Mulhall Enterprise (Mulhall, Okla.), Vol. 19, No. 20, Ed. 1 Friday, May 19, 1911 Page: 1 of 6

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Mulhall And
Vicinity iNews
Established January
First, 1693.
Nineteenth Year
Mulhall, Oklahoma, Friday, May 19, 1911
Mrs. Parrick went t> Guthrie last
M'n day
John BoedecUer was in Guthrie on
business last Friday
W. (J. Slagle, ill (Ikaiahoma City and
a brother of Rev J. S Slagle, was a
Mulhall visiior Wedneday. Mr Sla-
k'le is the Katy agent. at Oklahoma,
The committee of arrangements
We have the Agency for the
Maytag Automobile
for Logan County
Plie Maytag has ;»l>solufe proof of power,
ami 11at-speed endurauce reliability easv to
drive it with safety. Is tliore anything more
ask us.
It is a llilli'liinher
joiitrol a child can
vim want to know
Mulhall, Oklahoma.
Chlldrens day at the
next Sunday evening
E. J. Champion was
Wednesday on easiness'
Special Sale
9jcl2 Ajcminster
' 1
E. (.'unroll j ,lave decided to begin Hie union revi-
! val at the Presbyterian Church Mr.
Erwln the singer will be here next
Friday evening. All come out. to tne
song service Friday night The pre-
Miss Grace Warren returned to her'aching will begin at 11 a m . Sunday
home at Silverdale. Kans last week, j Signed bv the Oomraittee.
The Enterprise is mad to be inform
ed that several farmers are contem-
plating building a silo
' Every farmer should study into tile
Evert Uhampion drove to Guthrie j oenelits of thus conserving uhe pro-
Mondav and will return .via Covle s ducts of the tielris that now go 10
when he will call on Clyde Pl.illips. waste which if placed in a silo would
.1 S Diehl, C. ir. Parrick and E. make splendid feed for all kinds of
Meldrum were in attendance at the , s'oc'< 1,n(' especially to tlie ilairv cow.
quarterly conference at Ml (Jarmel, I With this issue I enter upon the
Mrs Meadows has had the walls of
her ros'aurant freshly papered impro-
ving the looks ureatly
An Ice C mp:m for 250 lbs. of Ice Free.
With ejsh refrigerator bought at
E. E, Richardson s
Hardware Store
I also Have a Nice Assortment of Ham<
mocks. Let me quote you Prices
.Saturday evening.
Mrs. Justice of Mulhall, came in
Monday morning for a visit .with Mr
and Mrs. Al Justice. — Pawnee Times
Andy Miy.e lias torn down Hie old
stable in the rear of his lot and is inak
Ing a transformation that Is a decid-
ed Improvement.
Remember tbe regular annual meet
ing and election ol officers of loe Hose
• lawn cemetery association May 30lh,
1 at the close of the Decoration dav ex-
i ercises.
Miss Lena Wood went to Morrison,
J Okla., Wednesday Where she will
j assist hi an entertainment for the
i benefit of tlie M. E Church of which
j Rev W ,| Jones is pasiur.
j Mr Mobley came down from Orlan-
do on tlie local Tuesday and spent a
while with ins friends here. He is now
located at P. rry. but expects to be
tiansferert to Oklahoma i.'ity Thurs-
Misses Emma Ti (t» worth and Mae
Byars left last Saturday morning. Miss
Emma Clinton, Okla. and Mae to
join her family in Florida via Kansas
City wneresiie wlli visit her brother,
i Richard.
j ivliss Nina Meyers left last Friday
for tonkawa to soend tlie summer.
Her sister Magule has been there for
sume time Miss Nina expects to at-
tend the State Preparatory school
there next wimer.
The (Jolt show last Saturday brought
a large and interested crowd The
show of colts in all classes was good 111
numbers and some fine qu&l ly ani-
mals were sh iwn. The mule colts
were especially good.
A 15 Cory lias bought the lots
east of the Anna Johns heme, of (J.
II Chapman, he has also bargained
Get 'Ready
for T rci de
D ay> ^
at urday,
M a y 27,
I 9 I I
List your sUiff this week so it can
be advertised. If you want to
buy anything leave a list of what
it is at the Oklahoma State Bank.
Get in Line For a Big Day,
L K. MEEK, Mgr.
for the I liurlow house and as soon as
the transaction ik completed will
move it to the lots and fit up a com-
fortable residence.
LOS I A rubber bugkry tire
between Mulhall and tlie Merkle place
, Kinder please return lo Albert Merkle
j Mrs. Woosley has had tlie office of
| the hotel newly papered and groined,
| making it look as fresh and tidy as a
I new pin. John Fallen did the work.
j Child reus day at the M. E. Church
i next Sunday evei.lun
Mrs John Phillips with her two
daughters Mrs Champion and Mrs-
Scott drove to Coyle last Saturday lo
visit Clyde Phillips and family. Lit-
tle Max is having much trouble wnh
Ills stomach o<> doubt fnm the effects
of the Ive lie drank last summer
llr. Childers rei uriied last week from
j attendance at tlie meeting of the
Slate Board of Health and Medical
| Association at Muskogee As County
1 Supt. of health tiie docior has docu
j men is and verbal Instructions for om
jclalsand individuals that will be of
i interest.
j A guid numoer from Mulhall at-
tended tlie quai terh meeting last
I Saturday ewning and Sunday after ' l<lnd uf markiare desired may find
j no in at Ml Carmel .1 t; El.n t, took ' "P'otmlnes at Hie Oklahoma Slate
a load ill ills Mayiag auto on mtll oil-
i caston Sunda\ afternoon he hud with Information Is de ired for Hie
I him Rev E B. Rankin, District P'^P"1"'(,f determining ti.e age of the
eighth year with the Enterprise
They have been years of constant in-
deavor to bund up and better the
condition of toe community about
Mulhall. I have received s une hearty
cussing from those who have not ap-
proved my course If there are a few
who have approved or appreciated the
course I have taken they are either
tongue lied or very modist about say-
ing so. Should I last another eight
years one year or one m ire Issued, my
aim shall be to "statu, lor the right as
I am given to see tlie right."
Messrs J. E. Johnson and T A.
Ilenshaw are now in Mulhall in Hie
interest of the fruit growing industry
They are proposing to organize the
farmers about Mulhall Into a Coopera-
tive association for tbe purpose of
bringing them together In effort and
purpose It is a well known ract that
most of tlie orchards are
decaying and need renewing, it Is also
true where small quanities of fruit is
raised it is orten wasted for lack of a
nnfrket. These gentlemen are iter to
help tlie farmers get more fruit and a
sure market It will pay you to see
them and investigate. See their ad
in this week's Enterprise.
Prof. Chas. X. Gould of Norman,
geulogist ano director Oklahoma geo-
logogical survey, came to Mulhall lasi
Monday morning and spent the day
busily engaged in examining the roci.s
and formations in this vicinity. Tne
first point of Interest, was the bone
Held on the Sears farm four and one
half miles southwest of Mulhall. To-
gether with W. II Matthews Prof
Parrick, L, K. Meek, R M Kincaid,
Rev. J.S.SIaule, Waiter Kincaid and
the iCdltur of the Enterprise Prof
Ooi|td visited the place and made a
careful examination of what had been
brought to the surface. Till, examini
Hon served to confirm the opinions al-
ready generally held that this spot no
doubt contains the bones of an ex-
tinct mammoth also of other anI mats
bard to identify on account of the
small number and broken condition of
tlie tones vet found.
Prof. Gould says that there i» evi-
dence sufficient on tlie surface to justi-
tty further search and that tlie proba-
bilities are that huge tusks and teeth
as well as other bones may be found in
this grave that will repay the cost of
labor of excavation.
Mr Sears was much pleased with
the visit and took pleasure in showing
the evidences on iiaod The ground
will not be further disturbed until it
oould be done under expert directions
Prof. Oould is much interested in
rocks and stones, and is especially
anxious t i get specimines of stone liav
ing Hie impressions of leaves, especi-
ally feros. Anyone finding such apeu-
Ininea r.monit the rocks will confer a
oreat favor by leaving them »r. the
Enterprise office or either uf the
h*n ha. AI ways be careful to remember
when the stones were taken from, in
ordei thai tbe place may he poinied
oat when tlie sclentests c une to ex-
amine. Parties desiring to know what
Consolidation ol Rural Schools
Agrealdeal Ins been writt n >n
this subject of late, ai.d a great deal
more will be written and said on this
subject before it will b' settled, and
settled right There is no question,
financial or political, or even religious
that is of such importance to the fatli
ers and mothers of this new State as
tlie proper educaiion of their sons and
daughters We have passed through
the times when the paramount quest
Ion was to supply Hie needs of the
body, The homes are established:
They have helped in the struggle for
the home, now we must help them in
the best way possible by giving them
an education. But, aias, some are be-
yond our power to help, they have
been forced out Into the world to bat-
tle for themselves poorly prepared to
win because they missed their oppor-
tunity What a sad picture!
Home will laud our piesent count v
sellout system, telling how it lias pro-
duced tlie greatest men of any coun-
try. It is true It h • » produced greal
men of whom we 'ire very proud, but
tlie question is, is It doing tbe same
great work today The answer comes
from eveiv quarter, NO. It is so over
burdened witli new subjects that it is j
nearly impossible to do anything tlior
oughly enough lo ge; good results.
Now comes tbe question, what shall
we do? If we go back and cut out these
new branches, we fall behind lbs
times, we are retrograding, hiii schul
ars and our schools will not he recog-
nized as on a par with other scholars
and schools of the .States about us
We will become a loss an1 a bvw • r.I
Shall we stand for thin? if we accept
the additional subjects and put them
in our course we must provlue a way
by which the worn can be successfully
done. The old system has outlived its
usefulness no matter how badly we
hate lo own it We may as well ad-
just ourselves to the new conditions
fir>t as last, because it is belter to be
In the lead Ulan to be run over
Consolidation is tlie. only solution;
it aloue furnisoes the way by which
all uf tlie orancltes can be taught suc-
cessfully. As a proof of this take as
at, example Hie eight grade examina*
tions in Payne County. There were
119 applicants Irr diplomas, and only
25 were successful; and of llie 25 only
five were from llie country districts
County superintendents and teachers
ain<e have tried in vain to grade the
country school so Hiai it could still do
llie work successfully.
Our lawgivers have provided well
for Ibis consolidation plan or system
(thanks tu the energy and determina-
tion of a few of our puoiic spirited
menjthere are three ways now that a
consolidated school, as to transporta-
tion, may ire conducted, and which
must be settled by llie voters, namely
the old ^ay, by having Hie school
house at the center and transporting
all the children, or by all the children
transporting themselves to the center
thus saving t lie cost of hauling to tbe
district school. The third way is to
use the old school nouse for a primary
or ward school in each of tlie old dis-
tricts, up to the sixth trade, and tbe
sixth, seventh, eighth and hign school
scholars get themselves to the central
eohnol by their own conveyance, tbe
primary children walking, as they
■ave been accustomed to do. This
latter way will not till the require-
ments to draw the State aid to help
tbe building of the central schuoi
house. But nevertheless this will be
the only way some districts can unite
on account of a rough country of pov
ert y, or
The greatest benefit to be derived
from having Hie transportation quest
i ion opt iona' and lelt to the people to
| settle is. II takes away a ureal deal of
| prejudice, which has heretofore b»en
I the main objection, voting down ron-
j soildation repeatedly on. ground that
transportation was too expensive or to
! long a haul, or that tliev did not want
their children loaded Into a nation to-
A Fine Improvement
The Enterpiise intended at the turn
of it to speak in commendation of the
good work done by the Odd Fellowi
when they bad tbe doors at. the but
turn of Hiestairwav leading from the
hall having to swing outward, whose
imagination can begin to depict the
horrors of the situation o' an audiem
of one to two hundred people stamped
ed by an alarm of fire or other caust
crushed and mangled and held like
rats in a trap by an inwairi swung
dour made impossible of egress by u
piled up mass of humanity This it?
*h\ we call attention to this altera
lion in the hall outside door.
This wise and humane precaution
against, possible disaster leads us l<
remark, wh? not make some provision
against a disas* nuis tire in Mulhall.
Of course woiie this damp weather
lasts tlie chances are small, fur a big
tire, but there will be days and the
wind will blow, and fire will burn.
Our day is yet in the future, better
get ready for it now
G A. R Program
Decoration Day and Memorial Sun-
day will be observed in Mulhall as
[ usual this year
The order of the day will be nbout
t he same as in the past
A full program will be Issued next
The main matter of interest, will lie
the Decoration of the soldiers graves
at Rose Lawn Cemetery.
The procession will leave town at
10 o'clock for that purpose.
Program of songs, Music, recitations
readings and speeches, in llie arter-
noi.n at 2 o'clock
The following are the .Members of
tlie several committees
Instrumental Music Mulhall Orches-
Vocal Music I S. Dlehi, O R. Green
Mrs Green, Walter Kincaid. Miss
Wanda Oory.
Committee -,n Flowers — Comrades
Justice, Ingraham, Heiman, Mrs. Jus-
tice, Mrs, Kemp, Mrs Heiman, Mrs
MizeeandMrs McKlnley.
Committee to get Evergreens— N A
Miller, G. II. Justice. Wm. Tyler
Committee on Flags— N A Miller
and Kennedy.
Committee General Arrangements
Wood, ingraham and Miller.
Look for program next week
The Union Revival
There «"IH be a iinicn revival evan
gellstlc meeling by all the churches uf
Mulhall, beg inning May 21. The
meetings will lie conducted ny Evan-
gelists Whilwell and Krwin and will
be at Hie Wigwam, so that all the
people can attend.
Committees of arrangement have
already been appointed and will have
all things in readiness by the lime the
meeting begins
All Christian people and the public
of tlie tiwn and community are cordi-
ally Invited to attend and take part
in the meetinun.
We wish that the Singers al) meet
at tlie Presbyterian Ohurch. Friday
Pastors Jas M Maitin,
J. 8. Slagle.
♦»+++* H"H I W I I I I M I I I I M
Wo Have Plenty of the Famous
Hercules Water
From Guthrie. Coil and irv it.
Wliv uoi Iiiiv tlif in'st as limy h« it cunt uo tnoie. Itnv I'riilo
uf IVrr.v Flo!if 11itmittood nt all liint-s, him! will refund mntipv in
full ami take imck auv and all llouruot i»ntinl'actcirv.
I solicit your |introutine ami if ativ transaction is not satis-
lactorv to you I will doeni it it |il»asure lo talk the matter over
and tidiuist fliiv and all differences.
Superintendent, Rev and J. S Single
and Mrs. A l< Wood
Neil Humphrey, County Superin-
tendent has sent out Ins annua! letter
giving instructions ami recommenda-
tlnns In renard lo the coming school
election and financial arrangements
for tlie coming year The annual
school meeling is to he held June tilh
stone formations In tills vicinity.
Cemetery Notice
Tlie directors of Koselawn ceme
tery association desire to have a meel-
ing uf all who are Interested In keep-
ing up and Impruvlng tlie cemetery
next Saturday May, 20 Matters of In-
terest will be bought up preparatory
to the reguiar annual meeting and el
j Changes In the school law, makes ecuon of ofiicers to he held De'coratmn
! changes in the matters to be al tended
to liv l he
s> inlled
peopie i hat needs to be
day May, :iu after the close of the pro-
tiinm. If vow are Interested come
.1 Elliott, seov J J Estus, Pres.
gether where their associations might; ilre ilwaya k welcome Tisi-
tor At (>ur Rank
Wo offer you tht SerTicos of a
conservative and well repii
luted Bank.
Mulhall State Bank,
It. M. Kincaid, Prenident,
W. It Kincaifl, Caahif*
lead tu Immoral conduct Hut what
a change In sentiment when theie ts
a chance to get a little State uld, and
when tliey, the patrons, can determine
llie way that the children are to be
got to the suhool boase, it In aliaost
every case resolves Itself back to the
first way, that of the district furnish
lug transportation.
Nuw, I believe that the question of
netter schools Is In a fair way to be
settled right, but every une musl work
to make no mistakes, we must work
for improvement all the time, We
are either advancing or going back
ward Which shall Oklahoma do?

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Wood, A. B. Mulhall Enterprise (Mulhall, Okla.), Vol. 19, No. 20, Ed. 1 Friday, May 19, 1911, newspaper, May 19, 1911; Mulhall, Oklahoma. ( accessed April 24, 2024), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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