A rive I Arrive
(iuthrle. Ft Worth '<iaiveh'n
112 :'.I5 p. i
11:08 p. i
I l:«U P
y 15 p. in. U 'Jf. a.
Hit) a. m.|9::i0 p.
| Local Freight.
60 hours to Los Angeles.
Free chair ears on all trains. Pull-
man Palace sleepers to Kansas (ity
and Chicago without change. Also to
Kort Worth and (lalveston.
Through railroad and steamship tick-
eta sold to all points, Passengers
booked to all points in the continent
of Europe; also from any port or in-
land point in Europe through to any
point in the United States. Prepaid
tickets paid for here will be delivered
to passengers at their residence in
Europe. For full particulars call on
or address,
Otto. T. Nicholson, (1. P. A , Chicago.
W. J. Black, A. U. P. A .Topeka, Kan
L. R. Dklanky, Agent Guthrie, Ok.
(SThe'cheapest paper in the United
States is the Weekly Oklahoma State
Cupltal, 25 cents a year Send in
your quarter. It contains all the news,
at home and abroad.
Professional Directory
Bpeclal Attention to Collections.
Practice lu all Courts.
Office—Hue Hive Hulldiug. Okla-
homa ave., Guthrie, Ok.
ItijfWtH of iImII breed* Secret a >
Smith In I'urs I (inn the
tit-port* Shortly.
Washington, July .'1—[Special. J
The commission appointed to correct
the roll of the Oaage nation submitted
its report to Secretary of the Interior
Hoke Smith yesterday. It is a bifur-
cated report, clearly, as the commis-
sion is composed of two men, and they
failed to agree iu the main ami each
tiled a personal report.
Trie commission is made up of Col.
Ueorge T. Scott, of Missippi, uud Maj.
W. J. Houston of Atlanta. Authority
to create the commission was given
by congrets iu response to demands
made by full bloods in the Usage coun-
try who insisted that their otlicial roll,
forming the basis of all payments,
should be purged. As citizenship in
the Osage country is worth over $10,-
000, it cau be readily seen that any ef-
fort to remove parties from the roll
would be contested bitterly.
The commission was created last
March and within a month a conten-
tion arose? about what year should be
made the starting point for the inves-
tigation. The commission came here
and spent some days with Secretary
Smith, accompauicd by a double dele-
gation of full bloods aud half-breeds.
The secretary finally announced that
anyone who had been on the roll and
shared in annuities since 1880 should
be accepted as entitled to remain on
the otlicial roll
The roll as made up embraces about
1,ti0U, anil the full bloods were con-
tending that 7:iI should be removed
This decision of the secretary set at
rest r 00 of the 731 cases, and then the
commission returned to the reserva-
tion to investigate the .'ill people who
had been admitted td'llie roll since
the year 1880.
Major Houston, in his report, rec
ommends that the following familes
be excluded from the roll: .lulia Her-
ridge and family, Gummy l'lowaodon
and family, John Thomas I faker and
family, Mary Hill and fain!*?'' Kosa
Lee Hampton and family, Mary E
Why not ride a Col-
umbia and know you
have the best that can
be made.
F. B. L1LLIE & GO.
Frink 1 Iimski i;
Will bepin U'ivmg
for 15 cents.
Ice Cream Every Day
Go to Himself for Spring
Op[>osite:tlie QEfcrnment
acre. 1
frink himself.
16 to 1
Fl, Worth & Denver Cily Railway
As Against Ml Competitors
shobtkt <<' ll'kkhttimk.
«i:l-llKI<TKHV;ri:. THHiH'ull IIIAINM.
And the eoustant descent « f the
te 3 perature Six hours after leaving
Vt. Worth summer heat is forgotten
and balmy spring-like breezes (ireet
you Try it and be convinced.
It is a Pleasure to Answer Questions
Write any Local Auent or
E A. HlHSHI'llil.H, n II. KKUI.BU.
Trtiv. Haw,. A (ft. Ueol- ''a5S AK'-
Carpenter an i family, Simon Frokicr
and family, Rebecca Jane Vadtfey and
family, Julia A. Chandler and family,
Michael Chargette anil family, the Ja-
vine family, the Terrier family, the
I'evard family, Omaha family and
John F Palmer and family. The lat-
ter are Siouxlndians who were adopted
in Ihiiil, but have, strangely enough,
missed two annuity payments, ami for
this reason Majar Houston concludes
that their ease should be reopened,
des-pite the holding of the secretary
relative to the year 1880 as a starting
point for investigation.
Major Houston, in his report, ac-
cepts as rightfully belouging to the
roll, ami who have been admitted
since the year IhSO, the Rogers family,
Petit family, Lyman family aud Clem
Colonel Scott, in his report, favors
keeping ail on the roll excepting the
Omahas, Lyuiaus, Mrs. Chandler and
family and Mrs Clem and family. He
has accompanied his report with all
the testimony beariugon the cases, to
gether with an argument to sustain
his position.
It is shown that the Omahas came
down from Nebraska forty strong and
bribed the tribal council with «:i,r.oo
and got onto the roll in this way. It
is als« shewn in testimony that Mrs.
Chandler went there from Springfield
with a family of four children and all
were admitted to the roll for SV 00.
paid to the council. This happened
three years ago.
Hy checking off the two reports it.
is observed that they have agreed to
remove seventy names from the roll
This is taking from these parties pro-
perty valued at $700,Ooo and restoring
it to the tribe On all other cases
there is a disagreement.
Major Houston also filed with the
secretary of the interior a petition
from the full-bloods asking that the
commission return to the reservation
' and be empowered by the secretary to
investigate the roll prior to 1880. The
major simply tiled the petition, but
says he did not urge the secretary to
comply with the request. It is believed
the major would like to d< an much
damage as possible to the half breeds.
He i> credited with being adverse to
their cause all along, and many of the
half-breeds found this outcome time
ago It is suggested that the major
might discover, iu the event he re-
turns to resume the work on the lines
of the petition, that it is a very bad
Secretary Smith will have to pass
upon the conglomerated reports tiled
on the Osage race question. Major
Houston insists that the secretary is
his personal friend, and that he will
sustain the report submitted by him,
which will oust over '..MM half breeds
CoUmel Scott, on the other hand, in-
sists that the cases as made out in his
report will provcself-sustaiuing in the
mind of the secretary, it U reason-
ably certain that the seventy reported
against by both will be excluded by
der of the seeretarv, but how he will
dispose of the others is not known, lie
has promised to pass on the reports
Hied within one month. There is a
demand to have the secretary act be-
fore tin- fall payment of annuities.
In the meantime the merchants in
the border towns are very much inter-
ested. The secretary has heard from
Coffeyville. Elgin, Cedarvale, Indepen-
dence. Arkansas City, Ponco City.
Newkirk and Pawnee. They take sides
with the half-breeds, who get off the
reservation to trade, (in the coutrary
the traders admitted to the reserva-
tion favi.i the full-bloods, for the
reason the full blood is inclined to
spend Ids money at the tlrst opportun-
ity, which is usually a trader's store
Closing sale of ladies Oxfordhow
shoes at David He'sch's.
w vntku —a good white girl for geu-
'•ral house work. Call at 70^ West
Stowe Hardware Co. always at the
front, have just put iu a new bargain
NN anted All the uieu we cau get to
donate some work towarJ taking
down the big tabernacle iu which the
Mulkey meeting was held Please be
on hand tomorrow morn ng. W l
To make room fall goods I am
closing out my stock of laities' loweut
shoes at very low prices. David
lletsch, corner Oklahoma avenue and
Piltt street.
A big game of ball has been arrauged
between Perry and Out brie teams to
take place Friday, Saturday and Sun
day in this city, it is intended to make
it a great occasion. Kaeh club will
have some tine new players.
Wauted — A girl for general house-
work. Inquire at Dr. Huxton's, next
door to eouuty court house, Hroad and
The Congregational ladies gave a
lawn soeiui at the residence of Win
lllinco on North Hroad last evening
The usual refreshments were served
and everybody had a nice time. A
large number of persons were pres-
My stock of ladies' low shoes going
at low prices to make room for the
largest stock of tine shoes ever brought
to Outhric. David lletsch. First and
Oklahoma avenue.
Whatever you can't ti ml on "Stowe's
Margain Counter" don't look for it. it
is not in the city.
The members of the Christian church
and their friends will picnic at Cim
arron Muffs tomorrow (Wednesday).
All who go are requested to meet at
the church at s a- m. Conveyances
should be provided for those who have
There will be a graud moonlight
picnic given at St. Paul A M. E.
church Thursday night, July j:j, for
the beuetii of the pastor. You are
cordially invited Corner Vilas and
Elm streets.
The boys have at last struck a
charivari that was successful. Ed Per-
kins did the young fellows up hand-
somely last evening. The band was
present aud discoursed sweet music
between t;ines. (lainbrinus was pres
ent with his genial smile. The boys
think Etl is a good fellow
• Moses' Special Hrew, 21 bottles for
81 Headquarters for Pabst Best Tonic
'211 Ave. Phone No
Stowe Hardware Co. are giving a
chance on a Warwick Cushion Frame
bicycle with each dollar purchased. *
A gr&Ail reuqcblicitti rally Aas/bee ti
preparpS toAtlSh J.r Qi of thifPjbo!\tli at
Island Ark., flier# will be * big bar-
becue lu&l efeijbodJj that tomes will
be give#a free dinner. All the candi-
dates will address the people. In the
evening a dance will be giveu. All
the county farmers will be iu.
For the populist territorial conven-
tion at Guthrie August 4th and r th,
the Santa Fe route will sell excursion
tickets from all stations from Arkan-
sas City to Purcell inclusive to Outhrie
at one and one-third fare for the round
trip. Tickets on sale August td, 4th
and fith. good to return until August
?lh. L. P. Delaney, Agent.
The commissioners of Orant county
Saturday passed a resolution exempt-
ing livestock from taxation that is
brought to this country to be fed this
fall, winter and spring. They also ap
pointed Lew E. ('logston and Tell W.
Walton, of Pond Creek, ami John
Hlair, of Medford, as a live stock com-
mission. whose duty it will be to give
information and solicit stockmen to
bring stock to the county.
Ifr. A. II. Crtmbr, o( No.
158 K-'rr 8i_ Memphis, Turn ,
W rile* tt'.u bi4 wilo had cau
c«-r win. ii hutl catfu j ,>
luriro hole* in tier breast, an 1
Win>'ti th« bent phTM<'IIOH
of I lie BurroMiidint; coiiiurv
treatovi, aud pronoun, .-.! n
mrai'li*. Her frrainluiulhvr
aud auut bud du J ut
Rouiarkablo Developments lu uu
Indiana Murdor Myatory.
Men I rl*Mi iiihI I luprlMoiit'tl for llt%
Murder uf tl < s. uie Mun 1 liw
luiioceiil Main M'i'k lu^
k rartlou.
Rooms i and 2.
an.l when told thu, thoino-t
eiuiiii'ul *ueciali i* ot «
York, under lOio-o tiv.u-
im-nt aliu mi* placed, tle-
elured l « r case wu* ln.|>e! ■
AII livatuu-nt liuv uitf luil> i.
and a-ioiii-liiim u- n ".iv
a ft w bottle* cuiwd
her Miund mid *dl.
Our ii<'UH-o on tlii* di*-
pu-o mil uu Mill I fee lo
anv ad,ire**.
Atl«at4. Ci
John '
Ei-hart is here from Chicago
Hall of Woodward is in the
C. U. Wilde
v as d"
from Orlandt
ti. II. llailey, of St Jo
the city.
Ex-Sheriff Smith was up from Nor
mun toduy.
It ller/.og of South McAlester is it
the city.
An effort It being made to Mouit
pardon i-i John Bexson, >i prlaosil
serving a 1 war scutein-c iu the Jeffer* j
nonville t Ind. | jK-iiitentiuiy foi unudei,
The ciiine for which Scvsoii \ us con-
victcd \viu committed in lhorntown,
lkKHic county, ui.ti tin- peculiarity of ih«
developments of the i.i-e attracted
widespread uttentiou throughout tlinj
eountry. At 11 o'clock on the night ol
August. 17, ls'.'4, Hiram McDonald wus.
found lying in a pool of blood on \ ilie j
street in Thorntoun. He was sutTi i iii|> j
from a wound on the back of the head, j
and never regained consciousness. A
few momenta after McDonald's body
was found, John Sc\son. iu co.n|>any ]
with Charles Pafctersoi , ..f Thorntow u,1
ami John tiott, a young: man of leb-
anon, culled at the home of Justice
Cant. Scnsou complained that In* hud
been assault-d and struck with a rock
Office over Hee Hive Store,
I'hactii k
U2 Ok. ave., Gutlirie, Ok,
Diseases tLiiri Surgery ot tlio
Scientifically adjusted to suit the most complicated cases of defective sighi
of Wichita was iu the
iy McDonald, and swore to an ntlidavlt,
hurging tli« latter with nssuult umi notices hi
Mo., is in batters . A warrant was issued for Me-j
Donald's arrest, but the eiliccr in w bond
hands it. had l* en placcil for service
found him dying at t! «• resilience of
William Sutton, to which lie had be mi
I'oinoicd. Sevson ndinittwl hiiNiug
My I struck McDonald with a nine, but
II. Classen was up from Edtnoud «>|;tiIII(>< 1 to have acted in .M>lf-defcnse.
! lie was arrested, and held on a charge <>(
At the preliminary hearing both Pat-
terson and Ciott testified in Sex son's lie-
half, and corroborated his story. Sox*
soil's trial began l'ebruaix 4, I Pat-
terson, who h id been arrest,-d a short
time after tli" murder on a charge of
burglar\. tesiiiied for the defense, Out
(iott hud fled the country to ewule ar-
rest, it having been learned that he
perjured himself while testifying at tliu
preliminary trial. Sex son was fouml
guilty and given a 21-year sentence. V
mot ion asking for a new trial w as over-
ruled by the court.
A few days after he was MMiteneed
ho told Prosecuting Attorney Oulley! jS96, or any old subscriber who
11. W. Darling
city today.
J. W. Vernon of Kansas City was in
the city today.
D. r Richardson was up from Okla-
homa City yesterday.
Oeorge F. Habeoek of St. Joe, Mo.,
was iu the city yesterday.
C. E. Townsand visited Sunday in
Arkansas City.
Joe Severns has goue to Denver to
spend the summer.
Mrs. W. 11. Hatighn returned from
Wintield yesterday.
Deputy Marshal Cochran was up
from Oklahoma City today.
Mrs. A. S. Brown (nee Miss Maude
Schermerhorn, formerly of this city)
arrived from Arkansas City today
noon to visit friends. She has grown
jO be a tine looking woman from the
little girl of the early days. Her
many friends will be proud of her
when they see her.
Mr. and Mrs R. W Black and
daughter, Miss Myrtle, Mr. and Mrs.
W P>. Herod and Miss Kate of this
city, Mr. and Mrs. James Bryan aud
children and Miss Tina Fairbanks of
Perry have just returned from an over
land trip and ten days'outing at Oueda
Springs. Kan A splendid time was
bad and all were benefited by the trip
aud partaking of the mineral waters
of the fain jus springs.
The board of county commissioners
of Kay county made the levy for ex-
penses the ensuing year as follows:
Territorial fund, 1 mills: salaries
fund, o mills; court fund, il mills; con-
tingent fuud, supply fund, <
mills: road and bridge fund, mills:
poor and insane fund. 1 tntyh sinking
fund, 1 '■ mills: county school fund,
mills: total, I r> mills The present
levy is 1.1 mills less than that made
last year
HOMK Sl'llOOl. lor boys anil youn^ men. Gives them at
the same lime a fine home ami an admirable school. St.
John's School provides for the physical conilorts of a boy,
habits anil his conduct outside of the school room as
well as in it. It is a school twenty-four hours out of twenty-four.
It prepares a boy thoroughly for the best colleges or for
business, and outside of school hours interests him in Military
III ill, gymnatic exercises, games, 'I > I > 11 books, good manners, good
morals, "lis the way we have at St John's, sir, to drive dull care
away." Write for a catalogue to
WALTER IYI. JAY, Head Master.
ONE \ EAli, i-> CENTS!
I KM 111iiII I
(let Vi
tween now
; Caul h w««k nyiii Now
i the Or«tt( Weekly ol
who subscribes be- November 6,
i killed Me
iry, Patter-1 renews
in a quar
in get
State Capitai
FOR 25 ( I NTS
that lie w as not the man w I
Donald. According to his si
son and McDonald engagei
rel, which rcsulteil in Pat lei son's strik-
ing McDonald with a piece of gas pipe,
which be had taken from 11 saloon with
the avowed Intention of killing soma niost remarkable offer ever made
one. Finding Mel iona Id had been serious-
Iv injured, Patterson prevailed'ou Sex-1 by a newspaper til
r? f.".r V1""8;"' ! This is less than 4 cent a week.
himself, urging that his gooil reputa- j *
tion, together w ith evidence which Pat- 'J'hree dozen enns, Sold Oil tllC
i ii i t him.
This is the
cent a we
II r«'i>lereil Uif aiitl Nlglit
With nervousness, take llostetter'i
Stomach Bitters, which invigorates
and the nervous system.
'I he basis of recovery is a reform in
errors of digestion The epigastric
nerve and brain are united iu the
clo.-est. bond of sympathy, so that dys-
peptic symptoms In the gastric region
are always accompanied by hurtful re-
Ilex nervous action Both are reme
died by the Bitters, which also cures
malaria, biliousness, rheumatism and
kidney trouble. I or sale by Wallace
Si Muller and Seatouiau Drug Co.
The work of one hen 36 days, will
get the Week'y State Capital ore year
ltd A mom I ( Mtnlofci'f Out SliOMlug
The I niversity of oklahoma at Nor-
man has issued its annual catalogue
for the next term of school It is
larger and more < •uipletc and shows
an extended course of studies for next
term over previous years. On the ad
mission of pupils to the preparatory
department the catalogue says: It is
desired to give the graduates from the
rural schools full recognition for the
work they have done in completing
the graded course of study. It ib
thought that the will at least
admit to the junior preparatory year,
and that experience will probably
show that advanced credit can be
given in 1'nited States history and
English grammar. It is the purpose
of the university to unite closely with
the public schools of the territory,
both of t'ie towns and the country.
At this time there are many young
men and women who came to Oklaho
ina at a time in their school life when
they were master of the merest rudi-
ments of knowledge, and on account
of the arduous labors and privations
of making a new home have been una-
ble to attcud school or to study. They
now tind themselves grown to young
manhood and womanhood with the
school attainments of children. To
these we say. come to the university—
we will give you work suited to your
abilities and you will find sympathy
and encouragement both from instruc-
tors and associates.
The following is the faculty:
David It. Boyd, A M., (I niversity of
Wooster), President-Professor of
Mental and Moral Science.
Edwin DeBarr. Ph. B.,(I niversity
of Michigan professor of Cheinestry,
Physics and Pharmacy.
James .Y Anderson. Ph D , (John
Hopkins) Professor of Oreek and
James S Buchanan, B S., {Cumber
and I niversity)—Professor of History
and Civics.
Fredrick S. Elder, A. B , (Princeton
—Instructor in Mathematics
Mary J Overstreet— Instructor in
Maude DeCou —Librarian.
The institution lias been very sue
cess fill and should be the pride of the
territory. It in fully equal to the
present need., and capable of expand-
ing according to demands.
When you want pens, pencils and
inks come to Thk Static Capitai.
We buy directly from the manufac-
turer. We sell a good counting house
pencil better than the cheap pencils
you have teen getting—at twenty five
cents a dozen, and a good pen at forty
cents a gross, five cents a dozen
Come in and see our stock
OklMlioiiiM I'eunlona.
Washington, 1). C.July :.'l -(Spe
cial.) The following pensions were,
granted Original -Henry c. Wilson. |
Sac ami Fox agency, Lincoln; Joel j
than J
market today, will get you the
greatest weekly in Oklahoma,
Tin: State Cai i i ai , for ONh
YKAR. We want every farmer
in Oklahoma to take Till WEEK-
i i.\ State Caittai. and to send
l'ntt( rson insisted that Se\son would
he eons ieted a.s an accomplice, unless
he did as he suggested. Sex son finally
agreed, and the theory of the defense
w as outlined by Patterson. During the
trial eight witnesses testified for thu
defense, w ho. Sex son declared, w ere
lilted by Patterson to give false testi-
Sex son was returned to Lebunon, |
where lie went hrfore tin lioone eouuty j j{ a|so a year to his friend ill the
grand jury und retold his story. As
a result, an indictment was returned|east, as on immigration drawer,
against Patterson, charging him with
the murder. Patterson was conv
"m! •,.At | member, after Novemb
the tune sentence was pnssed on him.
Patterson made an eloquent address j 1896, the price will ^O back to
lourt. He reiterated his original
See our revi ed club
I member,
list Re-
M lmt II* Vuu Wnulf
Do you want Airenihf
l)o you wnut a situation?
Do you waul to buy anything?
Do you waul Boanleraor LoilgersT
l)ti you waul any "Help," «a.a or t«aial**
Do you wi«ul FupllM?
1K> you wanva Farluer?
Do you want Hvrvants, t'l«rk or liArbanloaf
Do you want to Keot a ltooiu, Uouve or Slor«T
Do you want to liny or K«U a Uutii, Wagom
or any kind of a Vclilet#?
Do you waul to Hvll or your Mous*.
OWce, Htore, Ixit or Varm?
lluve you IxMt or Found a ytblng?
Do you want lo K«-ll your (iood Will and Fli-
Have you ?*«'oond Hand Oood of any klaS
thai you wish iu Sell or Ka<*haug«?
Ilava you Ooodn to M«-ll «•( any klud?
If HO, Tin t'Al'iTAl. will publlhb a hr«« 111*
advt rUtfiuenl (v!l wo|d« one llin* f«>r 10 eanta,
brec time* fortft centH, on« week for W ctnla.
A wnnt luTuiHTiTlUinm n« «r falls M
bring quick r
i trood flirulnlied
h at iIiIm oftloe, 'J6 fai
ulM, Ioo fur 'ificeu'
Saleanien 'VA/'a.iiteci-
;\NTKD A siilesuiaii in thin oouuiy, to
-,••11 the I rude u line of (aple froodH.
Handled l > ever.v store. MuhI be energetic,
lioixl Hiilar> loi'U'liI man. send referent ea. at
t'oodH are sold oil llin, AddreuH, Drawer V.
ii. T W. I'u . iireeuhboro, N. C.
—M . 0
M/cle Help Warxted.
\i i KNTH for th« best and most complete
N.tlional I
KNTH for the best and n
iiuipaigii Hook Parties, men ami iwiihh
it commiMHlou (>n i ti I tree,
i liieugo, I.nkeside Uulg.
,• of the crime,
had been promised assi
utliMtn element of 'I'liorut
1 siii<l that Sex-1 50 cents a j' Send in your I
quarter quick, and miss none of
■e by
Nashville, (irant.
Original Otter Scraper, Tahlequah,
Cherokee nation.
Original. widows, etc. .lerusia | ing tin* pet ition for a |
this reason, Patterson claimed, Sexsou
told bis remarliuhlc story. Patterson
was si-lit to the. Michigan City prison,
where he is reported as dying of eon-
sumpt ion.
Since Patterson's conviction Sex on'«
friends ha\e been untiring iu their ef-
forts to 84'eure his lease, his wife tak-
ing a leading part in the movement.
The main obstacle met with is the fact
that Sex son coiiiiniiieil perjury in hi*
attempt to shield Patterson, knowing,
us ho has admitted, that the latter was
fuilty of murder, lor this reason thu ST A'' K C Al'l 1 A I. l'RINl.CO
friends of the prosecution are not- sign-
the red-hot issues in the great
political contest now on.
This paper contains all the
general news of ()klahoma and
the world, it has eitdit pajjes
brim full.
cry tn
Jones. Tulsa,
Landreth, Allen,
ek nation; Mali da
hoctaw nation.
Weekly State Capital, I year 25 cents.
ICeul i:slate Ti rtimterH.
I 'nited States to Daniel Wal
ters. fr 400, 7 20-%. nesec
.'ii, tp 17. r lw 1
UU i:ye 011 .lupan.
The wall of protection erected by thu
republican party around the manufac-
turing Industries of this country served
for a long time to shield them andthe
men employed in them from this cheap
competition. P.ut that wall was broken
down by the Wilson tariff act. and this
fact, taken in connection with the phe-
nomenal indnst rial mlvance which .1 a pan
has made within the lust two or three
years, has opened the eyes td' a large
and glowing number of manufacturers
and of the industrial wage-earuers of
this country, and they begin at last lo
realize that a protective tariff alone can
no longer protect them.— lion, l.ce Man*
♦le, I S. Sen.-toi, ol Montana.
the meantime t>
behind pris
ti llirain MeDout
re confined
alls, each convicted <-f
I t.he same man. Sex-
son still claims that Patterson i«
guilty of murder,
sists that Sex son k
Bid iu self-defense.
C olored Man's Scheme lo Heat a Hallroad
lulled III iu.
> ago a colored man named
desirous of reaching the
jt having the price of trans-
Guthrie, < Iklahoma.
Extraordinary Oporaclon of Ski*
Graftic k Porloraiod ut C-iiicajo.
Lndios Who Valuo
A refined complex ion munt use Fozzoul's Pow-
der. It produccH u hi.ft aud beautiful skin.
111 ly making
which the |
figured hand
a sling
itiellt 1
r ?.kin and ib-nh il
iiuld 1 est his dia
11111« I ■ 1
A fe>
st. but 1
Singular K«uiil*lloii I lei
rreiid .Mannner 1
No woman cyclist lie
Jiint from
road com pan >
His friend told him t
it' a an Italian 1 pi
over his he.ul aud bod
fashion a*. 1 he noble 11
get on t he plat form of a
und that he would tlien
the jourjie\ at little e\j
The colored man diti
rterything went along
until he reach I film's
•ating the raO-
. line I/
lise liiin-
1 blanket
-cnger train,
ible to make
iidvised, ami
\ smootiily
ry, in Idaho,
.'where an
ere I thattlx9
!>r. Mi bolan Seou I unti'iii
Maluied Hand liiklde lb
UU Mtomai b and linn
to Strength.
Dr. Nicholas Semi has 11
of an extraordinars op«
grafting, Nothing of tin
tried before, and the en
surgeon has startled his
1 en again by his daring
their plaudit.* for the
rt niarkuble ex peri men
The parl oile<l hand <
of hkiu on its back, w
I ! I.y day 1
kind I
eli icagt
d breth
and is ive. u 111 j
triumph of hit
f a man. dcvoi<
puncture made I
the flesh of the
Do you want outside papers? See
our revised club list. In it you will
find most any paper you want.
Inland I'urk-
Island Park not being leased to any
individual or corporation can be rented
by any religious or other organization
or any length of time they wish. Tor
ertns enquire of me ut fot.t of south
First street UBOllttK Lvtta.
reeil by the Itev-
if a I'ark.
>d apply for per-
leel on the new
bicycle course at ( olunibia park, in Mid
dlcton, N. unless she is willing e
don the bloomer costume, as Itev. < . M
Winchester, the park manager, has de-
cided that the costume of the new
woman is the proper one, and will jk-i-
init the of no other. Columbia pai l<
Is one of the new I \ -est a hi is lied parks of
the city, on the line of the electric road,
und is owned b\ Kc\. Mr. Winchester,
pastor of the Free < hristiiin church.
Mr. Tiimdiester Is manager of the re-
sort, and, being an ardent prohibition*
1st, is opposed to an\thing and every-
thing w hich tends to intoxication. ll«
is, however, determined that the pleas
tire grounds of which he is manager
eh a 11 not be looking In attractive fea
lines, and, as a drawing caul, is fitting
up the place foe. the especial actjum-
nvodation of the uew w oman.
d the
rugle-eyed brakeninn d
Indian impersonator had 011 a |
gaiters show i ug a ver^ fine rfloss.
Knowing that all true IiVtlians
moceasins the brakeiuati thoiight
thing was wrong und Invcstigati
matter, wlieu the fraud was disci
and the would-be colored Indian was
thrown from the train. The fact that
no fare is charged Indians on govern-
ment. subsidized railroads rendered thu
plan a very feasible one, < pecially in
this case, as the party had a bronzf
IN .,TItll r CllM IDKMr.
An Old Association,
The association known in Philndel
phia as the Contribution to the Pcnn
sylvania Hospital has just celebrated
Its Hath year.
City Without a Directory.
There is no directory in the city ot
Bt. Petersburg,
is inserted in s
11 the skin nn<
ow n stimiacl
thrif weeks ago and fastened thei-e, lit
I erally In a sling of skin and flesh. Tin
1 other day it. was removed and it waj
ti und that, the skin of the stomach liar
j grown to the back of the hand. It w
1 carefully treated, trimmed down u
where It should grow , and a triumph 0
Hi in grafting was made public
The patient i* I' I- I.\da v. cashier o
the 1'irst national bank "I Newton, I
He has been a resident and a biisincsi
ninn of that place for years Mr I.mI i\
was a victim • f a w reek on the Chicago
Hock Island & Pacific railwio attirin
1 eli, Iu.. in 181)4. 1 he "hot air" prcssun i
on a coach at that time severely scahicc
his faee and hands, lie was scarred fis j
life, lu the course of time he rt eoverei I
the use of his left hand, but his righl
hand was :o parboiled and maimed thai
he lost control of it. The member win j
like a piece of mangled beef. The skir. j
hopelessly and permanently gon| j
llrst submiltcil to the knif«
\ piwre of !iis skin thre«
widtli Ave inches long and 1
f an inch tlftK was skillfull)
bandage was lifted
tioii of the manglirii
scalded hand which needed a neu
ring. The hand was placed in thU
I grafting device a few wi-cksago
Aiis complete. The ski*
1 he back of the hand, uirj
prompt ! > applied to sub
skin on the stomach un<
.hich the strip had l>eej
ti auslerrecl tot he hand
A photographer took advantage of tin
ooport unit \. and several {,'ood negative!
of the achievement wen secured. Mr
I.y day i in excellent spirits, and l)r
Semi naturally is proud «• f the auccest
i < f his novel experiment.
AstonUliliiK Sulclile .Tf a rnUdler'n Hani
Worked Kquiue Servitor.
Hundreds of employes in the yarduoi
the \meriean Steel ilarge company at
Superior, Wis, witnessed a singulai
occurrence \ lmnt. played-out ul(
bav horsi* walked into the shallow wa
U-r in the slip known us Howard'!
pocket and slowly moved farther out
Into the deep water, unmindful of tht
shouts and missiles of tin; spectator!
on th • shore. When in alwut thrcn
feet of \.,it<'r the poor animal cajit oni
wistful look around, then deliberate!)
j.ut it.s heiul under water and held it
there until life wait extinct. In a short
time after this the owner, a peddler.
the scene and aluiusi
ide himself when ht
astonish'ng deed of hii
vant. The horse, it U
jioorly fed und ovei
appeared upo
eonuuittcd sii
learned of tin
t is said tin
e-let tered 11
11 :i hie#
ltuukc'r (to new cashier) Say, if eve*
you are seized w ith the desire to run oil
! from linger tip to wrist
| Iteing possessed of means, Mr. I.yd n
' sought tlie best of surgical aid, regtint
less of cx|ieiise, but without avnll. uutL
1 recently. Several weeks ago he came ti
( lilcago and went to St. Jofeph's ho*
pital Dr. Senn was summoned.
TJie surgeon fouml that the hum!
i battled all old remedies at giafting lit
finally decided to make an ex| criinen
as the last ho|x> for ivllcl. I.vil^v hti«I
ilcrcl at Hi., n.iwstiuii, I'.'t ljl"'.\i,.,l|pUuileaiill
Ml Ui the t«it. Or I" j I't.rUi,,- su
that the chance was to slice a ph
Chickens, old. . ■
Spring Cliickeus.
but sevr'i
words iu
.11 ehfd.
,U((t 3S
1 ■ n 1
2. fit) (tfa.-oo
3 j0(tf3.00
bat 7
w ith the cash let iue know
you,- Jr'litgeude liltttftter.
I'll go with
t t.l ireil Hi pubUi aii * luh.
The headquarters of the True
tikin In l.yduy's breast t>r stomach ^ | MaksHai.i,
that the hand could be inserted th. rcli | Secy
b«tw eeii tile llcah uud bkln thus uruidi.i
Second and
very TiicmIbv night
t 11 TA Miy,

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Greer, Frank H. The Daily Oklahoma State Capital. (Guthrie, Okla.), Vol. 8, No. 66, Ed. 1 Tuesday, July 21, 1896, newspaper, July 21, 1896; Guthrie, Oklahoma. ( accessed April 24, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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